Anime Expo 2017 PV.
Why aren't you fuckers talking about this? Gatoh delivered, it looks on par or better than TSR.
Anime Expo 2017 PV.
Why aren't you fuckers talking about this? Gatoh delivered, it looks on par or better than TSR.
I'm sorry, but pretty much any user who watched TSR or is even aware of FMP is either gone, or on /m/
This. I barely remember anything about FMP other than Tessa being the best girl.
Currently rewatching...
I just finally got around to finishing Sigma after having it on my backlog for years.
It was a pretty good conclusion, but it leaves a lot of the humor behind after the events of TSR.
There isn't much to talk about anyway. I am glad they brought back the original character designer and a some other staff that worked on the previous 2 anime. That part always gets fucked up when a old series gets revived for a new adaptation. Also, some of the seiyuu are returning to reprise their roles, which is also nice. If there is a Eng. dub one day, I'd really like to have the old VAs come back too. (Is Chris Patton even still doing anime?)
Gatoh is handling script and composition as well, so it should be interesting to see what he will change or keep.
Guess it's about time to fully rewatch all the series. Might start with Fumoffu first.
Just reminding Gonzo >>> KyoAni's work.
Nah, Fumoffu feels more satisfying as a break for comic relief after going through the first season of FMP.
That style they used in the Gonzo adaptation is dated now.
Lost interest when they confirmed no DVMC. It's the last time the story is actually good and not edgy shit.
can't wait for the reaction to pic related
What's happening here?
Tessa and Leonard's mom being a slut.
I wouldn't be surprised if Gatoh included this because he heard of the massive infidelity issue in the US military.
I watch 2 episodes back when shit was too difficult to get a hold of and never bothered since.
The novel even implied that she participated in full-on orgy when her husband away.
Do you think Tessa inherited her slut genes?
Looks surprisingly good. I'm actually getting a bit excited again. I disliked how the LNs went full magic in the end, but might watch this.
But anime when? Still this fall or no?
Nope, the son did.
Why the hell is this the first I've heard of a PV being shown there?
Anyway, I'm excited. Hard to believe we're this is finally happening.
>anime screencap vs promotional artwork
Who the fuck is Teresa?
Suck a cock faggot
I'm so hyped.
You obviously weren't here when FMP IV got TWO stickies for it's announcement.
Men who get lots of pussy are called chads user.
>Xebec saving anime
Who would've thought. It looks fantastic. Finally an anime to look forward to.
>The novel even implied that she participated in full-on orgy
I always liked the first season the best. I think it struck the best compromise between comedy and story whereas Fumoffu was all comedy and TSR was super serious story.
Based Xebec.
I was, but I think that was just newfags wanting to be in on something, there's barely been any discussion since
>now FMP
They've done pretty well
>there's barely been any discussion since
That's because it was literally delayed for 2 years. What did you expect?
This nigger knows what he's talking about
Based off what I saw in Sigma it's only gonna get more serious from here on out.
Best girl
I can't wait for the reaction to this.
Man no matter how hard I try I really can't imagine Souske being intimate with Chidori.
Believe it
Sucks. Just hope it doesn't get pretentious.
There he goes again, using a buzzword even he doesn't understand himself.
Just a prank, bro.
I watched FMP recently. I didn't watch it a long time ago for god knows what reason.
Gonzo's FMP was great but KyoAni improved on it at all counts. They are the standard is what I'm trying to say,
Can Xebec even compete with that quality?
Why so defensive? I was just saying a hope.
>Can Xebec even compete with that quality?
I wonder. The director is a literal who, so it's pretty much up in the air right now. I think he might be a winner considering his record in the industry though.
Because you're not using that word correctly, nor did you even TRY to.
We're talking about the studio that did Yamato 2199.
I wouldn't worry about it one bit.
>Can Xebec even compete with that quality?
They'll definitely match if not top it.
The fact that they're taking this much time with it means it'll be handled properly.
Xebec is one of the best, if not the best contemporary anime studios when it comes to mecha.
TSR is inferior to season 1 starting with the fact it had 50% less episodes. Also the action in TSR was not as good, it really shows kyonai is out of their element for anything that is not SoL
Literally why are you guys comparing studios, when that only matters in terms of animation. If you're talking about how the adaption will be you should look at the actual writing staff/directing.
I dunno why Sup Forums always reverts to studio wars.
The usage was correct. You're confused.
Gonzo's art style >>> KyoAni's though. To be fair though, TSR did have better action. The pacing was just kind of bad. Iirc, there were episodes where it was almost all talking, fights were pretty far in between, but when they did happen, the animation was better than Gonzo's.
>Gonzo's art style >>> KyoAni's though.
Nah. Gonzo's looks like dated trash. It also doesn't look anything like Douji's artwork in S1
>The usage was correct.
No he's not, he's literally just spitting out a buzzword and hoping for the best. I think the word he was actually looking for is melodramatic.
thanks user, man this bring me so much memories, I still love the last novels of FMP
>I dunno why Sup Forums always reverts to studio wars.
Because Sup Forums has taken over and has brought over their inane console war mentality. It wasn't always like this.
Oh please, the fact it was waay better in pacing and art and execution with 50% less episodes speaks volumes.
At times S1 was a bore.
muh nigga, that way dont seem so old
Accuracy to reference != better. Tessa, and the girls generally, just looked way more mature in the Gonzo ver. She looks like a stump with KyoAni.
I meant pretentious. Maybe you're the one who doesn't know what that word means. If you can't wrap your head around what that post meant, that's your problem.
Tessa a best girl. This is objective fact.
>If you can't wrap your head around what that post meant,
Except I know exactly what he meant, and that's why I called him out as a stuttering buzzword idiot.
I want to bully her.
You're the idiot and all you're doing is posting out of topic. Suck a cock.
Why did such a best girl lose again?
Fumoffu is just for shits and giggles spinoff.
The story will continue to get more serious though.
Exposure. Love is as much about getting to see each other to create attachment.
I hope they retain the art. Chidori looks generic in this one.
It will be the same reaction I had back then.
>This is really stupid
>This is really dumb
>This doesn't make any sense
>She's going to fuck that guy now? I don't like this anymore
More than 8 years later, and it seems I haven't matured.
Reminder he was right and he sacrificed for us all
Dumb namefag.
>being worried is dumb
really user
Being a namefag is dumb.
>Also the action in TSR was not as good
It's mostly because they're getting a lot of the old staff back for it, I wouldn't give all the credit to Xebec.
No, it's next Spring so we have about half a year to almost a year left perhaps.
>they're getting a lot of the old staff back
B-but no Takemoto ;_;
I'm so happy that my man Gatoh finally gets to adapt his series into anime all the way to the end. FMP was one of my gateway in 2002 or so and over the years I've bought the dvds, the manga adaptations and the novels so I feel like I've done my part in making this happen.
Woah, Kyoani contrarians really can't stop can't they ? Im sorry but I rewatched both back to back and TSR has better pacing and action.
I like both seasons, but TSR was the better one. It doesn't mean that Gonzo was a steaming pile of shit (because it isn't, they've done some very good work in the past and even now they manage to still do good things even though they are half-dead), nor does it means that first season is bad.
Why do you guys always have to instigate those pointless arguments against successful studios ? When it's not KyoAni it's Trigger, when it's not Trigger it's Shaft, when it's not Shaft it's fucking Madhouse.
Fuck you.
I just want to see my waifu Laevatein on screen,
Belial better
It can't be helped.
>new Kino
>new FMP
wew lad
Fuck you.
>there's barely been any discussion since
There's barely been any discussion since because there's barely been anything to discuss.
I remember watching TSR. I remember finishing the last Funi DVD and thinking to myself: "I wonder how long it will be until the next season? Maybe next year... nah, that's too optimistic."
What's really funny is that because I watch FMP dubbed, I also remember wondering whether I'd be able to resist torrenting weekly fansubs instead of waiting for year-delayed DVDs. But now it's been so long, and the industry has changed so much, that ironically that won't be a problem.
With all that said, I welcome this thread.
Where the hell is Vandread S3.
Im glad Kyoani is not doing FMP IV. All hail Xebec!
English or Jap voice is better?
They're both really good. If the Tormaid releases are on the new nyaas, those are dual-audio.
I Wish its the healthy artists of xebec doing it.
Who is watching? Tessa?
Reminder if you don't think Mao is best girl you're a phenomenal pussy
Leonard, her brother. Tessa never found out about their mom's... side activities.
Misusing spoiler tags only makes it more cancerous.
This is correct.
I won't deny it.
I guess that explain a lot of things about Leonard personnality. Poor child.
Feels good nobody here claiming the true best girl.
I want to have sex with the Laevatein.
How good is the toy anyway?
Im considering it probably after the anime?
I haven't read Sigma in years, but I also seem to remember her trying to bargain Leonard in exchange for her life when Amalgam raided their home. She wasn't the best person around to say the least.
But she did know. That's why Tessa is better than Leonard. Even though she did know, she didn't let that mess her up.
It's been too long. It wasn't shown though, right? There was just internal monologue from Tessa stating she also knew I think.