What does Sup Forums think about modern freemasonry? Just old people hanging out or something more insidious?
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My grandpa was apparently one. My dad never found out really what they do. I’ve seen a few around town and it’s always old dudes in fez hate going in.
I think it’s just a place for senior citizens that aren’t completely decrepit to hang out that isn’t the old folks home. They seem to just do community work and fundraiser stuff
Also let me share this old nazi movie about masons here, it's called Occult Forces and has to do with the subject
It's useful for networking. There are a lot of very successful people that got and give opportunities to and from fellow members.
My dad was one until he had me said it was generally just old policemen hanging out getting drunk and I doubt he's lying because he's the one who redpilled me as a teenager but that may be because his boss was a jew who also was in the freemasons. Pic related is near my flat.
It's a glorified rotary club these days imo.
I heard there's a Masonic ritual where they tape cockroaches onto paper airplanes and throw them off balconies. Can anyone confirm?
They're both legit, just chartered from the Antients or the Moderns when they were separate.
You might be thinking of Prince Hall.
Pretty good people in my experience. Useful as almost everyone has ties in the community which carry some sort of sway.
I don't know a lot but they believe some funny things about the solomon's temple, lucifer and judas
The freemasons and most of the secrets societies are the jewish good goys, they promotes liberalism and securalism. They think that are doing a good thing for society and the jews feeds their ego and manopulates them to do things pro jews. Thats why hitler banned the (((secret societies)))
Christ you faggots think everything is about Jews
They’re literally old men who do community fundraisers and community work for their local towns. They don’t answer to some higher authority for a conspiracy to spread political shit.
Hitler banned secret societies because he didn’t want anyone ursurping and undermining his regime. Look at history and see that all dictatorships did the same things.
Correct. Hitler banned Free masons specifically and raided and banned all there lodges and found the membership list and kind of black listed them in Europe unless they converted away from freemasonary. They are litteraly jews pets .
>converted away
How can you convert from a club?
And it wasn't banned specifically. All private clubs were disallowed (except Vril?), and pretty much all freedom of association.
You smell like a free mason kike lover . Get that circumsized jew cock out your mouth. Spain and Italy also banned and kicked out the freemason rats
well it isn't really just a club. there's an ideology that comes along with it.
Freemasonry is down right evil and jewish go to the website www.masonicinfo.com they admit freemasonry is jewish
They also put subliminal messages on the super bowl have time shows ti dumb down the masses in preparation for the Beast system. MTV as well is in a freemasonic temple in Canada
The burger and a pop for 2 bucks is a trick to get your loose change.
>there's an ideology that comes along with it
No paco you're wrong totally wrong
Yes but freemasons where the only other group being accused of working side by side with iews. They are the jews second in command . They had to swear a oath and there loyalty to hitler and Germany and forever leave freemasonry behind.
Yeah it’s a big conspiracy, I’m a shariablue faggot who’s paid to single out posts that mention freemasonry to shill and do damage control to CONTROL THE NARRATIVE
Fucking autists
Nah, doesn't really have dogma. Everything is up for being questioned.
>freemasons where the only other group being accused of working side by side with iews.
Well that's a lie. Hell, the communist clubs were another one accused of that. Except in that case true.
>They had to swear a oath and there loyalty to hitler and Germany
Which is funny, because they would have already done that in lodge.
You guys are idiots. Read the book
F&AM is prince hall. It's niggers and irregular.
If freemasonry is evil, why would they put insidious subliminal messaging in shit to draw attention to themselves, and you’re the only one that knows?
Do you realize how unobservant people are of what they’re watching? You think subliminal, on any level, resonates with them? And if so, what the fuck is it brainwashing them to do huh?
The reindeer makes a salad after happy hour?
I mean why else would you be spouting completely wrong information about the freemasons unless ethier A. your one of them or B. you have not researched them enough to know what they are about ( takes 5 min)
>that symbol is on the Supreme Court of Israel in Jerusalem
Really makes you think
>F&AM is prince hall.
Nope. Prince Hall can be both AF&AM and F&AM. It's the "Prince Hall" which is the the differentiator. And it's not irregular. Those niggers often do it better than the mainstream guys.
I was about to point that out thanks
ok shortformfag.
I think they should stop fucking with psychics.
my fault, I thought that you thought you knew what you were talking about.
Serving the Jews by getting all people of influence into a big club ran by Jews. Trump, Clinton, Bush are all Masons.
modern freemasonry is attune to pay-to-play larping
>If freemasonry is evil, why would they put insidious subliminal messaging in shit to draw attention to themselves, and you’re the only one that knows?
If you read the book " The hierarchy" by Alic bailey (33rd degree mason of the Scottish rite) she talks about how they put subliminal messages and symbols on tv to get people into occultism eith these symbols. There is also predictive programing which comes from another freemason Aliester crowley who wrote a book called "Book of the law" wgere he says that you must show people your plans subliminally so that you can releave your self of the guilt. Thats why youbsaw 911 on movies and tv shows years before it happend
I do. Just curious about the "shortform" bit. Which, only America (and not the PHA lodges) uses because memorising a page can be a bit hard for you chaps.
Also, most GLs in the Northeast of USA (such as Pennsylvania) are F&AM. So you might want to consider that when you're pretending to be a member.
Came out in 1996
I found one of my dads masonry book (actually scottish rite) "Clausen's Commentaries on >Morals and Dogma"
my grandpa was very big in the masons/shriners, less so my dad
At its core it seems to be a reverent society to hold oneself up to higher standard of moral
its very interesting
Because I’ve been around them and witnessed it enough in my life to know you’re a fucking idiot.
Look, I’m sorry Jews have ruined your life, but not everything that has even the slightest tie or thinnest thread of cross involvement to Jews is somehow always an insidious master plot meant to undermine your faggot ass.
If you actually went outside and found your nearest freemasonry you can find out a tremendous amount more from first hand accounts (or break into one of their buildings) if you really want to see what they’re about.
Instead you believe that some kind of “super secret” society would brazenly put symbols and monuments everywhere to something insidious, and think autists like you wouldn’t notice? You give Jews too much credit
Bunch of older guys trying to get political power and good loan/zoning decisions from the "brothers".
Are freemasons usually rightwing or leftwing?
Look this this Sup Forums not reddit conspiracy, with that being said you should expect these guys to bring up "race' and of course the jews. They do play a big role thou you have to admit that right?
one of us is pretending to understand something and it isn't me.
>33rd degree mason of the Scottish rite)
>she talks
Something ain't adding up here.
Pretty well right wing, since it's all about education and meritocracy. But people confuse it for left wing because of all the charity shit.
Does that mean you've given up?
>promote secularism
>a majority of lodges require you to declare your belief in a divine creator, or at the very least some sort of holy scripture
Left wing socialist. Study the history and you will see they were behind many revolutions
I know when and where I was raised.
its you
the clandestine lodges have different mor and the attire and symbols are different by law
they wear blue fezzes ffs
You know some shitty buzzwords, it would seem. But even as far as American Rite goes, they're lacking.
nigger lodge
figured you were posing.
And i'm guessing you don't have your own dues card to post.
See, a member would know the niggers aren't all clandestine.
A previously gnostic institution that fell for the paper-Jew. It's organized crime and weekend golf players now.
You think only men can be masons?
Alice Bailey
Quote from Foster bailey
They're Jews.
>You think only men can be masons?
Yup, because that's fact. But of course there are fake organisations out there where women, atheists, and the mentally infirm can pretend to be Freemasons.
>dues card
you can know me in the dark
>niggers aren't all clandestine
found the prince hall nigger
My grandpa was also one, all he ever did in my bumfuck town was have barbecues and drink beer with the boys.
>you can know me in the dark
Is this a come on? Because it's a poor way of weaseling out of posting your dues card, which, an American Rite member seems to always keep on their person. Primitives.
>found the prince hall nigger
We don't have PHA here. Or niggers, really. Abos can't join.
oh, so are you AF&AM then?
You are one fucking retarded mason jew lover . I have presented all the facts and data and your just saying I'm a conspiracy theorist schizo? Looks like Sup Forums is being targeted as a recruiting ground for masons because I can tell you for a fact this thread and all these weird ass pro mason replies are being done by a group of people are replying to each other . Even the first like 5 posts in this thread are all pro mason . I hope all the lurkers don't fall for this kike bs
This explanation is the most likely. ShareBlue pedo fag.
Not American Rite, so we don't use the moniker. But yea, the full name for the GL includes Antient because of the majority of lodges forming it were chartered under the Antients. The rest were Scottish.
I don’t pretend to know who does and doesn’t play a big role in anything. Yeah it’s certainly concerning that so many Jews are in the media but that doesn’t mean every Jew is some kind of evil, mind altering person hellbent on destroying western civilization.
I don't get it, the lodge from which Berlusconi is from is extreme right and anti-communist, while the French Masons are mostly socialists. Am I right? The Grand Orient of France seems to support the Socialist Party.
This shit is confusing.
>while the French Masons are mostly socialists
The Grand Orient, yes. There are legit French lodges. They're just dwarfed by the GO because it welcomes jews, atheists, and women. It also interferes actively in politics, which is another thing real lodges aren't able to do.
That's why Freemasonry gets so much bad press.
>Break into their buildings.
Not a bad idea. Let the secret societies fund the coming Holocaust.
Kill yourself stormfag. Your underwater Cambodian basket weaving board is not as special as your delusional fat ass thinks. Why the fuck would they want to recruit here? What fucking meds are you on? When was the last time you had human contact?
You are a fucking cancer on this board pushing your (yes, schizo) conspiracy theories that everything ties back to the Jews. Do you have cork board after cork board in your house tying everything pinned on them with red fabric threads to Jews?
You think you’re somehow worth these “overlords” time to brainwash. If there was a conspiracy, this wouldn’t be the place they’d be spending time and manhours/money. The stupid mouth breathing masses are much easier
Masons were behind the French and American revolutions. Basically started liberal democracy. This can be good or bad depending
Fake organizations out there
My last name is Mason and my family has been in the freemason community since the 1700s when my ancestor George Mason helped found America(a simple Google search). I grew up in a pedo ring that I'm currently finally at 21 trying to expose. I know for a fact cops and other government workers were in on it, and I also know for a fact it has to do with freemasonry. Tell me, how are freemasons so moral and such outstanding citizens when my own father along with his freemason friend attempted to get me drunk at the age of 14 to "see what kind of drunk I would be" How could this be so when at the age of 12 my father did nasty things with the excuse of "being asleep" Explain to me how this is true when after being caught with 100s of kiddie porn videos and pictures they dropped the charges on him and didnt investigate the 100s of children he had worked with 1 on 1. You can spew your bullshit propaganda, but I was a victim of freemasonry, I was drugged and pretty much pimped out to my dad's "brothers"
Pic related, my last name on my ID as proof.
I want to know what their rituals were.
I get that but once again. This is pol not reddit conspiracy so expect these retards to think every hew is that way
didn't even read . Stay mad mason boy , really makes you mad when your pedo jew loving cult is exposed huh? The thing is anyone reading our argument has the power to research everything I said and verify it themselves . your making yourself out to look like a complete spazz. Is this the first time someone has exposed you vermin and that's why your so mad ?
Basically just philo semite pedophile freaks at the higher ranks. And larping old fags at the lower ranks.
The Freemasons defended Catholics for a very long time. Kikes infiltrated them, though. My dad was/is a mason and was very redpilled. They were essentially a brotherhood. They'd have barbecues and all our families would hang out. It was nice. I remember getting a DWI and his mason friend let me out (didn't even have to pay bail).
They don't accept atheists but remove strongly religious people.
My guess is that they think that either:
A) Religion competes with their dogmas or practices
B) They want you to believe in a higher power but be malleable enough to make you believe in "ThE ArChItEcT" and use that to justify their dogmas, practices and control
your finger nails need to be gassed
How do you have 3 thumbs?
Didn’t read. It’s easy to disregard someone when you don’t agree with them and it doesn’t fit your narrative. Goes both ways huh
>but remove strongly religious people.
Since when?
does it really doe?
*taps fez*
how many apples grow on a tree?
I think alot of it is dependent on what kind of Job you have. If you can be a super useful Good goy you'll be tapped into a side lodge
Can anyone give me the run down on the Shriners Hospital commercials? I remember seeing them every once in a while but now they are everywhere with that Alec kid who looks like a man child. I’m all for helping sick kids but there seems to be more to the story.
The teachings of Freemason Manly P Hall are some of the best occult teachings regarding Aryan history of Atlantis.
KKK used to be the dominating force behind a lot of chapters due to police membership, unfortunatley just like the catholic church Freemasonry has been bastardized into a jew pedo club.
>Nazi crap
Doesn't fit together shill
Just boomers LARPing as secret society.
Nigger your words might have meaning if we didn't experience the level of paid shilling going on here. Tell your pedo boss David Brock that his days are over.