I see Chinks and Indians fucking everywhere but have yet to see an African American person in my entire life.
You Muricans willing to trade?
I see Chinks and Indians fucking everywhere but have yet to see an African American person in my entire life.
You Muricans willing to trade?
I support this motion, niglets for Austria
We will give you 5,000 ghetto niggers 7500 welfare queens for you Indian Asian doctors .
Enjoy the cancer.
You can just fuck off cunts
>You Muricans willing to trade?
Not since the 1860s?
Oh... I see Australia is actually already familiar with violent Criminal Blacks.
My bad OP.
actually we have a lot of indians and chinks we need to lose, so you can have all of them and the niggers too.
The ugly mexicans as well.
And stop diddling those little boys.
We will give you all our blacks for your chinks and half your Indians. Deal, no backing out.
Who makes these sculptures? Are they blissfully unaware, do they realize their mistake too late, or do they work intentionally, giggling all the while?
YES! How many do you want? We'll give you a 10 -to-1 deal. 100-to-1? Fuck, you've convinced me. Take em all.
What's your problem? It's a perfectly reasonable deal! Don't be unreasonable!
We don’t need any more Indians, we will just give them all of our niggers for free, no charge :) we are just nice and generous people
I'm very certain a jew had a final say on the design... it has kike bs written all over it
i don't know about australia
but i need that particular african american woman to sit on my face
i'll make that trade all fucking damn day long. i would take spics, chinks, mudshits, poos, gypsies, abbos... fucking ANYTHING over our niggers. they're the worst of the worst and if you dont think so, you've simply never spent any time here
Be careful of what you wish for.
There is a reason why even Africans despise American blacks.
Surely the burgers would be more than happy to comply, because Pajeets and chinks at least go to work.
this has potential. if America is such a shithole and the police are so violent, it's only humane to help the poor and down trodden get to the real lands of opportunity, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. I bet both sides could be memed into supporting it
>Support African-American refugees
>they're also fleeing an oppressive, war torn country
>You Muricans willing to trade?
Trade? You can fucking have them.
your lying. your littered with nigs. apex is a gang of nigs you faggots have. also you have had abos for the longest time. its basically the same thing
Wow niggers are the best at something!
Lol no, you're stuck with those niggers till the end of times.
The Negroid did in fact invent Ebola, Malaria and Aids.
Those are mindboggling inventions, far beyond western scientific knowledge.
>We need more Africans in this country!!!
Said no one ever
is wakanda "real"?, you know, to them?
I call bullshit! That had better not be real!
Sit down boi.
You can have them all, just keep in mind the negresses come with baby daddies
Jesus Christ.
Suck a baby dick pedro! The second one is a troll, if that first one is anything but a troll the universe is fucked beyond belief!
You now realise 85 IQ was the official threshold for Retardation.
But the Jews decreased it to 70 as to not offend the Negroids.
Omfg....what did I watch?
A baptism?
Negroids see cows as a portable water supply.
>If I Stimulate the cows ass enough and it gives me water for wash my face
Does that count as an invention?
Are you a literal retard?
I hope they fried on the electric chair.
>African American
user, it's 2018. They prefer to be called niggers. Get that sorted first.
And consider yourself lucky - for a lot of people, it's the last thing they see.
I've seen this claim a couple of times. Do you have a source?
Don't shoot the messenger Nige.
I know you're trolling but kill yourself anyway
Lo ciento hermano
The hair gets larger and larger
The brains get smaller and smaller and the opinions get more and more BLOWN OUT.....
i see that both of us got a pair of repeating numbers
unironically kill yourself
I'll trade our blacks and Hispanics for all your white people. Anything other than that is a no deal.
Would bleach ops pic.
Have you seen what the niggers have been doing in Victoria and now Queensland? At least chinks and street shitters don't do home invasions.
wouldn't they be African Australian?
Keep fantasizing white boy