Feminism and progressivism are mental illnesses.
She doesn't swallow the red pill but got a taste of one.
Feminism and progressivism are mental illnesses.
She doesn't swallow the red pill but got a taste of one.
>has a paradigm shifting experience that she admits let's her see things in a new light
>ends the column wondering how she can forget it and go back to her old modus operandi
I really don't want to say all women, but God damnit why are all cunts like this?
>kike moves south
>Hates everything about it
>feels bad when her worldview is shattered
Yankee transplants are a fucking plague of locusts.
>rural retard "fixing" something with zip ties
>haha city slicker got RED PILLED by MAGAPEDE xdddd
I respect the rural way of life but you double-digit iq retards bring down the rest of civilized society in favor of racist immigration policies and tax cuts for the rich while throwing crumbs at the middle class.
Pelosi, is that you?
Please be bait.
>reminder that these so called educated Liberals in Oregon couldn't pump their own fucking gas
Besides, what would be your fix if not zip ties?
Can you even change your oil?
Fuck you Dixie. You don't know what the real struggle is like.
Here in Texas we had a containment city in the capital where all the liberals could congregate and "keep it weird" and it was a nice little blue berry in our cherry pie. Now commiefornias are moving here non-stop, have double the cost of everything in Austin and accelerated the liberalism, and now are spreading deep to Houston and Dallas.
It fucking hurts to see a bunch of rich or upper middle class shitheads move here for our lower taxes and sound conservative economic principles, but then try and force our state to be overly liberal with our money and accepting illegals just like what ruined their state to start with! They learned nothing!
>My fury has been bottomless. I drink my morning coffee from a cup that says, "I hate to wake up when Donald Trump is President."
Sounds familiar. The first thing they do is vote for the kind of leftists in state elections that ten years before wouldn't have had a chance in hell of getting into office. Not only do they get democrats elected but they convert what was a kinda centrist southern democratic state party into the Soviet Politburo, meaning the shitty rhino on the ballot is your only option and must win at all costs.
These people suck so hard at driving I bet.
>Overly cautious, very slow reaction time
>Breaklights all the time, doesn't believe in letting their foot off the gas
She can't go back now anymore than the people who post "What did you do to me, Sup Forums" threads can go back. She had a real life moment that disrupted her carefully constructed personal hallucination. I was listening to Garrison Keeler on one of his last NPR broadcasts (know your enemy) and he was talking about touring rural America. He said the main difference he noticed between liberals and conservatives post Trump was that liberals were shrill, angry and sometimes cruel and could not stop talking about Trump while the conservatives he met were generally calm, kind and had to be cajoled into talking about politics at all. He said he actually felt sort of guilty for feeling that the conservatives he met seemed, overall, to be better people. I was where she is about six or seven years ago. She's going to mentally compare the actions of her liberal friends to the man who lept into action to help her without regard to her politics. That will lead her to slowly consider what drove such a man to vote for a bombastic blowhard like Trump in the first place. And the inevitable conclusion she will reach is "it was me. Me and those like me drove this man and others like him to vote for Trump. It's my fault."
>living in a large urban center making minimum wage working in a service job is the pinnacle of coastal elitism
The level of cognitive dissonance is unbelievable. She has deluded herself and her daughter to think she's living in a dystopian world. Meanwhile, the rest of us are enjoying our low unemployment, lower taxes, and lower crime under Trump.
If Trump was truly a fascist dictator, how could she openly protest him without being thrown in jail? How crazy do you have to be to not realize you're living under a delusion?
Aren’t all of those stickers redundant when the license plate is California?
The strong independent woman should have REFUSED help from the ignorant redneck. She's guilty of furthering the patriarchy! I guess all that goes out the window once a little trouble comes along.
There are no atheists in foxholes and there are no feminists when their cars break down, I guess.
>This jew lives in Charlotte
Get out my town you Carpetbagger!
Same thing happening in northern New England with Massholes moving north and shitting everything up.
It's no different here in Florida. New yorkers and Puerto Rican are flooding this damn state like no tommorow.
And they don't assimilate into the culture of the state. Pisses me the fuck off. I was born in Japan and raised culturally Japanese. Now I'm pretty much Cletus Kobayashi now. Is it really that damn hard to assimilate?
Last part was great.
Don't be that way. She openly admits she was judgemental, felt bad about it, and had begun to reconsider, if not her politics, her way of viewing 'the enemy'. The biggest problem with almost all of you (us) is that 'the enemy' is a nameless, faceless entity. That only helps evil ideologies, though.
Her words will resonate with other women so long as people don't turn into giant cocks to her about it.
Problem is that she goes back to her mental safe space where republithugs are evil except for that one guy and she's Joan of Arc.