ITT: character that reminds you of yourself

ITT: character that reminds you of yourself

I too was left in despair

she has my personality pretty much

Literally exactly like me ecspecially his wicked sense of humour

For me it's moot. Intelligent, nihilistic and a wicked sense of humor.

Incredibly forgettable, with all the personality of someone in a coma?


Pic related? That has got to be the ugliest woman I have ever seen.


This is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It’s me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you’d see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say “Yup, that’s me”. I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I’m assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I’ve found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It’s really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it’s almost like we’re identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?

Me but a cute girl instead of a fat spic


how did u get this picture of me?!?




An impulsive, violent, naive pleaser that will bend over backwards for any random nigger and suck his cock the moment they show you any kindness at all while expecting nothing in return?

Do you have the personality of a cuckold?


It's not because I'm a kawai girl or anything. It's more about trying to be the center of the attentions and sometimes going further than I should to do so. Also, her eccentric and idiotic personality was way too relatable. The fact I related to her made the experience with the Kiznaiver to me way better than most watchers of the show.

to the point that i predicted her every move

I too will go to great lengths and a lot of effort, to achieve maximum efficiency lazyness




I actually find it depressingly hilarious on how similar I am to this guy.
