What did Jesus mean by this?

Why does Jesus only heal the white woman after she recognizes her status as a dog compared to the real children that Jesus came for?

Matthew 15:22-28
"22 A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.”
23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”
24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”
25 The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.
26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
27 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”
28 Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment."

The same story from The gospel of Mark:

Mark 7:26-29
"26 The woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter.
27 “First let the children eat all they want,” he told her, “for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
28 “Lord,” she replied, “even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”
29 Then he told her, “For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter.”"

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


The Romans made sure you never read that part, having the Bible in Latin and all.
Protestants are the ones that messed up Christianity.

Good to see that you are in the Word brother! Continue to read, Jesus has many lessons for all of us.

Its pretty obvious famalam

The "sheep of israel" (jews) are the children that are meant to receive the food, the greek (european goyim) are the dog that beg for scraps that fall from the masters table

Jesus is the davidic king of isaiah, and as such he fulfilled prophesy to come first for the Jew then for the Greek

After the resurrection there is no distinction between races as it relates to soteriology, this is an early indication of that since he blesses the woman despite being an outsider

>white people in the middle east 2000 years ago that weren't Romans or Greeks.

>The Romans made sure you never read that part
But isn't this a bad thing?
If the bible is sacred then why would there be a need to hide a portion of it?

Sure, but his lessons make me a bit apprehensive considering they label me a dog under the table

Are you a Canaanite?

>this is an early indication of that since he blesses the woman despite being an outsider
but it says when she initially asks to be healed, she is rejected

only AFTER she recognizes her status as a dog eating the scraps from the master's table does she receive a reward

This doesn't seem like racial egalitarianism to me

Yep, God gave Jews everything, but the Jews wouldn't accept the free gift of eternal life. So, God became angry with the Jews for killing his son, and gave everything to us dogs, so that we would become God's chosen ones instead of the Jews.

no, but I am white, and greeks/romans where the whites that were known of in the new testament era

The story says this woman is greek by tribe

It's not racial egalitarianism and the Bible does not support racial egalitarianism
It's an affirmation of the races and all the nations of the earth being blessed through abraham

The term used for 'dog' means literally 'little pet dogs' in Greek. She basically said "don't little pet dogs eat the crumbs from the master's table?" -- She used an allegory to show understanding that Jesus came first for the Jews, and that Gentiles would 'eat at the table' only after the Jews.

Basically, Jesus is the Jewish Messiah - he came first for them because they badly needed saving *from themselves* and their many erroneous laws added to the mosaic law. They were a mess, and Jesus comes to help sinners, not saints.

What he said to the Jews was - I've come to fulfill the (Mosaic) law, and be a sacrifice so you don't need to sacrifice any more.

To the Gentiles he simply said "love the lord your God with your whole heart, and love your neighbor as yourselves".

So you can see he had much more work to do to save the Jews, and they were his primary concern.

In the end, they rejected their Messiah, and the Gentiles (who he did not come for) accepted him, so he accepted them.

"Children" could mean many things, from Jews only to all of the faithful.

>It's not racial egalitarianism and the Bible does not support racial egalitarianism
I agree, at least as far as Jesus himself is concerned he seems to be strongly in favour of jews being at the top of the totem pole as the first and favoured children

So the goyim are little pet dogs for the masters instead of just street dogs?

Does that make it any better?

In matthew he says "lost sheep of israel". In Jesus' time Isarel was only circumcised jews

The Greek word for 'little pet dogs' was meant not as an insult, but little pet dogs were a loved part of the family, but would not eat first.

Get over the Pauline idea that Jesus came for the Gentiles, and it makes sense. He came for the Jews because they were sinners. The sins of the Gentiles was Idolatry and sexual immorality, but we had never broken a covenant with God because we didn't have one. We were always secondary to his mission, which was to save the Jews from their own corruption.

Emphasis on "lost", for some reason.
The lost sheep of Israel could mean the "others", the rest of Mankind not kin to the tradition of Hebraism, yet still recognized as the people of Israel (reminder that Israel is the Kingdom of God in traditional Hebraism and Judaism, meaning his people)

>The Greek word for 'little pet dogs' was meant not as an insult, but little pet dogs were a loved part of the family, but would not eat first.
Yes, obviously a dog can be beloved by a family, just as a negro slave that acted well might be loved by the children. But at the end of the day, we are talking about an animal, something that is clearly and distinctly lower in the hierarchy.

If someone said you were a "pet dog for the chinese" would that not make you inherently owned by and therefore lesser to the chinese? Especially in the context of who gets the real food and who gets the scraps that fall from the table?

If I call you my dog, how is that not an insult?

The Old Testament has a lot of mention of other tribes descended from Abraham that doesn't follow the monotheistic religion of Hebraism.
Also, it could be a play for words; Jesus was known for his hatred of pharisees, so he could have made that statement as double-entendre depending on who you were, hence why the woman continued nonetheless to plead with Him.

>Emphasis on "lost", for some reason.
Not really, it just says the children of israel are lost

>The lost sheep of Israel could mean the "others", the rest of Mankind
No it couldn't, nowhere in the bible is the rest of mankind referred to as "Israel" or "the children of Israel". This title refers specifically to old testament jews

>(reminder that Israel is the Kingdom of God in traditional Hebraism and Judaism, meaning his people
Yes, and who were the people of the judaic god? The practicers of judaism, also known as jews.

Remember it was the Caananite woman who called herself this, and not Jesus. He just accepted her allegory as a sign of her understanding, and helped her because of it.

There are many stories of Jesus helping pagans, gentiles and even roman soldiers because they showed faith and *humility*. If he shared the racist views of the Jews he would have turned them away.

Tossing to the dogs refers to humans in general. We do not receive grace by our virtues and neither did Jews:
>6 Understand, then, that it is not because of your righteousness that the Lord your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stiff-necked people.
Deuteronomy 9
Adam was a child of God, but behaved not like a child, rather he sinned against Him. And humans after Adam sinned even more gravely. Humanity was behaving animal like, murdering, stealing and fornicating with each other, sometimes men with men too, not with the dignity we were predestined to. Jews were granted a second chance, a new dignity, but they've forsaken it too. We've forsaken this dignity, all, Jew, Gentile, there was no difference between them.
All so that we see that only in Christ Jesus, we can be made righteous, by the grace of God, not righteous by ourselves.
And Jesus really did come after lost sheep of Israel, because Israel is created from the promise, from election to salvation, not descent from Abraham (Romans 9).
Some of those who reject Jesus and yet live, may be elect for salvation, it will only be known at the time of their conversion. But if someone, be it an ethnic Jew, rejects Christ and dies in such state of rejection, he was never chosen. Because not all who come from Israel are Israel (Romans 9,4). And may I add, not all who are Israel come from Israel, but it is enough to be child according to the promise, and it's not enough to be child merely according to the flesh. (Galatians 4,22-28)

Jesus's personal missionary goals were limited in scope. He had come primarily to preach to the Jews in a limited geographic area, though he does make some exceptions (such as the quoted example or the centurion). However, that does not mean that he did not intend for the Church to exclude the gentiles, only that he would save that work for the Apostles. For Jesus' own teachings on the gentile matter, consult his many parables, such as that of the vinyard, or hiring the laborers (to say nothing of Old Testament prophecy). For more explicit teaching regarding the relation of the Jews and the gentiles, read the epistles of St. Paul, which by the way were written many years prior to the earliest Gospel.

The Bible doesn't teach strict racial egalitarianism. It rather teaches that salvation is offered to all regardless of race ("all who have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ"), and that all men will be judged fairly according to their own actions, and not on account of their earthly heritage. As far as the Jews, they are a corporately elect people, meaning that they are not saved if they reject Christ (as Christ and St. Paul clearly said), but the New Testament outlines that the Jewish people will still have some sort of special role at the end of the world, for both good and for bad.

Now you are doing mental gymnastics.
>Not really, it just says the children of israel are lost
That they are. Both the Hebrews that follow the Mosaic law and those cousins who have abandonned it or refused it.
>No it couldn't, nowhere in the bible is the rest of mankind referred to as "Israel" or "the children of Israel". This title refers specifically to old testament jews
Yet Jesus constantly refer to the Kingdom to Come as his Bride, the Celestial Jerusalem as Mankind after the Day.
Jesus always made paraboles and symbols when describing either the Pharisees, the rest of the Hebrews, the Romans, or any opther people, in the fashion of the Old Testament.
>Yes, and who were the people of the judaic god? The practicers of judaism, also known as jews.
And that they would still be, if Jesus didn't come to complete the Covenant, which he did.

Minoans and Mycenaeans were/are Hamitic peoples. It means just what he said, he came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel-the people scattered by Assyria. His earthly ministry was for them specifically. Now to the question of who those people are. I submit that the tribes are the Europeans, as seen through the Assyrian exile and scattering and their subsequent movement into Western Europe.

Negative. The sheep of Israel and “Jews” are not the same thing. This is specifically adressed repeatedly in the OT.

>Remember it was the Caananite woman who called herself this, and not Jesus.
.........no? Clearly Jesus himself is the first one to bring up the value system of dogs vs children. The greek woman doesn't say anything about herself being a dog until jesus introduces this idea. Read both chapters again, it says:
"25 The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.
26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
You can clearly see that FIRST jesus calls her a dog, then she gets rewarded after acknowledging that she's a dog.

>There are many stories of Jesus helping pagans, gentiles and even roman soldiers because they showed faith and *humility*.
Humility in the form of submission to the jewish customs and people, just like in this story.
>He just accepted her allegory as a sign of her understanding
She agreed that she is inherently less valuable by virtue of not being a jew, and because she acknowledged this to jesus, she was rewarded. Notice that when she just asks jesus to do it for her, jesus doesn't even answer. ONLY once she acknowledges that her status is to be a dog does she get her reward.

>If he shared the racist views of the Jews he would have turned them away.
The woman is on her hands and knees begging, she is already submissive at this stage.
At this point it says "23 Jesus did not answer a word".
This is his initial response. Had she never acknowledged herself as a dog before the jews, she would not have been rewarded.

Reminder that Mark was written first and Matthew second.

So in the earliest version, she is explicitly called a Hellenized goy-- a person Romans would have no problem with. while Matthew changes it to Canaanite, which fits with the OT stories of Canaanites as the traditional enemy of the Jews.

Luke and John do not include the story at all.because they figured out it makes Jebus look bad no matter how you spin it. Moreover, it's likely the story simply ended with the insult and someone just added on the healing part later.

This story is a window into the real Jesus, real or fictional: like every good Jew, he hated goyim.


Negative. She was a Hamitic person. Canaan and his people were cursed.

You are a fool, it doesn't matter if somebody is Jew from the flesh. Flesh is worthless.
Jesus came to buy everyone out of slavery of sin:
>9 And they sang a new song, saying:
“You are worthy to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
because you were slain,
and with your blood you purchased for God
persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.
10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,
and they will reign on the earth.”
Revelation 5,9-10
And this also the meaning of "there is neither Jew nor Greek" passage, it's not that races literally do not exist now, but they mean nothing to your salvation, similarly as you being physically enslaved or free, woman or a man.

>The sheep of Israel and “Jews” are not the same thing.
But clearly, reading that story, the "sheep of israel" are a group of people that excludes people who are greek by birth.

>Tossing to the dogs refers to humans in general.
Then who are the children who are meant to receive the food first?
Who are the "sheep of israel" ? If ALL humans are included in the category of "dogs", then who are these "children" whose scraps the dogs are eating?

>The Bible doesn't teach strict racial egalitarianism.
I would argue that racial egalitarianism except for jews who are special is a lot worse than straight up racial egalitarianism

>You are a fool
"But I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment; and whosoever shall say to his brother, ‘Raca,’ shall be in danger of the council; but whosoever shall say, ‘Thou fool,’ shall be in danger of hell fire."
--Matt 5:22

>Canaan was cursed
Yes he was. And?
He will not harbor his anger forever, for those who fear Him and hate their transgressions.
8 The Lord is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
9 He will not always accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
Psalm 103

>I would argue that racial egalitarianism except for jews who are special is a lot worse than straight up racial egalitarianism
Except if the New Testament keeps bashing Jews as a race of corrupters and of traitors.
Read it from start to finish. You get the impression that the Jews were promised to be the exemplar of Mankind but fell because of their own pride. The New Testament almost finishes on the note that Jews deserve burning.

>without a cause
I called you a fool, not because I view myself as wiser than you (you may be wiser than me on some other issues), rather because of what you've wrote. What you wrote I consider foolish.
I too write foolish things from time to time, for I do not possess all the knowledge. In such times, the most charitable thing to do, is call out people on their foolishness.

What kind of crazy mental gymnastics is this?

The lost sheep of israel are europeans but jesus rejects a greek woman because she's not a part of the lost sheep of israel? This is turning both history and that story on it's head

>Except if the New Testament keeps bashing Jews as a race of corrupters and of traitors.
how can they be a race of corrupters and traitors if jesus himself was a jew of the flesh?

>Read it from start to finish.
I have, there is absolutely no reading that you can have that doesn't elevate the jews to a status of a special people, pre-or post jesus. Even if you believe a lot of them are going to hell, the ones that DO believe in jesus are still special, since they are the "real" branches of the tree, rather than "unnatural" tag-alongs like Paul says

Pagan nations were idolators who did horrible things and people of that era were collectivists. It's not an ethnic heirarchy, it's a national heirarchy.

The old covenant stipulates that Israel will accept God and become priests to convert the gentile nations. It's in the promise that Abraham's offspring would bless many nations. Jesus at that point is preparing Israel for this duty (which will be fulfilled later by the apostles and other Hebrew Christian converts)

It is entirely about order of conversion, not racial or ethnic heirarchy. And because your culture considers "little dogs" or "puppies" offensive it doesn't mean that culture did. It's like criticizing someone for calling his wife "honey" because it's made by bugs puking. And "Greek" just means hellenized, canaanites were not white.

They didn't worship God.. asshole ..whites are arm chair experts in everything.. go back to eating Doritos Kirk! It's called actually reading Cody, not looking in a mirror and seeing cumskin and pretending to know everything

Ephesians 2:11-22 New International Version (NIV)
Jew and Gentile Reconciled Through Christ

11 Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called “uncircumcised” by those who call themselves “the circumcision” (which is done in the body by human hands)— 12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

Read whitey... Weak dumb faggot.. Nazis hated whites / Christian's and created Babylon-srael .. your the degenerate sun stroke pagan cave monsters not me




>In matthew he says "lost sheep of israel". In Jesus' time Isarel was only circumcised jews

You are confusing an Old Covenant mission with New Covenant evangelizing. Jesus sent his apostles out to Israel because (as I mentioned in an earlier post) that nation was supposed to bless the nations around it by acting as a nation of "priests." That mission was the beta, the new testament era is the release. And anyone could have joined the beta as either a god-fearing gentile or a fully converted, circumcised jew.

Jews aren't Israelites. Jesus was the jews greatest enemy.

To be fair, that is exactly what happened and what is continuing to happen

>Humility in the form of submission to the jewish customs and people,

No it isn't. Jesus had a low view of jewish "custom" as emphasized by the fact that he fellowshipped with people other schools of thought would have excluded (people considered sinful, tax collectors, etc.) The reason Jesus cleaned the temple out in the first place is because they were using the court of the gentiles for money exchange instead of allowing it as a space for worship as intended. The jews doing that had such a low view of gentiles that they physically excluded them by filling their reserved space with coin changers and animal sellers. Jesus sees humility before God as a good thing, not "Jews" unless the Jews are acting as agents of God. As far as their ethnic value in Jesus' view God can always make more "sons of Abraham" out of stones that are lying all over the ground.

>since they are the "real" branches of the tree, rather than "unnatural" tag-alongs like Paul says

Paul only uses the "added" branches metaphor in the first place because he just got finished levying a devastating condemnations of the Jews that rejected Christ and he doesn't want gentile Christians to shame them:

“God gave them a spirit of stupor,
eyes that could not see
and ears that could not hear,
to this very day.”[c]

9 And David says:

“May their table become a snare and a trap,
a stumbling block and a retribution for them.
10 May their eyes be darkened so they cannot see,
and their backs be bent forever.”[d]

You are deliberately taking it out of context to make it seem as though Paul is setting Jews higher than gentiles. He isn't, he's trying to keep Jews from being set "lower" than gentiles because of the wickedness/rebellion of other Jews. Paul hopes that when the other Jews see how God is blessing the gentiles then the other Jews will come to their senses and join the Kingdom of God.

>why would there be a need to hide a portion of it?

Because they had edgy teenagers back in ancient times too. They took God's name out of the bible to keep kids from using his name in vain. They were trying to get folks into heaven despite themselves.

>he's trying to keep Jews from being set "lower" than gentiles because of the wickedness/rebellion of other Jews.

Correction/clarification: He doesn't want CHRISTIAN Jews to be shamed or considered lower tier because of the misdeeds of other Jews.

I kind of agree.

So why did God start with the Jews? And the holy land? Was it geographically ideal? Because they had a tendency to write things in stone?

Like, I see God having to have a goal:

1. Get the Perfect Word recorded
a. This required lots of kings and prophets like David and Solomon to write
b. This required lots of prophets within this semi stable framework
c. Therefore God used the hand of providence to gift and bless them to allow these insights into his nature to be written

2. Have the Christ born as prophecies predicted so that the word and the salvation would be completed and the covenant of Grace could be spread to ALL mankind.

3. After the resurrection have the 12 become the 70 and so forth to have them spread the word to the corners of the earth.

So if those where the goals and he had to start somewhere, it seems like the central bottle neck of europe/asia/africa would be the ideal spot.

Afterwards blessing the "goy" European enough to invent sea travel to finish the job.

Mission complete? How else would this final goal have been done? Starting in Scandinavia, they didn't even record the norse paganism in stone, starting in the Americas or Australia would've been too isolated, same for east Asia.

I dont really have a point, but to say there had to be "a people" that were chosen.

>Pagan nations were idolators who did horrible things
Does this include the japanese ? What about the chinese ? Or are you just saying that white people alone are inherently filthy animals?

>And because your culture considers "little dogs" or "puppies" offensive it doesn't mean that culture did.
Have you ever read the bible ? The new testament CONSTANTLY uses the term "dog" to refer to someone who is lesser, or filthy.
for example Philippians 3:2 "Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers"

or proverbs 26:11
"As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly."

or exodus 11:7
"But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast: that ye may know how that the Lord doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel."

Obviously dog is a derogatory term. Have you not ever even opened the bible?

>Jesus sent his apostles out to Israel because (as I mentioned in an earlier post) that nation was supposed to bless the nations around it by acting as a nation of "priests."
This already implies a hierarchy with jews at the top

> And anyone could have joined the beta as either a god-fearing gentile or a fully converted, circumcised jew.
But very few did, this is why they spoke of
"seed of abraham" and not some multitude

>No it isn't. Jesus had a low view of jewish "custom"
He was justified by following judaism perfectly, this is the entire point

>Jesus sees humility before God as a good thing, not "Jews" unless the Jews are acting as agents of God
...yes, and in his time the jews ARE the "agents of god", which is why she forces this greek woman to dance and announce her inferiority to the jewish race before giving her the scraps.

>Jews that rejected Christ
Paul shitting on the specific jews that reject christ doesn't say anything about the ones that ACCEPTED christ. Their special status as the special original branch is still intact

>You are deliberately taking it out of context to make it seem as though Paul is setting Jews higher than gentiles.
It doesn't need to be taken out of context, it very clearly says
"24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert grafted CONTRARY TO NATURE into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the NATURAL BRANCHES, be grafted into their own olive tree?"

Who are the unnatural branches that are grafted in "against nature" ? Who are the "natural" branches, that will "much more" be grafted back into their own tree?

The answer is not difficult, you are blinded by desperate rationalization.

Do you forget that the Jews were forever cursed by God who essentially wiped his hands of them? Scattering them forever accross the earth, condemned in the scriptures as the killer of Christ?

Once Stephen was stoned, the prophecy of Daniel was completed.

>greeks/romans where the whites that were known of in the new testament era

>Do you forget that the Jews were forever cursed by God who essentially wiped his hands of them?
Does this include the jew who is god?
What about those jews who accepted jesus?

Complete incoherency

Jesus wasn't a real person. The first Christians didn't believe in a flesh-and-blood Jesus, merely a spiritual one.

>pic related

Atheist shoo-shoo

not an answer

If jews were forever cursed by god, does that include jesus himself and those jews who believed in him?

And if not, then how are "the jews" cursed, if there are exceptions?

>Does this include the japanese ? What about the chinese ? Or are you just saying that white people alone are inherently filthy animals?

If the chinese were castrating their sons and fucking them in the ass then they can stand in line with the hellenized pagan woman.

>Have you ever read the bible

You were already informed about the semantic difference between the greek words used in this case and how it's different from other cases. Pointing out that dogs are also used in other idiomatic ways is irrelevent. "Bitch" refers to dogs, so does "pup" and "alpha male," all three are used idiomatically in different ways despite all referring to the same animal.

>This already implies a hierarchy with jews at the top

You're conflating ethnic "jew" with national membership / religious affiliation. Jesus (and the bible in general) only exalts those who are considered "Elect" or "remnants." Being ethnically Jewish doesn't mean shit to Jesus or the writers of the Old Testament if you aren't right with God.

Gentiles before the new covenant could also be right with God and could worship God as either god-fearing gentiles or full-blown converts who had undergone circumcision.
> the jews ARE the "agents of god",
There were god-fearing gentiles who worshipped the God but didn't convert to Judaism and there are gentile agents of God throughout the old testament. There aren't even any Jews until Jacob's sons are born. You are playing semantic games because you know there's ambiguity in the bible on how the word "Jew" is used.

There were Greeks with Israelite riots. It’s where the Septuagint came from. He is talking to one particular woman. Every one on one encounter in the Bible is not a uniform instruction en masse

>Their special status
If they had a special status then Paul wouldn't have had to use the metaphor in the first place. He explicitly says:

do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you. 19 You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.” 20 Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant

The point of the passage is to prevent Jews from being shamed and gentiles from being arrogant. That would not even be possible if Jews were considered special to the Christians in the church Paul was writing to.
> you are blinded
You're playing semantic games to try and drive an ideological wedge for whatever group you are shilling for. There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of pol's "anti-semitism" but you are employing none of them and should keep your forked tongue behind your lips.

thanks user. i learned a new word today

Israel in the Bible means the house of Jacob, not the so-called jews who inhabit the land of Israel.
Canaanites were ba’al and molech worshippers, sound familiar?

u wot m8

He didn’t harbor his anger. He healed her daughter. The curse still stands, just like the curse of sin and death stands for the elect.

I suggest you read the NT and learn how any man can get saved, even a Jew. Your point seems to below this threads subject matter, go troll another thread

>24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”
>25 The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.
>26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
>27 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”
>28 Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment."

Maybe it means, the woman tried to get a service that was not meant for her because she doesn't belong to the lost sheep of Israel.

the metaphor for that was taking bread (Jesus' healing service) which is made for the children (of Israel) and give it to the dogs (everybody who's not a sheep of Israel)

She says that dogs eat food that falls from their masters table even though the food was not made for the dogs. They just try to get some crumbs.
And the woman trys to get some crumbs of Jesus healing powers even though she knows it's not meant for her.

Could this be an interpretation?

>Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment."
The passage you quoted gives the answer you illiterate stormwigger.

Also, this psalm is prophetic toward the Messiah and the remnant. Grace does not absolve earthly punishment.

Jesus Christ cast spirits out of people but have you ever thought about what the spirits do?
Have you ever realised that nobody ever cast any spirits out of Jesus Christ.
Yes, it is very possible that some of the behaviours of Christ were due to the fact that he had a possession.
If you are aware of what happens to a person when they are possessed, then you will easily be able to spot the symptoms in the behaviours of Christ.

Pagan Roman, detected.
Stop larping as a Christian, spaggettinigger

>it is very possible that some of the behaviours of Christ were due to the fact that he had a possession.

Oh okay thanks for the head's up, Caiaphas

>If the chinese were castrating their sons and fucking them in the ass then they can stand in line with the hellenized pagan woman.
You are utterly brainwashed, poor thing.

Did europeans eat poop as well? Did they go to sleep in mud puddles? This is the level of propaganda you have been infected with.

To recap: Are you or are you not saying, that white people UNIQUELY are by their very nature filthy animals, in a way that chinese and japanese are not? Yes or no.

>"Bitch" refers to dogs, so does "pup" and "alpha male," all three are used idiomatically in different ways despite all referring to the same animal.
But the bible does not use "pup", it uses DOG. The same greek word for DOG ("kύνας") that is used in philippians to say "beware of dogs". I can't believe you're still trying to push this point, it's an utterly blatant lie

>You're conflating ethnic "jew" with national membership / religious affiliation.
These were one and the same. There were no "jews" in the old or new testament that weren't related to the seed of abraham/sons of abraham

>There were god-fearing gentiles who worshipped the God but didn't convert to Judaism and there are gentile agents of God throughout the old testament.
These are exceptions that prove the rule, they are not featured at all -you know this.

>There aren't even any Jews until Jacob's sons are born.
Jacob's sons are born very early in the old testament, this doesn't create any ambiguity about what this special elect group is.

>You are playing semantic games because you know there's ambiguity in the bible on how the word "Jew" is used.
What semantics is there? These terma are obvious, the term "Yehudah" from hebrew was used LOOOONG before jesus was even born.

"The Hebrews and Israelites were already referred to as "Jews" in later books of the Tanakh such as the Book of Esther, with the term Jews replacing the title "Children of Israel"."

Jesus is literally accused of this in the Bible, and makes his accusers look like dumb bitches.
Matthew 12:26
If Satan forces Satan out, he is divided against himself. How, then, can his kingdom last? 27 If I force demons out of people with the help of Beelzebul, who helps your followers force them out? That’s why they will be your judges. 28 But if I force demons out with the help of God’s Spirit, then the kingdom of God has come to you.

It shows that his words were not for Jews only. If you don't understand how revolutionary this simple fact has been and still is, you don't understand Christianity.

Don't get hung up on the apparent arrogance or xenophobia that are natural to the Jewish environment. Nobody would have understood Jesus if he hadn't had them.

Bbile was re-written many many many...many times, I'm pretty sure this was was written after the Romans and Greeks era

who tf reads the bible any ways ?

>There were Greeks with Israelite riots.
how is this relevant? Let's say she was one of these rather than a pure-blooded greek - what does this change?
>Every one on one encounter in the Bible is not a uniform instruction en masse
What does this even mean? Are you saying Jesus' attitude could potentially be different if it were some other greek woman?

>If they had a special status then Paul wouldn't have had to use the metaphor in the first place
This is not how real life works - obviously when you have an original blessed group and the outsiders JOIN that original group, the original group still has prestige.
Paul says in romans 3:
" What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision? 2 Much in every way! First of all, the Jews have been entrusted with the very words of God."
And this is true - the fact that the goyim join them shows that they weren't wrong in assuming they were a special race. Their god was in fact the real god, while the goyim were worshipping fake demons. This doesn't just go away when you admit the outsiders (who are wrong, cursed, filthy animals, worshipping demons) to admit they're wrong and come inside. Obviously the original group still carries prestige as the people who "WERE ENTRUSTED WITH THE VERY WORDS OF GOD". Only a retard could think that the goyim being allowed to join the original root makes them equal with the original root. Go look at evangelicals today, they absolutely worship messianic jews. And why wouldn't they? If your race was specifically CHOSEN by god to be above all others, and the others are only by GRACE allowed to be equal (in the eyes of god, not of the world), then surely that race has to be special.

Jesus originally came to fulfill the prophesy, namely to get the "lost sheep of the house of Israel" back on the right track and to save them from their sins. Jesus knew, of course, that he would eventually be murdered by the very people he came to help, and so it was crucial for him to carry out the prophesy in the correct manner -- such as to initially avoid the gentiles in order for the prophesy to be fulfilled.

This is explained in Romans 11, where Paul talks about how the unrighteousness and disobedience of the Jews made God turn directly to the gentiles to have them preach the gospel to all nations. This was the original purpose of the Jews, but they became boastful and arrogant for having been picked by God to bless all nations, and "professing themselves to be wise, they became fools".

>I suggest you read the NT and learn how any man can get saved, even a Jew.
If there are saved jews and the man himself who allows anyone to be saved is a jew, how can it then be said that the jews are a cursed race?

You have not addressed this.

the point of the story is literally stated by Jesus: the gentiles were not the 'chosen ones' but became the true followers of God and Christ through their faith and the failure of the jews


The fact that he had a possession did not prevent him from being able to cast spirits out from other people.

>What did he mean by this?

He means the Israelites are the first among men and were God's originally chosen people. They turned away to worship materialism, Golden Calves, etc. So He turned to the Europeans, the middlemost among men, only to have them turn away to Hero worship through Jesus and polytheism through the Trinity as is their way.
Finally He revealed Himself to the Arabs, who, though stupid and backwards have sense enough to remember the most important law: The Lord is One and not to make partners with Him.

>You're playing semantic games to try and drive an ideological wedge for whatever group you are shilling for.
What is the semantic game?
Seriously, TELL ME where the semantics are. A normal person can read those passages and understand exactly what is being said - you shouldn't need to twist and turn this text 25 different ways in order to have it fit some preconceived mold that you deem to be correct. The correct moul is just that, what it says, and what we can all read it to say.

>There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of pol's "anti-semitism" but you are employing none of them
I'm not critiquing Sup Forums antisemitism, I think antisemitism is a good thing. This is why I think europeans especially should be wary of philosophies that make them out to be dogs in comparison to jewish masters. It's absolutely poisonous rhetoric, and most don't even know that this is the attitude that jesus had.

> should keep your forked tongue behind your lips.
I would argue that those who try to rationalize a state of affairs where a physical jewish man is god and their own people are dogs compared to the real race of their god are the ones with a forked tongue. This is why you are unable to accept the text, and have to twist it - because you service an ulterior motive that you probably don't even understand yourself.

implication: The jews were meant to be a special race forever

>you are utterly brainwashed
oh okay, child temple prostitutes and all those statues and depictions of gods and men fucking animals were buried in the ground by Jews to test our faith
>But the bible does not use "pup", it uses DOG.
The word kynarion is used in the passage and refers to pets that were allowed to enter the house. Jesus also refers to the household act of children getting their food before dogs (i.e. the gentile nations getting their ministry before Israel) which means he is not talking about the scavenging animals that were common in his area but the pets that were common in her area as a hellenized woman.

>These were one and the same
They aren't. "Jews" can refer to God's people (also called "the remnant") or just any Jew born to a Jewish family. Jews who displeased God were completely replaceable to Jesus, even by rocks.
> they are not featured at all -you know this.
Noah, Melchizedek, the egyptians that left Egypt to join the Jews, Caleb, Rahab, Cyrus, Shamgar, Uriah, Queen of Sheba (possibly), Job, gentiles mentioned throughout psalms as belonging to nations that praise YHWH, The entire city of nineveh as recounted in Jonah, gentiles mentioned throughout the writings of the prophets, the gentiles encountered by Jesus who showed faith, etc.

>only AFTER she recognizes her status as a dog eating the scraps from the master's table does she receive a reward
By recognizing that she had proven that she had strong faith in his word.
She was begging for His mercy so it was she who had to compromise.

Ahh I see, you must not understand English as a first language. You confused cursed (scattering your people across nations) with condemned. A saved man is a saved man, whether Jew or gentile. I dont know how more clearly to explain it to someone like you. However, considering your obvious blasphemy I dont have more to say to you, I just wanted to correct your error and thank you for the bump.

It was a test from the start, that woman humbled herself by taking no insult un Jesús comparing her to a dog and humbled herself even more, many people like myself would have probably resented jesus for that and walk away, but she dropped her own ego and begged for her daughter whom she loved, basicaly Jesús wanted to know if she loved her daughter more than herself (her pride)

So why would God write a "Holy" book lime the Koran filled with hate and with such similarity to the Talmud?


>the ones that DO believe in jesus are still special, since they are the "real" branches of the tree, rather than "unnatural" tag-alongs like Paul says
How does this work? Is a Jew that believes in Christ a Christian or a Jew?

If I remember right, Matthew is the most pro Jew book with Mark coming in second. John favors Jews the least (hence the "You are of your father the devil").

Contrary to popular belief, the four Gospels are not entirely identical in their themes / messages.

You're correct.
It is our soul that is saved, not our bodies. Our bodies are yet to be saved and will die.
>who are these "children" whose scraps the dogs are eating
Children of God are those righteous before Him. And no one was ever entirely righteous before God, except Adam and Eve, before they sinned. To them was given Paradise, Eden, where they lacked nothing. They were in Eden, because God created them without sin and because of that they were worthy. They were like children to God. They were worthy to eat the fruit of life.
They quickly became unworthy, because of their original sin and became like dogs in the allegory. Fruit of life was because of that forbidden to them and they died and suffered hardship. Just like the woman suffered hardship and she did not suffer unjustly.
Woman understood that she was unworthy of the grace, but essentially said: "Lord, I know that I'm unworthy, but you're great Lord and grace that costs you nothing, will be worth much to me." Similar to the words of centurion (another non-Jew, Matthew 8,8).

still dodging the question, kike:
>To recap: Are you or are you not saying, that white people UNIQUELY are by their very nature filthy animals, in a way that chinese and japanese are not? Yes or no.

>and all those statues and depictions of gods and men fucking animals were buried in the ground by Jews to test our faith
do you believe zoophilia was a normal practice in pre-christian europe?

>The word kynarion is used in the passage and refers to pets that were allowed to enter the house.
It doesn't say "dogs that were let in the house", it says DOGS. DOGS in general, not "dogs that were let in the house". Why are you lying?

>They aren't. "Jews" can refer to God's people (also called "the remnant") or just any Jew born to a Jewish family.
You just confirmed exactly what I said. The people that were God's people before the new testament were circumcised jews. And they weren't some worldwide movement, they were a very specific group in the middle east. You overestimate the amount of gentile converts. (but this is understandable considering you're in full panic rationalization-mode lying about the word "dog")

>By recognizing that she had proven that she had strong faith in his word.
So saying "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me!" means she doesn't have faith?

Bullshit. She was begging before, but the actual REWARD is only received after audibly announcing her lower status as a dog.

This makes more sense if you read Jesus's parable of the wicked tenant.

No, it's just because Matthew is the first gospel. It's still anti-Jew because the persecution of the Pharisees is a main theme throughout the entire book. Matthew is just pointing out how Jesus came to fulfill the prophesy, which entailed "coming to his own, but his own received him not".

When the future Pius VI was a twelve-year-old boy, his maternal grandmother countess Cornelia Zangheri Bandi was the victim of the first recorded case of spontaneous human combustion.

Parts of Matthew and Mark are similar, with different theories on why.

Did you even read it?
First he devotes himself to the Jews then the gentiles start to show great faith (centurion, dog lady etc). The jews continue to reject him for the most part; generation of vipers, condemnation of cities that reject his message blah blah blah. Finally by the end of the gospels he says "fuck the jews" and tells his disciples to spread the message to the gentiles (it was probably his plan all along but he had to "test" the Jews to justify the supersession of the new covenant).

So to answer your question: Jesus had no intentions of helping the Gentiles but they ended up being more faithful than the Jews. Your selection of verses in particular are representative of the gradual revelation of the scriptures (Isiah in this case) happening throughout the gospels; The individual gentile is treated with contempt then they are given grace through the holy spirit; this is analogous to the transformation of the gentile throughout the gospels. god bless famalam.

According to the bible those who believe in jesus are "the real jews", so I guess both.

>Children of God are those righteous before Him.
But this clearly excludes greeks on a racial basis, since jesus didn't even want to talk to this woman.

>And no one was ever entirely righteous before God
Then that means there are no "sheep of israel" that jesus is even going to. If NOBODY is the sheep of israel, who are these children who are meant to receive the food?

He says "I come only for the lost sheep of Israel" - so what is that group, that excludes this woman on the basis that she is greek?

>So why would God write a "Holy" book lime the Koran filled with hate and with such similarity to the Talmud?


You haven't read the Quran or the OT.

The Talmud isn't revealed and no one claims it is. Like the majority of the NT, both are deviations from the truth.

Bible=Written By Man
ScienceBook=Written by Man
>>Which guy You believe?

>So saying "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me!" means she doesn't have faith?
Explain to me how saying "Lord have mercy on me" is testament to the strength of ones faith. In times of despair everyone cries out for help. Doesn't mean you are actually willing to receive the help you are seeking.
She didn't receive mercy for announcing that she's lower than a dog. She received it for not being deterred from her faith by that comment.