Fuck these assholes. April is now a sassy, tumblrina sjw nigger. Mikey and Ralph are both niggers now, too. Also, Ralph is twice as big as the other turtles and is apparently the team leader now. New villain named Baron Draxum. Even money says he's white. Don't believe me? Check out the tmnt twitter, and the imdb page for the new show.

Can't wait to explain all of this shit to my ninja turtle loving children. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

It will be cancelled quickly. They keep trying to resurrect this show and it fails every time. It's over.

Also Casey Jones character is a homosexual and splinter is a overweight disabled woman.

And the mutilation of the carcass of my childhood continues.

Somewhere, somehow, a gaping maw is expressing excitement about this show. Holocaust now.


let me guess, black april oneil?

>and splinter is a overweight disabled woman

Here's the artwork for Splinter. This may very well be true.


The blackest.

God damn that art style is revolting. I bet it's also going to use that shitty flash style animation and a lot of still images for the "action" scenes huh.

Will today's young boys and early teens ever get animation as good as the old Batman animated series?

why do they do this? Imagine if they made black panther a white guy?

>The smartest of the turtles
>Relegated to supporting the useless nog

You can see it on his face. His spirit broken, optimism gone.

I starting to believe that tv companies are pandering to blacks and other groups because they are the only ones watching tv anymore.

You nailed it. Niggers and women are easy sells.

Well they're arent pandering to me I wont be watching this. They actually had a not to bad reboot surprised they're moving from that to this.

Sad thing is, they killed the 2012 turtles for this shit. The 2012 turtles are the reason TMNT made such a comeback, and they killed it, a proven successful show, for black TMNT.

FUCK Nickelodeon!

My kids love ninja turtles. They've got tons of toys, vehicles, clothes- all of the shit. Won't be watching this, won't be spending a penny on it. I'm not going to go full 1488 on their twitter or anything though. Just going to let this abomination die alone, and unloved, in the gutter where it belongs.

Why is the draw style so horrendous?

>Raph as the leader
Definitely the worst leader, except maybe for Mikey
>Raph uses tonfas
>Mikey has... an escrima stick with a cable?
>Donatello has a weird staff
>Leo has kind of a neat sword. But only one.
>Black April
>Awful artstyle
WELP. I wasn't aware the Nick TMNT show got cancelled. It's a shame it got replaced by this dreg, it was pretty neat.

What she need the baseball bat for? Wasn't she a journalist?

>and splinter is a overweight disabled woman.

fuck me i laughed

Agree with you 100% the Art Style is shit as well user

How does the artwork in cartoons continue to get worse?
Pretty soon it's gonna look like this.

how fast did you make this one paul lol

She's the only April that will ever exist for me. Her and her IRL twin Christina Hendricks

Agree user Fuck Nickelodeon cause TMNT is ruin because of SJW Bullshit

I would say cost but making something that ugly requires effort.

Juvenile Delinquent Gangster Turtles. So progressive. Green lives matter.

Yes, she was.
Now she is a nigger


He knows de wei

ITT: Ninja Turtles Erotic Fiction.

True user let's Hashtag #Grewnlivesmatters for saving our Childhood tv show

Is this animated by the same people who did the Power puff girls? My kids were showing me this shit the other day, and thank god they are older then this shit. They agree that this is a travesty. It really doesn't apply to us, but it certainly is a waste of energy to broadcast this.


>Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles

>baseball bat

holy fuck is she antifa?

Because she's a huffpo journalist now; so she also goes to AntiFa rallies and riots, just like the Turtles.
Also the new villains are all trumpanzees, and Krang is in a blond robot body as president of the U.S., and looks a lot like Donald.
Shredder is a white non-ally woman who is empowered to know martial arts but too blonde and dumb and blue eyed to join the good guys so instead she works for Krang/Donald with the help of Bebop and Rocksteady, two stupid MAGApedes who only go to the gym and wear red hats.
Also the Rat King is know the Frog King and his real name is Pepedopolous, living in a basement sewer where he uses his mouse manipulation skills (as well as high speed internet) to poison social media with fake news and spread the patriarchy. He has an army of toads because the show writers can't tell the difference.

None of these new characters are an allusion in any way whatsoever to reality, and April is not at all meant as a role model to inspire young PoC to commit crimes against the state.

All rights reserved.

I can’t tell if this is satire.

Did she mutate into a gorilla?

ITT: divorced dads annoyed there's another thing they can't talk about with their kids on visitation this weekend.

The last iteration (2012-2017) was pretty good.

Agree 100% This one is 100% Garbage

That's one of the strangest conclusions I've seen yet. How did you manage to pull that one out of your ass?
You must have had some weird experiences.

I have old original on DVD, thats what my son gets to watch. Any faggy degenerate shit gets the axe, though it is very difficult now...the degenerative programming is out of hand.

I'm a millennium reboot fan myself. Grew up watching the original show in the 80's-90's. Kids love the recent iteration. Fucking ghetto ninja turtles though, man. Why...

it seems like kids shows used to have a standard of quality now SJW message > quality.

Oh wait I bet they actually won't let you discuss a cartoon's incredibly based reboot there

Extreme Ghostbusters had very inclusive cast and I remember it being pretty good. Then again there wasn't really any obvious agenda to it.

biased* not based
>until they trump hat her I guess lol

>those facial expressions

Guys.. It's a fucking children's cartoon. There has to be better ways to utilize your time than this ridiculous and frivolous bullshit. Don't let your children watch television, period. There we've covered everything that needs to be said.

I hope all this is an exaggeration


>Nigress with problem glasses.
Welp, thats another childhood memory completely destroyed.

tumblr is an incubator for shitty artists, as much as I hate it, that website has been really influential on western animation

also, art schools are not what they used to be, they've been destroyed by postmodern bullshit and often times don't even attempt to teach proper illustration techniques

My version of the turtles came in a post Regan and Bush version of NYC. The version where Trump cut his teeth, you had to watch your back and think on your feet.
This is the post Obama version of NYC. it's fucking SJW Disneyland. You're expected to give the bums hugs and blowjob because they "don't have it as good as the 1%"
That's my thesis for my compare/contrast essay.

Oh boy, after the 2012 Nick series ended up becoming so good too.

>april being black
Meh whatever, but what the fuck is up with the ghost bat she's carrying in the concept art

>Leonardo (Ben SchwartZ) is a red-eared slider who boasts "irreverent charm and a rebel heart"
So they left Leo with the sword but gave him Raph's personality of rebellion?

>new villain
WHY. the lore has been explored enough. the kraang are perfect as primary villains to create mutants, secondary to the shredder.

the whole "turtles have to look stupidly different" thing is dumb, they colored them slightly differently in the 2003 and 2012 series plus general facial expressions and a few spots on their skin. they don't need to look like different species of turtle. the idea that a pet store would sell four different species of the same turtle to someone is dumb (which is the origin on how they have the ooze spilled on them after an accident causes it to leak on the street/ooze to hit them)

How the Fuck April o'neil black... name change time...
La'Mercedes Washington
Shaniefa Johnson
Shayquanda smith

American children's cartoons since about 2006 have been complete fucking trash. There are few exceptions.

Ape O'neil

The 80s-90s show was cornball as fuck and a total cash in

the 2003-2005 series was really good, seasons six and seven dragged a bit but they had enough time to establish the turtles and plotlines like the farm/return to NY and a diverse cast of villains and other chars

the 2012 series had a rough start (the first few eps had a horrible framerate in particular) but it hit its stride pretty quickly.

this new one looks like they're trying to tap the mystic angle too hard. it was already *part* of the TMNT, and they gave it to April a little bit in the most recent incarnations, but now they are all supposed to be "tapping into mystic ninja powers they never knew existed" while "navigat[ing] the prils of the modern age and hidden realms in order to fulfill their destiny to become a team of heroes".

sounds like they're going to flanderize all of them

here's the big warning sign:
>we’re excited for the new series to take the characters in a different direction with more humor, a younger and lighter feel and all-new dimensions to explore
it's going to be like teen titans go or the ben 10 reboot. it's going to fucking suck.

Remember those times when diversity wasn't a selling point, it was just there (sometimes)
And that show has aged pretty well btw


White people are viewing more and more of their media content on streaming services instead of conventional television, so content that airs on networks is going to start pandering more and more toward minorities.

That's why internet ads feature white people and tv commercials feature mixed race couples and nogs.

Well at least Michael Bay movies got them characters right

Not African pride enough.

Sha'toya Waters.

Extreme Ghostbusters had a diverse cast because that was a decent random sampling of young people who lived in NYC, as opposed to modern television where everything has to be minority bingo to fit the SJW agenda.

I will always give that show a pass for what Zone would go on to do with it

You guys are dumb. There’s an obvious thing to exploit here.

>old tmnt: April was a professional, highly respected journalist. White character.
>new tmnt: April is a childish fighter who uses a baseball bat. Black character.

Sounds pretty p r o b l e m a t i c.

In the '87 cartoon, some of the comics, the live action movies from the 90s, and in the Michael Bay TMNT live action movies, yes.

In the 2003 series she was a scientist working under Baxter stockman (lost her job when Stockman tried to use the mouser robots to eliminate the turtles and she helped them) and later ran the antique shop.

In the 2012 series she was a high school student who had her father kidnapped by the Kraang.

Nick is mindless, the channel is on life support from endless Spongebob reruns. They finally made an original good IP but they killed it off hoping to cash in.

Here's your protip: Once you make it past two seasons, the industry rule is that pay has to start going up non-linearly for the staff. So a lot of shows will get three or four seasons, then conclude. Then they'll make a new show with partially new/all new staff and a new premise (like a new villain or sidekick) and then that skirts the rule but you can hope to take the old fanbase with it.

That being said the tonal shift they're targeting for the new show is way too far to bridge it with the 2012 series.

The main producer (Andy Suriano) has worked on some REALLY ugly shit for Disney before.

Last episode aired in the fall.

and it's not like TMNT didn't have diverse villains. the foot were Japanese, baxter stockman was black 2003 onwards, Bebop was black in the movies and 2012 TV series before mutation.

Is this the Jews plan the whole time? Ruining good 80s series, the only era of masculinity left for the modern man, to Jewify them up so now every ounce of masculinity is replaced?

They did this with TMNT, Ghostbusters, Star Wars, most comic book heroes, and so on.

It's not even just the West. Japanese anime and video games like DBZ are also getting feminized. With Super's existence turning Goku into a manchild and Future Trunks into a literal pussy, as well as introducing a literal tranny and a female Goku. Games like Zelda went from having a masculine male protagonist on a quest to adulthood and to save his homeland are literal crossdressing soyboys, and so on.

How the actual fuck is my son going to have fun? I was super relieved at one point that I could at least play non-degenerate video games like BT3 and OoT with my son but now it's only a gateway to more degenerate parts of the same series. My local neighborhood is filled with niggers and degenerates so I don't even feel safe with him outside.

This. Western animation really went to shit after the 90s.

And why is it green/on fire/sparkly

The new series talks about the turtles exploring "mystic powers" so it's probably a ghost ninja bat or some other dumb shit.

I've never really been that into TMNT, but why did they make Raphael the leader? Isn't his whole characteristic meant to be that he's the rebellious "loose cannon" turtle?


They own the (((culture))) and always have. They've become threatened and are hitting the killswitch. The answer is to not consume it at all or learn to love the conflict.

Why they cancel that cgi show with that hot teenie April?

She's now an ACTIVIST who bashes the fash!

Don't you know that journalists are all activists nowadays?

(((They))) actually won't let you talk about it, coincidentally...

Any reboot where Eastman and Laird aren't involved is garbage by default.

They seem to in the character descriptions to have given that to Leonardo for no real reason.

>Soft-shell turtle and tech hero Donatello (Josh Brener) rocks a tech-bo staff and impressive coding skills.
>Leonardo (Ben Schwartz) is a red-eared slider who boasts "irreverent charm and a rebel heart." Weapon of choice: ōdachi sword.
>Box turtle/skateboarder/artist Michelangelo (Brandon Mychal Smith) is the youngest brother — and dangerous with a kusari-fundo.
>Raphael (Omar Miller) is now the leader and oldest brother, a snapping turtle who brandishes twin tonfas as his weapons.

So putting the voice actors by race as well:
April, Michaelangelo, Raphael: Black
Leonardo, Donatello, new villain (voiced by John Cena): White
Splinter: Canadian-American, of Filipino descent

Another description:
>We also learned a few details about the show. Suriano and Ward discussed a special relationship between Michelangelo, the youngest of the turtles, and Leonardo, and suggested that this version of Donatello is a lot more confident in his abilities than the last. Raphael is the oldest, well respected by his brothers but prone to knee-jerk decision making. Finally, Michelangelo’s famous catchphrase ‘cowabunga’ will be making a return. And we’d just gotten used to ‘booyakasha’.

The overconfidence lends itself to knee jerk decision making, splitting that character trait between Raph and Leonardo makes no sense. And having splinter pick a leader who is prone to knee jerk decision making makes no sense.

>How the actual fuck is my son going to have fun?
Watch the original series. Cut cable. Homeschool if you can to keep him safe from the influence of the jew. He can grow up on classic 80s, with HeMan as a "problematic masculine idol."

Moar like turdtles

people who do this kind of shit should be in jail for childhood rape. Are they even any redhead girls left in media that haven't been turned into niggers? They got MJ before this and will probably make Batgirl a nigger too.

>Any reboot where Eastman and Laird aren't involved is garbage by default.

I wonder what it's like to create a gritty comic book series only to have it be transformed into a complete abomination with each new iteration getting progressively worse and worse over the course of thirty years.

CGI is way more expensive than flash animation. It makes it easier to re-use areas, but every time you introduce a new one, it's a huge expense.

TMNT 2012 caught a lot of shit for that in the first season because they kept reusing the same few streets and abandoned warehouses or whatever to contain the budget. Once the show took off, they modeled more, and also employed some tricks (for example, when they went on alien planets in some of the later seasons, some of the backgrounds were drawn, composited with 3D resources closer to the turtles). Also, later seasons just had a larger budget and a larger library of assets to reuse.

And April magically turning into a nigger apparently

Clearly you don’t actually care about this if you don’t even know the characters names

In her original incarnation in the Mirage comics, April was going to be Asian, changed at the last minute to be white, but still named after a black woman and drawn to appear black and/or latin.

So I don't give a shit what colour they want to make the character. The show will probably be garbage regardless though.

They knew what they were doing when they sold it out.

The 2012 series wasn't as gritty as the comic, but it probably took the darkest possible turn that you could get (considering it was a kids network). Characters implicitly die and get stabbed in the series (including the death of Splinter in the 2012 cartoon, stabbed by the shredder's claws).

The 80s cartoon is total campy shlock. The 2003 cartoon wasn't politically correct garbage and neither was the 2012.

>muh childhood

fuck off
your childhood shouldn't be defined by what jew garbage you consumed and you certainly shouldn't start whining and feeding it's publicity as if it's violating something sacred and not just a rebranding of a toy commercial for contemporary audiences(manchildren and cunts), just ignore it and let it fail

how DARE you have no (You)s

That's ambiguous. Eastman had an black girlfriend at the time and thus he said the appearance in the comic (black and white) was ambiguous as they hadn't decided.

Laird disagreed, saying he always intended for the character to be white, which is why he picked the Irish surname of O'Neil.

>all different types of turtle
>someone actually thought about this

Also it was new characters. They didn’t just decide to turn Pater Venkman into a black guy for no fucking reason.

Raphael has been called by the nickname Raph in the 1987, 2003, and 2012 cartoons, as well as the movies. Using "Raph" or "Mikey" or "leo" or "Donnie" instead of the full names they were given is not being ignorant of the character's names. Christ you're pedantic.

A green glowing bat? Does she think it made of koolaid?


Of course they did, that's why they all look different and Raphael is fucking gigantic compared to the rest.

In the 2012 and 2003 cartoons, they gave them some scratches/scars/chips on their bellies, different colored skins, spots, and such to make them appear noticeably different beyond colored headbands. Making them distinguishable without making them different species.

I guess that they felt that the different species thing was cool.

As far as them being brothers, it was always an adoptive relationship. You think every baby turtle at a pet store is genetically a sibling to every other turtle they have? They raise them at facilities and ship them out to stores.