This is happening in Drumpf's America

This is happening in Drumpf's America

THIS is what you voted for.



Slide thread, trying to bury latest memo. Get fucked shill. Sage.

newfags don't reply.

Reminder that rape is the only way to make a woman orgasm.

If you've ever made a woman orgasm without raping her, she was faking it.

>police are bullies

well maybe if you didnt have crayons as an adult you wouldnt get bullied?? do you not have a father to teach you shit in your life?

hey whats a newflag

It's obviously a joke post, how the fuck do you not understand

>redditor upset about his CRAYON BOX
They really are overgrown children.

you're going to need to spell out what I don't understand- because my post is pretty clear in the message I am posting.

do you honestly imply that because you say something is a joke no one should address it seriously? Jokes are just vehicles to express things you for what ever reason cannot post genuinely. You should always genuinely reply to a joke used like this. What do you not understand about what is going on here, guy?

aggressive autist detected, stay away, i repeat, stay away.

Why do you keep making this same post leaf?

Ya'll niggers posting in a slide thread. Honestly, who the fuck cares about crayons. What does this have to do with politics?


How old is this fucking soyboy to have a crayon box

civil war when?

No one fucking cares


Fuck this leaf shill. Don't listen to him.

Just making sure you don't have illegal alien fake identities hidden in there.

>muh trayons
fucking children. grow up

You faggots read the memo yet? Sorry for trying to help your nation, but continue to suck leftist cock don't mind me.

>my crayon box
Did they test the milk in the bottle too?

It's absolutely unfuriating.
Are the marines supposed to eat them now after they've already been opened?

why would an adult buy crayons for themselves?

Suppose I read the memo for review over things I already know and am powerless to do anything about. Now what?

what the fuck do you want me to do you dumb retard

can we not just have our imageboards without you coming in here trying to organize some political action?

This leaf is trying to distract everyone. Don't believe his lies.

Go post in Sup Forums then faggot. Why double reply you autist?

posting screenshots of reddit should be a bannable offense

Your demoralization tactics may work on you, you learning them from your wife. I'm being generous to your state of being. These tactics have no power over me. You're wasting your time and energy on me to speak to me in such a fashion and I don't appreciate it. In the future if you want to rally some political action do it on a college campus where it is needed. College kids dont come here and go back to college.