Did you enjoy the Super Bowl ads Sup Forums?

Did you enjoy the Super Bowl ads Sup Forums?


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Wheres my minority check niggers?

Holy shit, I went to go check the like/dislike ratio and they are HIDING THE NUMBERS NOW WTF

Proud of myself first year I've watched the game and don't recall a single AD, I can tune them out like a pro now I guess

Unless this means I'm becoming a normie because I'd study the SB commercials for symbolism hmmm

>divasity iz stwegnth

Look at this shit, I don't think I've seen this on youtube before.

Heh this ad actually made me physically mad when I saw it during the superbowl.

They are all American children, stop being a skin worshipper.
Leave that stupid shit to the Yurocucks

>no comments AND they hid the dislikes
These kike faggots are desperate

holy shit they have a grinch in this commecrial

Now you just gotta tune out the (((game))) and you'll get your balls back.

Seems that way. Can anyone hide dislikes, or did they get special permission from JewTube?

American isn't brown. Fuck you nigger shitskin.

We dont even have this level of propaganda over here

ahah they hide the dislike/like bar but you can see it on hooktube:


8k dislikes

Keep meming folks kek wills it!


>Yes skin is a social construction take more refugees goy!

What’s with the creepy rendition of All Apologies?


Everything’s my fault

Pretty blatant propaganda... I thought jews were supposed to be subtle and subversive.

Obvious propaganda, and very forceful and creepy.

Didnt watch them because Im not a corporate cuck

Post a screenshot. Hooktube just shows 0 likes and dislikes for me.

>oh vey can you see

I just did see:

They were always obvious for anyone with a 3 digit IQ. Luckily for them, most people are absolute idiots.

what the fuck did those blatant communist lies have to do w/ t mobile?

la creatura...

a reminder not to support them, not that anyone needed one

This is my last screencap last night. I started watching the riots so its probably from just right after the superbowl ended.

This is how it was before they took the dislikes off

I can't wait for the Jewsual suspects to write thinkpieces about how alt-right fascists insulted a beautiful work of corporate pandering.

Nobody likes this pandering horse shit. Especially not the niggers. Niggers don't need or want to be told "WE ALL EQUAL SENPAI =D" they instinctively realize that's not true just like you do and they're dumb as fuck.

This pandering is unnecessary and uncomfortable. Why the fuck would a company that sells cellular phone data plans ever deign to lecture me about morality? It's tone deaf in a way that really shouldn't be possible in today's America, but there you go.

The dislikes aren't so much a symptom of a great white awakening (although to be sure that is happening) but rather a symptom of a television ad which is unambiguously done in fantastically poor taste. There's nothing inherently racist in being disgusted at the idea of having corporate feel-good nonsense shoved down your throat in the most preachy and holier than thou fashion.

> I wish I was like you

Quick rundown? Can't watch jewtube.


screenshots, alternate tube sites, internet wayback machine, unfortunately this is the future of information sharing as they continue to bury shit like this and (((racist stats)))

All alone is all we are

What a horribly inappropriate song to turn into a nursery rhyme. Like I said above, this is the most tone deaf and stupid commercial I think I've ever seen.

diversity IS strength, (((diversity))) isn't.

Niggers are in favor of this shit. Like you said, unlike most white folks, they are redpilled on race and they know they are not equal to us. The problem is that they also see that most white liberal cucks believe this bs so some of them push it. This shit is a win for them, without segregation they can live in our countries and play victim.

How come they got the ugliest and nastiest little niglets and spics but the white and asian babies look cute and normal?

Maybe the half-white ones. The true niggers are too dumb to into game theory and would instinctively recoil at pussy nonsense like the T-Mobile ad. Remember it takes intelligence to be neurotic enough to believe in Cultural Marxism.

You're right. The ones who are smart enough are probably the mixed rape babies.

It’s Magick. All focus is good. See Trump trolling his way to the whitehouse.

This image should be the right-wing's version of the drowned beach baby. This is what we're fighting to stop. A future full of these inhuman chimeras.

Meanwhile at Dodge marketing headquarters.

Each is normal unto his race.

I want to see the Progressives attack the MLK family for allowing it, but that will never happen.

I'm not even virtue signaling but, MLK man? I just have a problem using dead people to sell shit. And I'm sure his speeches are free to use. Just tasteless. I'm thinking pic related was the top exec to sign off on that campaign. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the conference room today.

>literally have to be neonatal to not see racial differences

MLK is now a car salesman, nothing else.

It’s kind of like Che Guevara’s image being plastered on anything and sold for top dollar to young want to be commies. Pottery

>I just have a problem using dead people to sell shit
lol. who cares? shit person hocking a shit product with the blessing of MLKs family.
>im sure they didn't receive any money

he already was

people want to "be" something rather than "become" something.
>I wear fatigues so that means I am a trained soldier.

>shit person.
Not saying he's Jesus but...I won't convince you. You're probably a post away from mentioning jews

>(((german))) company openly and shamelessly promoting white genocide


Jesus, I really find babies other than whites and light-skinned hispanic really disgusting. Is that me or did pol make me like that ?

Parodies exist


jesus, how can you treat minorities like such retards and get away with it?
How are niggers not up in arms about this stupid ad?

I like Asian babies too. Nigger babies and mixed babies are disgusting

>they took down the dislike bar

Jesus Christ that 56% baby is disgusting.

MLK was shit. A plagiarist, orgy/sex addict, communist, and had choice things to say about JFK's wife as she mourned him at his casket (fuck JFK but that's not important right now)

Manufactured consent by the proprietors, hiding and erasing any dissenting opinions to create the illusion that this is the agreed path

This is blatant propaganda

JFK did nothing wrong except get assassinated. He deftly kept America and Russia from warring during the Cuban Missile Crisis even though literally every member of his cabinet, including his brother and Lyndon Johnson, wanted to bomb the missile sights, invade Cuba, and board/sink the Russian ships.

His Civil Rights bill was never supposed to pass the senate. He knew it would get neutered like the past civil rights bill. It wasn't until he died and Lyndon Johnson assumed the presidency (who had been majority leader in the senate for years) that the civil rights act of 1964 got passed. Without Lyndon Johnson the south might still have Jim Crow to this day.

What did Dodge do? Did they backpedal on their Charger being the All American Power Car in terrible fashion?

Funny you should ask. Let me off this multicultural we are one nonsense. What a bunch of bollocks, pretending that all babies can grow up to be equal when many are genetic inferiors with sickle cell anemia and low IQ and violence criminality programmed into their genes for millenia. Fuck this evil it is anti nature and anti American. And coke what a display you a=have the hijabi whore in bumper car. Never will I touch another coke product. This is indoctrination and if things are not reversed we are doomed. I do not believe that all are equal. The planet is overpopulated with the lowest common denominator level of humans and we are encouraged to embrace and accept that. Fuck minorities

> watching the pooper blow.
I dont even watch tv anymore.

Why are white Americans still supporting the NFL?
Stop being niggers.

That's a very heterosexual thing to do, I don't know how any self-respecting person can watch tv in 2018.

>like to dislike disabled

no survivors


this sounds like something straight out of brave new world
fucking hell

Using "All apologies" by Nirvana...

What could (((they))) mean by this?

Last i saw there was a 9-1 dislike ratio. Anyone catch the numbers before they disabled it?

Have you faggots never been on YouTube? So many of these types of things end up with comments and likes disabled. Including many things by the CBC. Anyone can disable comments or ratings on their videos.

this ad was pretty funny user

This is the Amerimutt.
33% white
33% black
33% armenia
1% jew

This is the future and it's beautiful.

I looks like a fucking Olmec head.

daivd harbour is going places

Are there really almost 100 mil white people in Brazil??

Lmao looks like a alien. La creatura.



>watching the super goy
Fucking normalfags

>This is what we're fighting to stop. A future full of these inhuman chimeras.

The black one looks like it's suffering from microcephaly. Or maybe that is normal for African babies, I'm not sure.


>more connected
>more communication
>shuts down likes and comments

liberals are so stupid they don't know how stupid they are

T-Mobile has been doing damage control in the Twitter thread since last night.

Holy fuck Shaniqua O’Toole never fails to impress

Also all of these retarded libs virtue signaling how much they love...their mobile carrier.

god brown babies ugly af


I don't want to watch it can someone give me a quick rundown?