is there anything worse than a leaf?
Is there anything worse than a leaf?
(((Them))). The guy who cucks them are worst than the cucks.
Honestly the cringiest shit that's posted here is by Canadians
but at least they elected BASED trudeau
I've heard dying is pretty bad.
Leafs suck. I wish all my trees were evergreens. I hate raking every week.
Sup Forums would be better off without syrup niggers
>is there anything worse than a leaf?
USA and
Oh Yah meet our Retarded little cousin that still sits at the kids table .
>t. Muhammad
t. Andy Chang
you know whats not cringy?
me fucking ur mom
>t. self hating cuck
that's cringey too, leaf
Fuck that's sad
Only Mexicans.
That's the joke, you retard. Meme flags are even worse than leaves.
does ur mum want it to mate
>Be me
>Make first thread on Sup Forums
>It's a comfy thread because why not
>Going pretty well, anons sharing nice pics
>Leaf comes in
>Starts ruining it for everybody by posting brutalism architectures
Leaves not even once
memeflags are only poos and leaves tbqh famalam
they disappeared when they brought memeflags back
A swede
by leafs i mean quebec people, they dont see them selves as leafs.
Yes, an american.
Yeah yeah yeah at least we can take flak for being retarded, when the finger is pointed at Americans here all like
“Wha.. wha.. this is uncalled for, stop with the amerimutt stuff!”
mutts > leafs
>t. mutt
D-delete this...
I am 100% white, check my flag for confirmation.
It checks out.
Leafs are full of Bernie bro faggots who lives socialism and think Islam is better than Christianity
Slide threads. Sage.
Go read the latest memo faggots.
not really
I wish you were wrong
Leave Amerimutts tophat alone.
Don't you have some white daughters to sell to some Muslim invaders?
At least the leaves aren't European. King Leaf is a total soyboy, but at least he's not pure evil like Darth Merkel.
MFW I see a leaf
Islam is better than christianity though
I have seen here in Sup Forums many jokes made for leaves about having sex with animals but by their legislation it seems like it's not just a joke.
Yes, a Jewish leaf.
you're a fucking ancap, you cant insult other people
French defensiveness, Scottish stubbornness, English ego.
I won't deny we can come off as shitty people.
But I still blame the Jews. We're an incredibly kiked and beaten-down people. We wouldn't be half as bad without Jews, just like Americans wouldn't have crappy foreign policy and poor diets.