How relationships work

As an adolescent, you can't imagine relationships properly. All you have to fantasize about is physical appearance.

Personalities are too hard to understand, so you just picture someone exotic and beautiful, not really saying much or doing anything other than what you want.

This phase might last quite a while (maybe as long as seven episodes).

Other urls found in this thread:

When you do start to interact with grills, it turns out to be much more complicated than you could ever have imagined.

There may be affection, but there's baggage and personality flaws, conditions and compromises. Nothing goes smoothly, and nothing is simple.

Meanwhile, everyone tells you that there is one true love for you. If you look hard enough you can find a soulmate so well matched for you that you'll become one.

Everyone expects you to find this person and marry them. Everyone memes you that it'll be perfect.

Reddit spacing the thread

Growing up is realising that that's a load of bullshit. The best you can hope for is someone to love you enough to sometimes caress your cheek, but even then you'll spend half the time crying or trying to throttle each other.

I hope you will find this information useful.

Interesting thread but I don't see how it relates to eva

Thank you for informing me wise highschooler-san

> not sure if memeing
The gifs represent the events in Eva that Anno is using to teach us this lesson. I was actually worried that it was a bit too blatantly obvious.

> Rei is an adolescent's dream of a girl
> Asuka is the harsh reality of trying to get on with a real person
> Instrumentality is the lie of perfect true love
> when Shinji rejects it, his final interaction with Asuka is a snapshot of an ordinary relationship

Childhood is having a waifu
Adulthood is realising girls have cooties and it's better to invest in weapons like my boy /k/ensuke

Romanticism is a meme but yeah you can probably find people worth spending time with if you search hard enough.

Anyone obsessed with purity isn't fit to be in a relationship. Note that I'm not saying that banging whores full of diseases without protection is the way to go either, idiots are always bound to misinterpret.

And none of it matters because 3DPD

I don't really get where you're getting this true love and soulmate stuff from. The show is about shinji accepting the harsh realities of life and human relationships, which is also a meta commentary on the otaku culture at the time. Eva is pretty explicit with its themes and the theme of true love is never impliead in the show or the movie for that matter.

The hedgehog's dilemma conversations explain that when people try to get close, they're just trying to avoid loneliness, but they always end up hurting each other.

Instrumentality is supposed to be the solution to this - people merge together as one, never have to be lonely, and never hurt each other.

Sounds like a metaphor for "true love", and sounds like he was trying to say that it's just a fantasy.

I guess it all depends on your definition of love. The human instrumentality project is kind of what would happen if there was no communication barrier between people (aka AT Field), but resulting in everyone losing their individual identities. It was an ideal world shinji wished for due to his fear of being hurt by others, but once the dream becomes reality he realizes how empty such a world would be. Instrumentality is meant to be a metaphor for human intimacy, which I guess could be interpreted as love, but that wasn't Anno's intention. It's not really as much about love, as it is about accepting yourself and reality. Again, as I said earlier, the movie is pretty explicit about this.

The human isntrumentality project is also a double metaphor for escaping from reality into fantasy, which is intended to be another meta commentary on the escapist otaku culture. In many ways, eva is primarily meant to be a wake-up call to all people lost in fantasy.

All of humanity are soulmates, they're a divided gestalt entity, and Rei does think that Shinji should be God and the world should become what he wants it to be. Those aren't empty fantasy in NGE, they're real and a disappointment.

Fuck this thread.
The analogy is absolutely fucking correct and I don't like that
It also ties in with NGE's plot perfectly and 100% applies in the real world
Great thread you asshole

While you arent exactly wrong, i will go ahead and say that it doesn't apply only to romantic relationships like (i think) you imply. It applies to every interpersonal relationships.

Also, i don't think said problems stem from adolescence, but rather depression. Gendo, misato and rits show the same problems as the rest of the teens, and it isnt related to age, but longer lasting problems.

What problems were said to stem from adolescence? Problems stem from reality.

it's as complicated as people let it get. a relationship is an agreement based on trust and share aspirations. i've been with my gf for 12 years. we've been together through a lot and it means a hell of a lot more than being soulmates or finding one true love. there is nothing in the world that is for you, but the best you can hope for isn't the whiny bullshit you're spewing. you're still a stupid kid, but now you're a pretend cynic stupid kid looking for validation for your immature ideas in media. you think you're a grown up because you just now came to realize that people don't just do what you want so compromises are necessary? growing up is realizing that a relationship is comprised of mutual work and understanding built from an initial connection. growing up is understanding the person you want to put your pathetic, porn-limp dick in as a fully separate human being with wants and needs beyond you and taking it from there.

this too

I guess the OP first line about adolescence kinda caught my attention more than it deserved.

Women were a mistake. Humans were a mistake. I have several friends who are now going through some hardships in their lives which are tied to them breaking up with their roasties. Like, what the fuck? They just keep pitying themselves and looking for someone to blame. And throughout all of this they need my support because without me they'll just go and drown themselves or something. Remember kids, never date roasties before marriage, never fuck before marriage. Women rights and sexual freedom were mistakes. Humans must not be free.

What triggered you so? What did OP say that you interpreted as cynical?

sounds like your moronic friends are the issue, not the women who broke up with them

>>Growing up is realising that that's a load of bullshit. The best you can hope for is someone to love you enough to sometimes caress your cheek, but even then you'll spend half the time crying or trying to throttle each other.
OP is an underaged melodramatic faggot acting like his problems stem from the people around him when the issue is really that he's an idiot.

That's true, they're dramatizing everything because "muh love"

You sound like a very tolerant and compromising person, user.

>you just picture someone exotic and beautiful, not really saying much or doing anything other than what you want.
I don't think that describes Rei very well.
She even slapped Shinji as soon as he started talking shit about Gendo.

with people i care about, not with teenagers shitting around on Sup Forums.

how would you know what "reddit spacing" might mean if you weren't from reddit?

And she lives in squalor, is obviously unhappy, and the normal students describe her as attractive but not amazing and blame her repellent personality for her isolation. Rei's a miracle but her portrayal isn't as any kind of ideal.

Sure, user, if you can't agree with someone it's clearly their fault for not having an opinion you can agree with.
You don't have to care about immature retards that dare imply that you have to care about people you don't agree with.
You only compromise with people that always agree with you.

Eva has never been anything other than a bunch of references to other shit, literally otaku wankfest but with twisty twists. The instrumentality shit was nothing but an Akira ripoff, the everyone dies ending is an Ideon ripoff. Everything about eva is a ripoff because it isnt some deep commentary about anything but cool shit that looks cool.

I dont think some things have "deep commentaries " like people say. The series is well crafted and well presented, worthy of some discussion, but trying to get meaning out of EVERY SINGLE scene is stupid.

I dont think instrumentality is supposed to be a jab into otaku culture, or even escapism as a whole, just a small message of keep going.

I also dont think shinji jerking to asuka is a deep criticism of waifufags. I just think its a "hey, look how mentally messed up shinii currently is"

>As an adolescent, you can't imagine relationships properly. All you have to fantasize about is physical appearance.

Because you are man.
Men are brainwashed with "relationships are hard" idea by hollywood and anime. This is why male teenagers are laughing stocks.

In terms of someone dropping into your life to encourage you and take on your misery themselves because they see value in you that you can't, Shinji would be the only prince in the story as Rei can see it.

>someone dropping into your life to encourage you and take on your misery themselves because they see value in you that you can't
And that's why all of you should learn to love yourselves first before committing to any relationship. When you lose someone that can do that for you the outcome isn't pretty. You sink even deeper than before.

I don't disagree with anything in your interpretation. My suggestion is narrower, and may well be too narrow - I just thought it up and it seemed to make sense in a very neat way, for the whole story.

How do you learn to love yourself and on what basis?

And there we have it. No need for the rest of the thread.

What idea are you talking about exactly?

In what way do they push the idea of relationships being hard?

You missed the point of Eva then.

Bad relationships are a learning experience. If you're not a faggot, like your friends, you suck it up and move on with your life.

The world is full of shitty people, but that's not a reason to deny mankind their freedom. Only cowards too afraid of taking risks want that.

find out yourself loser

>how would you know what "reddit spacing" might mean if you weren't from reddit?
>how would you know that drugs are bad for you if you've never done drugs
>how would you know that OP is a massive faggot if you are not a homosexual
instict and experience by observing your surroundings is the answer

Do you like yourself, Sup Forums?

Nope. Not one bit. No matter what I accomplish, it's not enough to feel fulfillment.

Don't flatter yourself, user. I was not looking for self-help advice. I was trying to expose a flaw in your logic.

The point of Eva was to be an asshole?
Wow, you really learn something new every day.

Closest thing I ever got to a compliment on this here Four Chan. My sincere thanks, buttmunch.

Please call me autistic but I am going through depression and I wrote all your posts + this one by hand in my notebook so I can better explain to my psychiatrist how I feel.
Thanks for making this shit thread you faggot

I've read your post three times, and still can't work out wtf you must have thought I was saying. Whatever it was, it's made you mad as a one armed taxi driver with crabs, so thanks for the laugh at least.

He thought you were complaining that true love doesn't exist and all people are selfish jerks and all relationships suck.

Honestly for me I had the opposite happen start out wanting to get to know the women you are dating. End up deciding that only physical appearance matters because fuck personalities. You can only deal with the crazy train so long before taking a years long vacation to the woods sounds like a great idea.

I feel like i still don't know what i want from a relationship.
Is it intimacy? Having someone who i can trust completely?
Or is it sex?
Or perhaps i just want kids, i know it's "too early", but damn it, i want to be a parent, and to be a good one too. Not to make the mistakes my parents made. Is it selfish?

Nice quads you dumb nigger

Fuck off normalfag.

Why am i a normie? Not once did i mention i was ever in a relationship. I think that not knowing what i want from one is keeping me from starting a relationship.

user Stop.

>thinking abusive shitty relationships are 'normal'

I can't tell if you're a teenager trying to seem like an adult or a damaged user who takes their own uniquely shitty experience as a universal fact

Most people are not, in fact, tramautized toxic bitches and you shouldn't hang out with them because you believe their gaslighting about them being 'normal' or even 'the best you can hope for.'

Stories with 'morals' are for teaching young children things like 'don't talk to strangers'. Please do not model your approach to reality on cartoons or any other form of media, they are created for profit and entertainment.

You tell 'em, user. Don't let that independence day buzz stop you now.

>eva is primarily meant to be a wake-up call to all people lost in fantasy
>tfw want to watch anime to escape my shit life
>even the fucking anime is telling me to accept reality
Anno is a fucking hack and i hate meta commentary in any kind of media cause i buy the product to enjoy it and not for it to drag me back to reality which i've wanted to escape from for a few hours of a week