Any Satanist who are politically active here?
Any Satanist who are politically active here?
i'm a satanist. a theistic satanist though, not one of the atheist troll satanists. i see satan as something of a cosmic rebel. an unrepentant underdog who refuses to submit to unjust authority. sort of the satan of John Milton in Paradise Lost, in some ways. that's part of the reason why i support Trump and the republicans, right now. but in general, i have to side with the right-wing of the political spectrum because right-wing = small government, freedom, autonomy, and the left-wing is this moralistic slavery to big government, forced dependency, and all sorts of bad things that are antithetical to my views and priorities.
>being politically active
atheistic satanist i'll take questions if you want
>first i must mention the fag above me worships lucifer not satan
we hate jews
the idea that satanists and jews are one in the same is false, and its really starting to piss me off
You're letting yourselves be led astray.
i'll lie
and i'll shed my skin to look like you and slither right on in un noticed
>implying day of the cross will ever happen anyway
Because you people are identical. Sacrificing them to your idols and helping the liberal agenda in every way possible. kys.
>unironically calling yourself a “satanist”
Edgy spergelords ITT
we indulge greed, yes but we also care about our country's and cultures and ancestry
and we also indulge sloth so greed doesn't get the better of us like it does the jew
Only the jew religions practice sacrifices because of their evil nature.
evil is inaccurate
what they are is stupid
of course people are going to find out what they've been up to and of course the people will lynch them for the things they do
sorry, im too old for edgy pre-teen atheism
Theistic Satanist here.
Politically right wing.
Hate jews, niggers, liberals.
Nah, that's still submitting to semitic religion.
>edgy teen
i hear this every single time satanism is mentioned like clockwork
the jews must have implanted it in everybodys mind somehow i wonder where and when satanists where first refereed to as "edgy teens"
Satan is for bisexuals. This is a Christian board.
Wrong chan. You want to go to /leftypol
what does "god" hate more?
somebody committing acts deemed "evil" or somebody rejecting his very existence?
I'm satanist and commie but i hate also wom*n and niggs
When is the next satanic holy day? Like the moon stuff recently?
we celebrate our birthdays
and we indulge the holidays of the land
>when in rome
You do more. On the 31 there was a big ceremony. When is the next?
So you're rooting for eternal damnation like you're gonna end up like Sadam in South Park? Nigga, you're stupid.
ask the pagans and wiccas
we don't care about false promises of "spiritual" gains
One could argue that caring about your country, your people, is in your best interests. Selfish even.
Gaahl is shit. Brought nothing to gorgoroth except edgy sophistry for metalsucks nu-male journalists to coo over.
You seem uneducated.
one could also even argue that a selfless act can be selfish and in ones best interests
A reminder that Satanism was founded by the Jewish conman Anton LeVay to promote hedonism, degeneracy and destroy western traditional values.
And I'm not some clueless Christian faggot. Years ago, I read all of the Satanist literature and was very into the whole thing. However, I was a clueless fucking retard and had no idea about the JQ. But it all makes sense now.
>For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
You really can't escape the Word of God
admittedly yes
i don't waste my time researching the powers of the moon because its a waste of my fucking time
i'll leave that to the sheep stupid enough to chase false promises
and yet gays can get married in christian churches
being gay is stupid the traditional family will always survive but gays are not "evil"
>and yet gays can get married in christian churches
...somebody better tell him
i have a serious philosophical question for you. if you're only thinking of things in terms of your own eternal residence and karma, then what is the virtue in your philosophy or your actions? everything you do is inherently selfish anyway.
in truth, i see people who are adherence to christian (and any other) religion as sell-outs. slaves. people who have actually sold their souls to power. they all believe so totally that they're on the side of power and winning. it has nothing to do with what's "right and wrong". so to me, you've just been cucked by someone more powerful than yourself.
i see satan as a principled person. one who struggles against the unjust rule of this all-powerful, co-called creator. him and his adherence recognize that they're potentially, or probably, facing dire negative consequences for what they do, but they do it anyhow because they see merit and right in it. that's why i worship satan, and no offense really intended, but that's why i don't respect religious people like yourself. i see you as selfish sell-outs.
shit, this comment was meant for
>cosmic rebel
Virgin Christcucks vs The Chad Satanist
somebody make it
why though? what's your issue with what i said? i mean don't just put a fedora person up, you don't think there's any merit to what i say? you have no regard or respect for individuality and autonomy? are you a collectivist? someone who believes in submission to state authority? i mean what is it? what is the fundamental disagreement and problem you have with my views?
>arguing with a fedora poster
wasting your time bro
He is a kikelover just like the the majority of amerimutts. the most cucked nation ever.
speaking for chritianity we ask God for help but that doesn't necessarily mean he will help you if you've been a dick most of your life.
woh there little country America elected Donald fucking trump, they're alright
It's basically Nietzschean philosophy taken to a retarded extreme for edgelords who like metal
maybe, in fairness though im not trying to argue with him, just talk to the dude. but yeah, that's prob a waste of time too.
we're literally the last home of racism, family values, guns, and a cultural appreciation of small government libertarianism. no, not in coastal cities, obviously, but all across the american south and the midwest, those are the predominant cultures. so i have no clue why you would say such a thing.
i mean that doesn't answer my question though, because i'm talking about karmic afterlife rewards. know what i mean? like if you're saying "i'm going to be a good person because if i am then i will go to heaven and live in paradise for eternity" then guess what? you were never a good person. you actually, ironically, "sold your soul" and everything about yourself and what you really were, in return for some kind of promised reward at the end of your life. i would argue that reward would never come to you anyhow, but in principle you've still only been nothing but a sell-out.
thats not how it works you retard
>something bad happened
>i must have done something bad to deserve this
>pray, confess my sins and beg gods forgiveness
>good shit starts happening because god loves me now
>do more bad shit and remember to pray
>electing Drumpf
“Satanist” = “13 y/o”
Yes, every now and then I’ll still play a Venom album, but, I’m an adult now.
There is no limit how many times you can ask God forgivenes. Only he dcecied when to forgive
>he actually thinks a jewish woman puppet would have been the better option
...oh yeah thats right of course you'd think that
>good thing happens
>he must forgive me
>bad thing happens
>he must hate me i'm not praying enough
fuck off cunt you can live in this cycle of trying to be good and going mad when bad shit happens or you can ditch the whole idea and LIFE YOUR FUCKING LIFE
>only the jew decides when to forgive
It was a jewish woman puppet running against a jewish male puppet. Both options were shit.
Leave it to the Americans to infect yourself with cholera and call it based because the only other option was the plague
Maybe a Satanist can answer this burning question I've been having since learning of it.
Why the fuck be a satanist if you simply worship yourself? Honestly I can only come up with 2 theories...
1. You want to be edgy and cool. "I'm a satanist, yeah, look at me!"
2. You're so weak you must belong to a group, people who reaffirm your own ideas cause you lack the strength to stand alone in the dark with your own beliefs. (a la fundamentalists)
Atheist btw.
Reminder that Anton LaVey literally founded his meme version of Satanism to be edgy and slay pussy.
Atheistic satanist here. The Satanic Temples tenets are simply the way I've been living my life since before I eben knew about it. Its just an easy to digest label like "atheist".
self betterment
perfection is an impossibility but to strive to be perfect is a constant struggle that can only be positive
>gives life meaning
you confuse self worship with simply caring about yourself above others
for example christians put others above themselves because they believe in doing so they get heaven when they die
>both options were shit
what the fuck would you have them do instead?
civil war? tear the whole fucking country down to drain the swamp?
>not being an edgelord
I have a small pistol crossbow etc etc
Self betterment is a great idea to push for regardless of worship or non-worship. But why identify with a group in the same breath?
Also, given the history of the entire world, an edgy and eye popping group at that...
Like someone for rebelling against God because he likes humans makes you a cosmic cuck
>Any Satanist who are politically active here?
Depends on what you mean by the term.
>atheistic satanist i'll take questions if you want
LOL go back to playing D&D
because its not really a group its a wide span of individuals that came to the similar conclusion
the artistic flare is a means to gain followers and it fucking works because satanists understand how and why it works
why bother gaining followers? is a question an individual has to ask himself
i actually never played d&d, seems like a waste of my time. is it one of those really long games that can take days or is it a half hour type of game?
It's like being 1488. Anywhere but private, these view will make you lose everything.
>what the fuck would you have them do instead?
>civil war? tear the whole fucking country down to drain the swamp?
Yes. Why do they have all those guns if they don't topple their government? But David Duke for Presisdent sounds pretty good too. Once they do something like this, you can say they are "alright"
>is it one of those really long games that can take days or is it a half hour type of game
>You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you... but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get.
Lmao, being satanist it's not only being religious but retarded religious.
It's a role playing game you play with friends. You can stretch it out over months or make it really short. You decide how long it takes.
sounds like a boring waste of time
at least that retard implied i have friends ...very strange
this solved and closed thread
>believing in the guy who literally went berserk at the idea of free will and the ability to choose between right and wrong
>are you a collectivist?
All of Sup Forums is collectivist. They're just as bad as the left, just coming from the other direction. No one cares about the individual. It's not as fun on the internet.
It's quite the trend. For people that like the spookiness and coolness of the occult but are just wanting to dip their tootsies in the pool, so to speak.
This.The biggest disinformation out there is that your enemies are Satanist boogeymen. There are layers of traps and that is a major one. "When things go wrong, run to Jewsus, goyim!"
More disinformation. There IS a world outside of your Christian bubble. Not everyone accepts your dumbed down plagiarized bullshit as the path.
SATAN in SANKRIT meant truth. In Hebrew, it means adversary. YES, truth is the adversary/enemy of Jews and their Christian minions. You remain so disconnected and conditioned that you may or may not recognize it. But the funny thing is, truth remains so whether you believe in it or not.
any retard can see that the jews pull the strings of Christians and Islamists so it makes sense for satanists to oppose the jews not join them because as always
>turns out jews are the real enemy
>theistic satanist
There is no other kind you retard.
he's not a satanist at all he's a luciferian