Why don't we make a virus to kill black people?

I think we need to make a virus that kills anybody who has 0.000000001% or more sub-Saharan African ancestry.

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because it would kill all americans, oh wait thats not a bad idea

I'm honestly curious about the feasibility of engineering a virus to target specific racial groups. I suppose mutation would be a major danger.

Most Americans have 0.000000% black ancestry.

>Most Americans have 0.000000% black ancestry.

Sickle cell anemia is a racial disease. Although it's not a virus.

Whiter the new Muhammad

I got 0.0% Amerindian on my DNA test.

I also got 0.0% nigger on my DNA test.

They did, it's called HIV. Of course it then mutated and now you have the problem we see today.

HIV didn't exactly mutate. It just spread throughout the world because some British colonists decided to have sex with the niggers in the Congo. And then went back to Europe.

Nope. The gene variant for sickle cell disease is related to malaria, not skin color.

I'm skeptical of creating a virus to attack a specific race, especially if it targets that small of a proportion of nigger blood. What is a virus going to do- read a person's DNA, see if they have 1/10000000000 nigger blood, and then decide to either attack them or leave them alone?

we have two they're called Ebola and HIV/AIDS

genetically engineered by the USA and South Africa to kill blacks, AIDS has claimed the lives of 100M black people in the last 25 years

>Anybody who has 0.000000001% sub-Saharan African ancestry.

Then we would all die u dumb cunt. How does it feel to be this retarded?

>I'm skeptical of creating a virus to attack a specific race,

we got sars for asians and zika for latinos, North Korea made one for whites but we stole it from them

There's a virus killing white people

It's called




The US and Russia already have such viruses which target Chinese and Indians.

I was thinking the same thing myself. The one drop rule was so retarded that it probably defined everybody on earth as being niggers, except for possibly some lost tribe of the Amazon. If you go back 3000 years the whole population of Dublin, Ireland would probably have nigger ancestry. People would have so many ancestors at that point that there would almost certainly be some nigger who's descendants slowly made their way across the Sahara, the Straits of Gilbraltar, the Pyrennes Mountains, the North Sea and the Irish Sea into Ireland.

It's already been done dipshit. It's called sickle cell, heart disease, poverty, etc.

This would be retarded. A good way to wipe out all of humanity by mistake.

Letting niggers reproduce unrestricted will end humanity anyway so it's worth a shot.

>suggesting that black people aren't the virus that's killing black people.

...Aids.... aka HepB vaccine

See how that worked out ?

And to add spin, think about all the race baiting , interracial marriage that has been going around.... how does one target those children.....

we did, AIDS

but then all of americans would die... i dont want to die

Great idea. Until it mutates.

>uronically thinking the mutt meme means everyone is mulatto

already have ...its called aids

You could theoretically design a virus that uses cell surface receptors that only black people have, but you'd have to find a gene that's prevalent among their race that's not shared by other races.
Unless you make a regulatory region where melanin is an enhancer to start transcription for the viral proteins. Then you could infect the globe and only the people with threshold levels of melanin or melanocortin would actually express the virus lysogenically embedded in their genome.


(((It would start affecting white people for some reason)))

Nordic genes actually produce a natural defense to most HIV infections. (So you really have to be an extreme degenerate to get it)
On OP's point, this WILL come to pass soon unfortunately, but not just with "blacks". CAS9 is going to open a pandora's box for terrorism the world couldn't fathom. The Terrorists will be angry Asians and Whites, since they have both proven the most deadly in terms of Terrorist acts. Whites are typically pushed to this through extreme circumstances (MKUltra victims, retaliation against governmetns), while asians will Sarin people for religious cult reasons.
Either way, society is held together in fragility that is dependent on smart people not betraying the trust of the larger society. CAS9 is already cheap ($250 for an at home kit), and all it takes is for society to betray the trust of these people for them to no longer feel any need to stay loyal to the society.
This ties in the ultimate problem with multiculturalism + cheaper technology to make at home bioweapons (CAS9 + Internet). This is my darkest fear in our western societies. That we'll be pushed to the brink of atomization, and without a reason to keep things alive, one of the smart ones will unleash a hell on earth otherwise unheard of.

Fallout 3: The Movie 2000

Does that include Jews ?

Many have told me Jews are not white but at a genetic level they are some sort of white

Rookie numbers.gif

This is why Elon wants to get to Mars


No, Elon wants to pretend like he's getting to Mars because degenerate mush-for-brains Americans were raised by cartoons instead of living parents and will lap up this sci-fi bullshit while asking for seconds.

Elon is nothing if not a master conman.

Metal gear solid style

let's see tomorrow, Falcon Heavy launch

"What is AIDS?"

Alec Trebek: "That is correct"

It’s only present in Africans who co-evolved with the disease

We share 0.0000000001% of our racial DNA with niggers.
That small of a portion is almost half a million years of old. Humans were homogenous or didn’t exist that long ago. That type of weapon would target everyone including some monkies.

Black people arent our enemy.
If we can get them their own ethnostate they will leave us alone. Hell I'd pay an international gibs fund for them out of sympathy.
Jews though. Jews won't stop until they have global domination.
Muslims though. Muslims won't stop until they have global domination.
Semitic people are the eternal enemy of Europe and there can be no rest until their genocidal thirst is stopped.

no it's present in south asia as well

They made on already.It's called affirmative action

There's a study claiming that the Most Recent Common Ancestor (who every person on earth is descended from) lived about 2000 years ago. Once you go back 5000-10,000 years, you're supposed to get to the common ancestors point, where every person who was alive is either the ancestor of everybody alive today or has no living descendants. IDK if this study is accurate or not but that's what it claims.

You have a billion ancestors 1000 years ago. 2000 years ago you'd have a billion times a billion ancestors. What he's saying may seem strange but it actually is a legitimate concern.

Unicef, Redcross, Bill Gates and all those vaccine freaks are actually sterelizing a good amount of africans, but even if you leave a few they breed like rabbits.