*sips tea*

*sips tea*

Other urls found in this thread:



>things that never happen


bumb you piece of shit

>he fell for the divide and conquer shills




Censorship is the only way leftist ideology can survive.
No independent thought or discussion that goes against the narrative is allowed.

>Um all men are sexist sweetie
>Not muslims or black men tho ;)
>Patriarchy! Rape Culture
>Um migrants in Europe aren't raping women lalalalalala bigot
>You dont want violent rapey 3rd worlders flooding into your country? Too bad racist colonialist
>We need to take away your freedom of speech so you can't offend the violent rapey 3rd worlders
>72 thousand genders!
>children should be allowed to have sex change operations and we should make everything gender neutral
>Lets rewrite history, England was always full of africans
>Vibrant Diversity must be prioritised over competence, everywhere
>Um college professors should all be comunis- I mean, """socialists"""
>people need to stop having kids. And by people, I mean white people
>video games are sexist, so is everything actually. And racist!
>Islam is the religion of peace sweetie
>Haha fuck Christians tho rite
>You know what why don't you just let us tell you what to think because we know whats best for you. Just ask Google and Facebook!

>racists have low IQs
>IQ is racist and scientifically provable difference between groups are fake

>there's 0 evidence IQ is genetic, but jews have higher IQ than you goyim.

>asians are so smart! ^_^
>accidentally opening the pandora's box of race-based intelligence gradients

>africans are the BEST athletes! ^_^
>continuing the trend

>0 evidence
>European IQs begin plummeting after refugee crisis
Top. Fucking. Kek

>Point out blacks do most of the shootings in America
>I get called a racist for posting government sources

>Anytime there's a terrorist attack you say "don't judge all Muslims."
>Anytime there's police brutality you say "fuck all cops."
Pick a side


Yeah but you know that doesn't count.

this is only going to get worse for you. don't say i didn't try

You forgot degenerate faggot nigger, because you are a coward.




Fucking hypocrites have some self awareness


Alt right is dead, its a buzzword Mohammed.

I want to se you try and get stomped

If it wasn't for double standards, leftist wouldn't have any standards at all.

Cognitive dissonance is the natural state of leftist.

Blaming white hetro/Christian men is the glue that holds their entire freakshow together.

Leftist ideology is centred around the belief they're on the "right side of history", meaning that "progress" towards insane degeneracy was agreed upon by most of society, and therefore guaranteed to continue forever.

Hating white males is the glue that keep the freak show rolling.

If white males were suddenly raptured and the left took full control it would be as a mirror shattering into a thousand pieces. Every tribal division in a free for all for power. Pure chaos.

The left is a school of cannibalistic Piranha. They only stand untied when there's a nice juicy pillar of the West in the water. Otherwise they're traitorous, it's in their nature.

They have been indoctrinated and brainwashed their entire lives to beleive in a certain worldview and they are reacting in such a viceral and violent way because they are constantly reminded that their beleifs are a lie.

Its like being a fundamentalist Muslim and having the prophet come back from the dead and spend every moment of the day on a live television broadcast calling them all stupid goat fucker for believing that retarded shit he wrote in his diary between fuck sessions with his 9 year old wife all while he eats a huge plate of bacon and pulled pork and drinks an endless series of alcoholic beverages.

Thats what its like for leftist proles to have to see "PRESIDENT TRUMP" every time they turn on the news.

I don't understand why leftists refuse the existence of Cultural Marxism...All it does is extend the basic thesis of Marxism (proletariat vs bourgeois) into a cultural aspect (white vs POC, patriarchy vs feminism, rich vs poor, left vs right)

>*sips Mohammed's cum*

Minorities aren't dumb
>we need Affirmative Action because minorities cant pass 4th grade level skills tests to get into college
Minorities aren't violent and lawless
>we need to end Broken Window Policing because minorities cant be expected to not loiter petty shoplift or urinate in public
Minorities are just as capable of holding fulltime jobs
>we need a massive welfare state because minorities cant seem to clock in on time or not just randomly quit thier jobs
Illegal immigrants contribute to society
>How dare you want to cut gibs for illegals! they will all starve to death without welfare

Liberal logic folks..


Reminds me of this hooktube.com/watch?v=rrBxZGWCdgs

>left wing ideology is highly hypocritical and inconsistent faggotry that constantly pulls shit out of its ass

who'd have thought

Do you want some gfx to taunt the shill ?