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Mister Metokur is dying
Literally who? Another e celeb bites the dust, thank the lord
Will he be brave and tell the truth about his AIDS or use the tired 'cancer' excuse?
Krauts assassins got him
Not the YouTube intellectuals!
He is transitioning and the hormones are fucking with his brain and wee wee
The only celeb we should be talking about here is the_Donald right fellow magapedes?
Dude admitted to being in a wheelchair.
He's got to have some sort of condition.
If you mean talking about his impending impeachment than fuck yes
Yeah, it’s called being so fat you fuck up your ankles and knees and can’t walk well anymore
You could've just said he's american
>ID: giRTH
who dis?
oh look at that, a nihilist is dying; nobody cares.
live by the sword, die by the sword
No he didn’t. He was talking about a YouTuber named Liberal Lunacy who’s in a wheelchair when he said that
He sounds like he's from St Louis, but I have a suspicion he may be from Canada.
Really? I would never have expected that from him.
In my mind I always assumed he was an alpha I suddenly have mental image of somebody that looks like hotwheels
>live by the sword, die by the sword
i thought he was a leaf, whatever. we're still your degenerate spawn
lmao i never explicitly heard he was in a wheel chair, but I honestly assumed he was. weird shit
He’s not in a wheelchair
after Kraut's boiis get to him he will be
I could actually see him getting cancer.
Honestly, him and BPS are the only „e-personalities“ I found value in.
Did he put the spotlight on andy racewarski so someone can eventually take his place?
He most likely has a cancer injected by mossad. Metabolic disease is a fuck of a thing.
he has crohn's disease. he mentioned it a few years ago in one of his long ass drunken streams. he's okay most of the time but he gets really bad flareups that completely fucks him up.
>sounds like he's from St Louis
No, he sounds northern and I think it was confirmed years ago that he's from Minnesota.
This is exactly what he said
"Did I use gamergate to get dental work done, to get a new wheelchair, to pay my rent when my asian girlfriend kicked me out"
* He had a history of dating Asians back in the day.
* He seems to have something fucking him up
Make of that what you will.
Really? Mate of mine died a few years back because of that, a pretty unpleasant end as well.
Got the video?
it should've been Gavin McAnus, Paul JEWseph Watson, or (((Aydin Paladin))), why is Internet Aristocrat the one that has to go?
Those are all things other people had done. Liberal Lunacy crowdsourced GG for a new wheelchair, JMiller asked for money for dental work, and another guy who I can’t remember asked for money after he was kicked out by his girlfriend.
Never really considered him an e-celeb
Metokur has Crohn's disease. It seems to be a shitty disease, but hopefully he'll stay alive.
Total Biscuits is going to outlive Jim. Its not fair.
No, he got Asian super AIDS from his chink girlfriend.
yeah, his mom had it, too, and passed away from it.
It's likely he's had to have spent some time in a wheelchair. People with his illness are basically disabled during a flareup.
burn the rice, pay the price.
He presumably sits at home all day every day in front of the computer looking at "e-drama" so he better have an excuse like that.
He isn't really an e-celeb because he does not show his face.
as if jim dying isn't shitty enough
I just hope that glow in the darks are not accelerating his illness. He doesn't deserve to die.
I just wish he would have stood for something before he went.
>Crohn's disease
Today I learned that one of my favourite youtubers has an incurable ass disease. Fucking kek.
i hope he dies for ruining the gamergate movement. fucking dumb ass house nigger
He must know Trump is about to be indicted
How exactly did he ruin it?
Pls no. I like his quick rundowns.
Gamergate was always shit
he noticed it went to shit before retards, that's why the retards think he caused it
why is it behind a fucking paywall?
He didn't ruin it, jackass.
Gamergate was subverted and co-opted by "merchant right" jews like Cernovich and Lauren Southern.
Jim/Metokur saw it coming a mile away so he did the smart thing and disassociated himself from the movement.
>i thought he was a leaf
close. he is from Cuckasoda
The CIA niggers got to him! Why Metokur?
Centrist septic "MUH PR" faggots ruined Gamergate.
well if he is going to close the patreon might as well give your paypigs a reason
Does he have cancer?
Hopefully it's an elaborate joke until he shows up with another personality, but I doubt hes in the wheel chair I think he might actually be drained from having to sift through so much lunacy
at least his patrons got less videos than he normally created and a bunch of spergy streams he would have done anyway.
>why did he get paid?
>Does he have cancer?
he IS cancer.
He's not in a wheelchair. He has a chronic illness that's been getting worse over the last 3-4 months. It probably won't kill him but it's debilitating to the point where he likely won't be making videos (or at least not nearly as many) in the near future.
say it isn't so, his series on deviant art was pure fucking gold, my sides were in orbit the entire diaper fur video.
>gamergate movement
lol ur gay
He seemed decent. He gives some good rundowns of shit pol autist are sperging about. He was like the Inside Edition of Ecelebs.
So instead of admitting that you’re wrong you’re just gonna Make shit up? Bravo.
Is Jim a jew?
Deserves it for bringing harm to Terry.
You will be remembered senpai. We all are going to kick our air addiction eventually.
Dont forget Milo and Sargon. At least Milo would roast some people but he used it for fame too.
Milo would have backed anything for fame.
>he just wanted to shitpost
>to stay anonymous and shitpost with the guys
>suddenly the politisphere consumes him
>hes unironically doing debates
I think he's just killing off this persona,and probably going under another one once Jim dies.
Sargon and Milo are two sides of the same shekel
>a shitty disease
Terry recorded himself tossing himself off in the back of his car to a girl that doesn't like him and posted it on the internet. Is that the fault of anyone but Terry?
I'm pretty disappointed in Milo.
He used to be likable but he let his fame and success go to his head. Worse, the whole pedophile non-scandal and the way the internet quickly forgot about it must have convinced him that he is invincible.
Milo is a fucking jew faggot, what did you expect
Metokur is dying?!
>"Gee I, I hope I get better. It's just a, just a tragedy. I sure hope, I sure hope I'm not dying. Just horrible.
I might have to make a video celebrating this....
> caring about e-celeb drama
> reading about e-celeb drama
>posting about e-celeb drama
> pic related
(Yes, I'm aware I'm in this thread. That's why I nuked us all.)
I would usually agree but it's Jim though.
Looks like Jim found a good toothbrush. Rip in poz fuck flu Jimbo.
Poor leaf, didn't realize we all had immunity dog protecting us from his nuke, only killed himself
Saw this coming. He can't take the pressure of popularity and the expectations it puts on him. He's going to go back to just lurking for a while before not being able to stop himself making more videos that poke fun at tumblr.
thats what happens when you fuck mentally ill asian girls
Literally, who?
Sargon ruined it and made it the precursor to the Skeptic movement
Gamergate boy. Central figure of the anti-sjw wave of youtubers and half the reason why Sup Forums became popular since 2014.
This. I was considering him replacing Dick Sphincter at some point. Is there noone whos not a weak pussy in alt right, who could replace that idiot Spenc?