Jews becoming white nationalist

Orthodox are becoming Sup Forums tier

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Orthodox is slang for doesn't like Israel, right?

there is more than one flavor of orthodox.

Good we will need some (((accountants))) after the purge.

White nationalism is spreading in Catholic community as well.

I've already talked to like, 5 people at my parish about the Holohoax and the Jewish problem. Not hard when all your church fathers hated Jews and the patriarchs compared them to demons and said God hated them.

the orthodox in Israel are basically niggers and everyone hates them

Orthodox means Orthodox Christianity you faggot

do you people even check the catalog?

Did you even read the article

nah Orthodox Jews are just fucking incredibly awful. It's like somebody mixed gypsies with your stereotypical merchant jew.

They're like Nazi caricatures

dumb frogposter

Don't attend a novus ordo pussy church. Seek out FSSP/SSPX churches that perform ONLY the Latin Mass.

These are magnets for far-right conservatives who do not put up with shit. Some of them of course will be bluepilled on the Jews and the Church itself may even tow the zog line, but - at least at my parish - I'd say 25% of the parishoners are ready and waiting for someone to redpill them.

I had one woman ask me, mid discussion, "hey you think.....(she paused) you know, the holocaust......"

At this point I interrupted her and said "happened?"

Her face brightened and she looked at me.

"No. Not a chance. Hitler was a Catholic and never supported war or murder."

"Oh good, I've been thinking about this for a while now. It just doesn't make sense but I don't know who to talk to."

We talked for about an hour after that, I showed her videos on youtube and some holohoax proof. She was shocked. I told her about the church fathers and how they all hated Jews.

Very nice woman, has a good family too. Said anytime I want to be around her son and be his "big brother" I can.

Future looks bright.

>jews are racist
No shit, that doesn't make them White Nationalists. Do kikes ever take a break from this sort of kikery?

>Hitler was a Catholic and never supported war

>white nationalism spreading among non-whites

"It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted war in 1939. It was wanted and provoked solely by international statesmen either of Jewish origin or working for Jewish interests. I have made too many offers for the limitation and control of armaments, which posterity will not be cowardly enough always to disregard, for responsibility for the outbreak of this war to be placed on me. Nor have I ever wished that, after the appalling First World War, there would ever be a second against either England or America. Centuries will go by, but from the ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred of those ultimately responsible will always grow anew against the people whom we have to thank for all this: international Jewry and its henchmen."
-Adolf Hitler

Some days, I'm half convinced the last 10 years were a ((plot)) to make sure the next 10 years allow the dark races to be annihilated without feelings of guilt.
Pound on whitey for a fucking decade, taking the very best of what he is and claiming it's what destroyed third world countries.
Feed minorities article after article about how they are strong, noble, intelligent creatures enslaved by the evils of whitey.
Wash, rinse, repeat for a decade, until we're at a point where reasonable white men - the type who a decade ago would believe that racism was wrong and should be opposed - are now openly espousing statements that perhaps Hitler wasn't entirely wrong with the displacement of people who do nothing but cause harm to society.
Flip the switch, have acceptance of racism and racial viewpoints become a mainstream talking point. Turn it into an acceptable reaction to the minorities illegally entering north america and europe, and set the white death machine in motion.

If white people follow the above script, no more minorities. Jews win.
If white people fail the above script, then no more white people. Jews win, and will figure out some other way of removing the dark races from the world.

pretty sure the word you're looking for is "Zionism". i doubt many jews want to get rid of the jews. then again, everyone hates jews, so who knows

The alt-right was co-opted by Jews from the start.

That’s a really cute image and I’m going to save it

Are they, dare I say, /ourpeople/?

Our... merchants?

>alt right starts growing
>it's all jews joining

Would you want to live with niggers?

The didn’t hate Jews per se moreso judaizing of the faith is what they took offense at.

red panels is a kike

Oh so jews are white now? They need to fucking decide once and for all.

See Essentially it's true that different jews have different parasitical schemes against us. It's also no secret they despise all goyim.

Being parasites, it's understandable they'd steal from us to further their own agendas. A common point is that they may hate whites and want us dead, but the speed of the moslem/nonwhite invasion is so fast that they'll lose control too quickly. Some want more goyim to die for the sake of greater Israel first.

Ultimately, they're still our enemies. Sup Forums won't fall for the "fellow kekistani goy" bullshit, but normie cuckservatives do.

almost as if it's... controlled opposition huh?

Jews are racist, imagine my shock.

Parasites can't run a country by themselves.

> Orthodox Jew and cyber Nazis both fighting Zionists and Bolsheviks
What time line is this

>Let me in, I'm a white nationalist now.

something something....Trojan horse

>mfw we literally morphing into One with the Jews
We shouldn't had looked into the abyss for too long!