So as some of you may know, Formula 1 has banned grid-girls starting next season

So as some of you may know, Formula 1 has banned grid-girls starting next season.

This is the first time I realized something - at times feminism works in favor of men. To me this is a message to girls that they can't expect to have privilege of being invited to events simply for being female and good looking.

I think it's wonderful they are replacing them with grid-kids, who might actually hugely appreciate the opportunity to see their idols up close.

Yay for equality!

Other urls found in this thread:

>unironically watching cars turn left
get a real hobby user

He said formula 1 lard ass.

>implying formula one is nascar.

Gee, baseball is just a stick hitting a ball.

I'd think you are being sarcastic here, but since you are Estonian I have to ask:
Are you fucking serious?!
>he watches pieces of glorified carbon run in circles

Honestly this entire thing is so stupid.

yeah women should be in the back getting fucked. Thats all I got from this.

Yeah because fuck women who are pretty!

Why would I be sarcastic? The world just became a little bit less degenerate.

Now I read, they replace them with kids. You know, like 9 year old girls.

Makes you think.

Formula 1 is now Feminist 1

Hags with insecurities ban young beautiful girls from making easy money, nothing new here

I hate car racing and ugly whores so why should I care?
>replacing them with grid-kids,
Whoa, whoa whoa, lolis at car racing? Cat racing might not be so bad.
>ugly old high heel wearing whores
Pick one

>makes you think
>the things that hold the sign are meant to be fucked after the race.

>he watches niggers squeak their shoes on a wooden floor.

Its F1 not nascar.
But OP, your argument is dumb. Unless you'd prefer to look at kids than hot women. Ring girls next. Ding ding.

This is disgusting just becuase some Jews find Kids sexually attractive doesn't mean they should replace women at the event.

The only reason they're doing this is because other women are jealous.

It's why they try and ban porn here, along with pin-up girls in newspapers and they don't care about hijabs.

It's all intrasexual competition

Ok, now I think you’re just retarded. No one forced these women to stand on the grid, they freely choose to stand there. Plus, they get paid for practically doing nothing. What’s the problem here? Oh right there’s a problem because you’re either a: an ugly women no one will touch or b:an whiteknighting cuck who believes that women will like him more if he virtue signals.

>Ring girls next. Ding ding.
the hell you say, man

>I think it's wonderful they are replacing them with grid-kids

Maybe this place has made me jaded, but I suspect the pedos are involved in this decision.

>the things that hold the sign are meant to be fucked after the race.

Trying way too hard, son. Enjoy the (you) though

>beautiful women deserve a free lunch

Who is the white knight here?

Is this some forced attempt to "appeal" to women?

>getting rid of non contributing roastie orbiters

Check this image out you retard. Tell me if it’s “empowering”

this is pretty much standard feminism. they tell women they're helping them and then destroy women's opportunities to coast through life on their vag alone. it's not until women are completely screwed over by feminism and working 2 jobs as a single mother that they start to realize they had it better in the 1950's.

It's not about empowering anything, you fucking illiterate burger.

It's about women not getting a free ride in life for having a vagina and white knight idiots paying for the ride.

e.g what is the end result of the 'me-too' stuff?

It's men not wanting to meet with women without others present.

>A male backlash against #MeToo is brewing

The end of result of Feminism right now is Mike Pence-ism.

Not sure where I side on the issue.

I want their feet in my mouth while the others perform ball torture on me.

Nope. It's the next phase in transhumanism. The corporations want to remove the women so you are forced to sexualize the cars themselves.

The women were only ever there to train you for this.

Oh yeah sure buddy. Next you’ll ban women sports because they’re getting a free ride through it.

Ring girls. Pretty self explanatory. The bitches with the cards between boxing/mma rounds. They'll be next...


Women dont know shit about cars or racing.
This is what happens when they're allowed into decision making positions.

Shart up your own mouth and die

>they are replacing them with grid-kids

>same as being born with a vagina

Assholes like you is why we can't have nice things anymore.

OP wholeheartedly agrees.

If you're unironic, you're basically no better than the people you put down for banning the girls.

Your mind has been corrupted and you know no innocence anymore.

>grid girls
>I bet they get anally fucked after races bro.
>grid kids
>yeah, I bet pedophiles invite them to a private room at the track after the race
>grid men
>This must be some kind of faggot agenda.
>genderless mutants
>Fucking jews pushing their agenda!

There's been like 500 threads on this in two days.

Do you losers have nothing better to talk about?

Gr8 b8 m8. I r8 8/8

I wish I drove an F1 car one day

>wants to watch kids over dime pieces...

Grid Kids eh? Well, I'm sure some pedo F1 drivers will get distracted by that.

>he doesn’t want to look at attractive women
>he thinks women should be held to the same standards as men
OP is a gay feminist

So now it's going to be scantily clad 12 year olds instead? Who suggested this again?

>they are replacing them with grid-kids


Isn't that dangerous?

checked and kekked
this is Sup Forums in a nutshell. even when they get their way they can't be happy.

It's funny. They act as if these women were forced to be grid girls.

Better go liberate those poor girls over at Hooters next.

Good maybe these bitches can get real jobs instead of being paid to stand around and look pretty.

all those poor women just lost their jobs :(

why wouldn't you want a bunch of 12 year old standing about multi-million dollar racing cars?

>Its sexualization up untill youre fat or ugly then is liberating

what could they mean by this?


Because they’re retarded feminists, and jealous of others who take care of their own bodies.

>being a grid girl
>a job

It's those whores' chance to hop on the gravy train by catching an eye of some old rich guy. This is not their day job.

I do wonder what year that picture was taken.

If I'm not mistaken they never use such sexy outfits anymore.
Pic related is a more typical outfit for present day "grid girls" which I think is perfectly fine.

to be fair, formula 1 got lame when they added car restrictions
it was supposed to be a battle of technology, and the drivers were just a necessity

>This is not their day job.

But it's not a one-off either.

Girls generally do multiple events per year.
Possibly combined with (runway)modeling work.

It's stupid to say it's not a job, that's like saying your taxi driver wasn't doing a job because it was just one trip.

lol good. I take immense pleasure in everyone's fun being ruined. And yes, I ventured over here from /r9k/. And no, I'm not leaving.

I hate to side with feminists, but anything that contributes to a sexless culture where Chads are placed under the thumb of a system that enforces a quasi-puritanical view of sex is a-ok by me. Here's hoping that "alpha" F1 drivers are all eventually subjected to #MeToo and have their lives and careers ruined.

>formula 1 got lame when they added car restrictions

AFAIK they always had restrictions.
It's a FORMULA after all: the whole point is to build the best car you can within the rule limits.

Feminists hate good looking women more than they hate men

>I watch carz go

Because literally everything bad is good,
and literally everything good is bad.

The beautiful is ugly and immoral
The ugly is beautiful and righteous
Caring for your own is a sin
And caring for hostile strangers is a virtue
The purpose of art is to provoke and disturb,
instead of to inspire and idealise
Losing is a virtue
Winning is a vice
Greatness is evil
And the base, unsophisticated and unrefined is good
Men are to cower and submit
Women are to screech and defile

This is the sign of the times. It's a sign of Kali Yuga.

We are living in a sick inversion of the world.

The sole glimpse of hope, is that this state of being is unstable. Because reality is on our side. One needs brainwashing to become one of them. But to become one of us, one needs to only look at the world.

It's a car building competition between some of the world's best engineers.

The interesting part is learning how the complex engines and aerodynamics works.

Don't mind him. He's from the states and enjoys the traditional american discipline of nigger bull breeding and bull sports.

i don't think you realize how many women this is going to push right, being beautiful and proud is not allowed is what most sane women are going to see the more the left does shit like this the more women they are going to come to our side. virtue signaling is diminishing returns the political movement you don't see it yet, but you will soon observe a point where the average woman isn't going to be able to stand this shit anymore and wholesale abandon this ideaology because the ones peddling it are used up old cat ladies who hate white men and beautiful women.

Honestly, the peak of f1 was really in the 90s. When senna died, it went to shit.

>Senna most drivers who died yound, is a meme. If he never died, he would be remembered like Prost is. Sure, legendary in his time, like many others before and after him.

I like that these women all got a huge dose of how destructive feminism is. A bunch of jobless hotties who are suddenly bitter about liberal sexual perspectives?

I think that's a win, fellas.

I used to think NASCAR was retarded too. It's more interesting if you drive as a hobby and are into motorsports in general.

>i don't think you realize how many women this is going to push right
>being beautiful and proud is not allowed is what most sane women are going to see

Most women these days are neither "beautiful" nor "sane." Regardless, all I care about is the cultural impact of shit like this. You think it's going to push more women to the right? ok, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. In the meantime, I revel in the fact that the days of free-wheeling playboys like James Hunt and his ilk are coming to a close. These fucks have to walk on eggshells lest they get accused of "sexual harassment" and wind up losing everything. That's the way it should be. The days of the Chad are coming to a close.

But muh T&A

we should make a movement shaming cheerleaders in the nfl pretending to be liberals on twitter to really drive this home. what better way to destroy feminism than to pit its movement against itself.

There's also a quote for female drivers. Also men have to drive in reverse, you know, because privilege.

They still just go in a damn loop. It's boring as fuck.
>inb4 niggerball
Watching sports period is stupid.

based establishment

>pretty women are now out of a job because feminism
more proof feminists are angry fat dykes

>makes you think
>children should be holding signs instead of trained sexy professionals

F1 sucks anyway. Rally is way better.

watchin porn is better, eh?


>banned grid-girls
>substitute them for grid-kids which aren't paid at all

F1 new owners are just a bunch of pedophile jews, aren't they?

>implying the SJWs are going to let the grid kids have that job when they could use it to have a bunch of AIDS patients raise awareness about GRID

Congrats on perpetuating the retarded mongrel nigger stereotype, you fucking retarded mongrel nigger.