What is this expression trying to convey?

What is this expression trying to convey?

He got the biggest boner

He just played this

I used to play a deck based on this and magic cylinder (and similar cards), and the expression in the OP is pretty accurate.

He wants to give hugs

[insert yu-gi-oh used to be so fun now it is a piece of shit cashcow response here]

He's got that boner for Bakura

Yami Marik+Evil Original Marik was genuinely the best and most unique character in all of the Yu-Gi-Oh! series. Watching his savagery increase throughout the series was really enjoyable.

>when you look at old Jump ranks and realize Battle City was constantly outdoing Water 7-era One Piece and Naruto's chuunin exams

What went so right?

wasn't naruto never popular in japan or some shit?


>you will never be encased in a soul-devouring insect hourglass

how do it go from this to...

i love joeys expression

is that his rape face?



a demon has taken over my mind and I need to play card games immediately


3rd best selling manga of all time

Marik is unironically a better villain than most anime villains. And Ra is awesome of course


when u enter the illuminati and the first bitch u fuck finds out so u gotta whip out yo superpower shit on yo forehead

melvin just wants a hug

>must first be summoned to your opponents side of the field
So they get to use this against me and I take 1k dmg/turn? Seems kinda shit for only removing 2 of his monsters

>quoting ygotas


That's just an example of YGO's shitty and confusing phrasing, it's the controller of the card (your opponent after you summon it) that takes the 1000, not the person who played it

THE original Yugioh face guys.

All later faces are mere derivations of the the greatness that is Joey+Marik.

I love his art. Too bad the doujin was boring ass sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.

Link summoning is bad

Was it a froggy deck?

Such a lust for revenge

Decklist died with duelling network but from what I remember it was mostly
- Lava golem (amazing since he bypasses tons of defensive effects and is a tribute so he "costs" and doesn't "destroy").
- Volcarona
- Backrow hate (heavy storm...)
- Magical cylinder
- Dimensional fissure
- Golden apples (golem attacks and triggers all 3? I get 9K health and 3 3K beatsticks)

The idea was mostly "I tribute your fancy creatures, either you attack and kill yourself or die to golem burn". Had a surprisingly good winrate. Hard countered by masturbation decks like exodia though.