Operation - Taste the Medicine

Operation - Taste the Medicine

Requirements - some balls, shirt, hat, hidden video camera

Anons, it is time to go forth, possibly with hide back up, to far left establishments wearing shirts/hats that proudly state:


or a combo of the above

>if leftist enough they will refuse service
>cannot control themselves
>post video online + sure for discrimination based on several protected grounds
>make leftists eat their cake

If you have the balls to get a little dirty this is a win-win. They WILL discriminate, they could even get violent. Then we post videos so normies can see their hate and discrimination.

Note: other than shirt be respectful and in a good mood.

We are doing Gods work here anons.

Well where is it

Sounds like a good time.

If you're going to make an OP leaf, at least tell us where the fuck it is you giant faggot...

>lets fight retarded identity politics with retarded identity politics
>what could possibly go wrong xD

Got the idea from

I googled and apparently there are shops/restaurants all the east/west coast and even britain with this shit.

Either way I'm just saying do this to ANY leftist establishment and there are fucking plenty everywhere.

>not going in and calling them all assholes and telling them they have to leave

It's a pretty good plan actually. You have to keep those fuckers to their own standards.

MAGA hat is all that is required.

Or you can just subvert their expectations by not being an autist and just ignore them, don't give them the attention they crave.

this is what i was thinking

>Or you can just subvert their expectations by not being an autist and just ignore them, don't give them the attention they crave.

So much shilling I love it.

The plan will work. We all know how deranged leftists are and this can easily result in an open and shut lawsuit.

MAGA hat is a political ideology and is not protected

HAS to be proud straight/white/male/christian

what product am I advertising?

whats behind the meme flag?

I love that leafs are so useless they would post a plan with knowing the location of their target.

Good job faggot.

USA, like the majority of users on Sup Forums.

>make leftists eat their cake
I'm curious as to what you think this means.

>tfw 2/4

Why is a leftist such as yourself here?

I'm not a leftist, and I've been going on Sup Forums every day for 10 years now.
>leaf calling someone else a leftist

>Jewish lawyer trying to get pol to do shit so he can make shekels
You're 1000 years too early to even try and deceive us here you filthy rat.

If you go into a lefties establishment wearing anything that says PROUD (any of the four above) they will likely kick you out, and thats grounds for a lawsuit.

Explain how this would not work. You can't. That's why you fags are shilling so hard.


meant to say eat their fag cake

Oh, well that makes even less sense.
You are a drooling idiot.

Why don't you just do it and then make a fucking thread

I know one place where they hire real weirdos like trannies. Wonder how to make them flip out?

>PROUD (any group leftists hate) apparel

It funny that this sackless bag of shit thinks he's capable of doing this, a real man would have done it then posted so why don't you walk youre ass home SoyBoy.


Ditch the ''white'' part. It makes you into a racist.
Ditch the ''straight'' and ''male'' parts, it makes you into a sexist.
Ditch the ''christian'' part, it makes you intolerant of other religions.
Ditch the ''proud'' part, it makes you into a bigot.

proud gun owner? gotta be more specific and somehow not political

>act autistic at lefty owned store
>cause big pointless controversy that really goes nowhere
>becomes trending on twitter
>store gets huge influx of business because virtue signaling

Honestly not a bad plan, but please consider the outcome of calling hypocrite out. Publishing these individuals reactions will only make them more frenzied.


"Make your enemy hold up to their own book of rules" sounds pretty solid to be honest, and even if it backfires somehow, it'll only show how the true intention of these "protections" are to undermine Christianity and target White business owners.

t. leftist pissed af because he knows his faggot friends will break the law and get sued in this situation

They're broke leftists, just toss a brick through the window. The expense will probably bankrupt them.

The amount of leftist shill here basically proves my point. Considering what happened with IOTBW we all know leftists won't be able to not discriminate to a proud white person / male/ straight/ christian

Its an easy way to sue these fuckers.

However it's only solid in concept. You sound like you've only half assed the planning of this.

It's a working concept but the idea is good.

Leftists will refuse anyone that is proud and any of those categories. Its been shown with their reactions IRL so far, and those are all protected groups. I'm sure some leftist establishments won't do shit, some won't care, some might spit in your drink, but what we have seen from the left in the last couple of years is evidence enough that quite a few will literally kick you out and scream at you for being proud. It's textbook discrimination and planned accordingly could cost those business their entire business.

just wear a cross and be polite. go into a faggot bakery and ask them to bake you a cross cake for your son's confirmation. when they get triggered and throw you out, sue them for religious discrimination.

The problem is having a shirt that is such blatant bait might give anyone who attempts this away as intentionally attempting to provoke conflict. You'll need something that'll be enough to bait them into the reaction that's wanted, but not so fucking blatant that anybody who isn't a fuck 60IQ nigger could tell it was an intentional baiting attempt. Something like a shirt that might say "I'm proud to be White" and a just a cross pendant.

obvious bait is obvious.

Just a t shirt with a non offensive biblical verse and a cross would is the sort of outfit you'd want.

However i still believe the leaf is too much of a soyboy to do it

>keep those fuckers to their own standards
This idea is doomed to fail, because leftards don't have standards. They only have double standards.

shirt with a bible verse that leftists find controversial?

How about really fucking with them by going in there in full Muslim dress telling them how disgusted you are with homosexuals and whatever else triggers them.

Actually This would be gold, don't go full homophobia just let it be known that is against your world view, bonus point if you pretend to be an immigrant fleeing " Western organized violence" of course you couldn't sue at this point, but it would be funny.

the gay cake guys went from place to place intentionally baiting them


What if you became all those things after you went in

Left can do this, but not right.

They call it anarcho-tyranny...selective enforcement of rules and laws based on elite's opinions and interests.

I don't like it on principal, but I have a strong, natural aversion to these boutique-y type shops anyway, so I don't feel I'm missing out on anything.

I would not be surprised. Either way its not illegal to bait.

I can't believe some shills are suggesting that the business won't get fined for discrimination if you planned to go in and bait them into discrimination.

>the fucking state of leftist shills

even better, it they kick out a faggot there is a chance you will make news

Two main problems as far as i see

Baiting them with out seeming to bait them might be an issue, leftys always bring the cameras out in an argument so you'd have to be exceedingly careful how you handle your shit whilst doing it, you slip up and drop evidence your baiting or say anything to provocative and they could be the ones taking you to court.

Will you be able to find a lawyer willing or able to sue the company over an obvious baiting attempt and will jew run courts even see it as a viable case if you get it dragged into court ?

You are a fagget. And I also think you are a shill because you act like such a fagget.

Basically approaching it in a non baiting way.

A shirt that is offensive to far lefties but is benign to normies and keeping your cool.

I don't think proud christian is enough (although it could be). Need to at least stick in another of the protected grounds they hate.

Also, to note is the actual approach. If you go in with a relaxed attitude, just minding your own business having a nice day, you are less likely to be seen as baiting even with proud a straight male shirt

Can they legally kick you out for thinking gays are gross? These laws are written with the specific intent to ostracize normal people. The gay cake succeeded because sexuality is a protected class.

Race – Civil Rights Act of 1964
Religion – Civil Rights Act of 1964
National origin – Civil Rights Act of 1964
Age (40 and over) – Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Sex – Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission interprets 'sex' to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity [2]
Sexual orientation – Executive Order 13672
Pregnancy – Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Citizenship – Immigration Reform and Control Act
Familial status – Civil Rights Act of 1968 Title VIII: Housing cannot discriminate for having children, with an exception for senior housing
Disability status – Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Veteran status – Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 and Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
Genetic information – Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act






You could go into a jewish shop with a shirt for pastor anderson's church

At this point you could probably go in with a "Proud Russian" shirt an leftists would rather break the law than serve you.

We are approaching a time where lawsuits against these freaks can be pretty simple.

Bumping because this is a good idea.

Just add WHITE to the "IF YOU ARE..."
