Manga Discussion Thread

What have you been reading? What have you got on your backlog?
What's got you hyped up this week?

I've just started Boku-tachi ga Yarimashita (pic related) and it's shaping up to be pretty great like Cigutera or Wanitokagegisu or some psychological shit like that.
I've got Boys on the run on my backlog for a long time now it too looks rather similar with the wimpy MC.
To You the Immortal's got me really hooked Its got great art and is also great at constantly getting you in the feels. I hope Oiima Yoshitoki goes for a fucking crazy ending rather than the subdued almost nothing happened sort of one she gave Koe no Katachi.

Other urls found in this thread:

I bought a couple things that looked amusing. The first is Kuma Robo, which is some comedy about a girl that controls a robo bear suit. The other seems to be about a girl who dies and is resurrected by God as a super hero in order to stop a comet from hitting Earth. The comet is apparently Satan. Otherwise, I scanned the first volume of the English print of Swans in Space, by Yamamoto Lun Lun.

>Boys on the run on
Good series but you are fucked if you only have english scans to rely on, the group who worked on it was last active 2 years ago, they stopped close to the ending, on an infuriating part that shits all over the protagonist. The series has a satisfying ending but people who can't read japanese were left behind.

New scanlations never.

starting vol. 5 of Sun-Ken Rock soon. It seems that there are 171 chapters translated, no chapter list on wiki, and MAL says there are 25 volumes with 181 chapters. is MAL lying about the 10+ more chapters or did Crunchyroll drop it for the last 10 chapters?

There's 171 chapters (chapter 171 is literally called Chapter.Final) plus a bunch of Gaidens.
My guess is that those Gaidens are included in those 25 volumes.

Couldn't sleep last night and I didn't want to start a new manga, so I picked this manhwa called Siren (by Getty) on a whim.
Think Berserk with a LOT more, ridiculous and detailed amount of sex, oh, and gore.

Pretty decent art, too.

ah yeah that makes sense thanks

OP, I assure you, that one you got in your pic is way, way, way less rage-inducing than Cigutera and even more less rage-inducing than Boys On The Run.
I saw the raws of Boku-tachi ga Yarimashita, it's actually way tamer than what I expected at first. What's more, it got a good ending. A real one, I mean. Those other 2 series mentioned above couldn't really be called "good", I think.
Also, thank you for reminding me of Wanitokagegisu, I remembered I used to read that, years ago, until the scanlations just suddenly stopped.

>satisfying ending
I wouldn't call that "satisfying", you know?
It wasn't full bad or shitty, but still... Way far from "satisfying"...
In the first place, that kind of series can't really get a satisfying finale, no matter what.

Reading Bakuon Rettou. Really good story

I suggest you stop reading after Ken defeats the thai/cambodian/whatever-nationality-he-was guy. His first big rival, I mean. After that, it's all shitty slippery slope. No wait, there were some shitty single chapters before iirc, and one entire story arc (the idol one), but it gets better... And then, after that guy dies, it gets worse and worse. All those fake betrayals, and outta-nowhere-betrayals... What the fuck was the mangaka smoking?

good to know. I'll consider it thanks

I've been reading Imawa no Kuni no Alice, nearing the end now and I noticed that there are several chapters missing (Kimg of Diamonds arc) so now I have to read from a different source. It's pretty fun, only a few characters stand out as interesting and motivated but the games are always exciting and well thought out.

A well deserved break from all these romance stuff I've been reading. I don't know what the fuck is up with me and romance manga but we really seem to like eachother.

>What the fuck was the mangaka smoking?
France terrorist attacks made him feel bad about writing a revenge story. A mangaka drops his professionalism in favor of feeling bad for someone he has never met and will mever meet.

>I don't know what the fuck is up with me and romance manga but we really seem to like eachother.
Have you read "Love Roma"? In my opinion one of the best romance manga I have ever read, it portrays an unique view of romance that manga lack, it focuses on trust and knowing your partner better, no fantasy like sparkles and bubbles.

Also is straight about the main couple forming, no bullshit like love decaedrons.

The art may throw you off due how simplistic it is but the story is worth it.

>oh no, an artist decided to change the story's flow because he was emotionally touched by someone online in a time of terror
self entitled readers are the worst

I've been reading manga for quite a while now but I've never even tried a manhwa or whatever. This description sounds very interesting, I really like manga that depict graphic sexual scenes without it actually being h-material (think girl on the shore, nozoki ana kinda stuff).

Wow now that is a passive bitch, just taking up the ass whatever shit an author may shove down your throat.

I've actually never heard of it so thanks for the heads-up. I got hooked with the romance genre ever since I read Chihayafuru (which doesn't even focus on the romance bit that much) and because I didn't have somebody to recommend me the good stuff I would read literally anything, from the trashiest shoujo like Dengeki Daisy to extremely heavy and psychological stories like Punpun and Aku no Hana.

I know it's a meme to shun normies and whatnot but most people who have had experiences from romantic relationships can relate to some aspects of these stories. At least this is my explanation of why I enjoy this shit, otherwise I can't find a valid reason why a grown ass man would consume media targeted to japanese teenage girls.

you seem to imply that I am making an excuse for a mangaka. I am pointing the faults in your unrealistic expectations on a mangaka. I feel that his decision to change the story has absolutely nothing to do with sacrificing his integrity or professionalism.
Something happened that affected his mood and therefore the course of the story.

Also you are missing the context of the own image you posted. The author changed the revenge story aspect to something else not because he thought it was wrong to keep a revenge theme in dire times like you imply, but because he personally wanted Ken to have a happy ending and move on from revenge in reflection to the things the author has seen.

> just taking up the ass whatever shit an author may shove down your throat.

You're an uneducated loser who thinks a person would take the opposite extreme with someone who disagrees with you.

>never heard of it so thanks for the heads-up
Scratch that, went to add it to my backlog and it was already there, guess this is what I'm reading next.

Reading Sayonara Sorcier right now, it's okay if a little overdramatic.

> I've actually never heard of it
> I know it's a meme to shun normies and whatnot
Fuck off and kill yourself, normalfag.

I've been reading stuff from the local library. The highlight is definitely Me and the Devil Blues, but I wonder what's up with the series in Japan. I read that it was on hiatus for a long while but I guess it's not anymore? Seems like one of those series that'll be ongoing for an eternity.
I also read Sunny which I liked a lot more than I was expecting. I couldn't really get into Tekkon Kinkreet or No. 5 and I was expecting the same with Sunny, but it was a lot more grounded. I guess I should check out Ping Pong next.
Looking forwards to Akagi actually ending, Fire Punch getting licensed and Kakegurui getting a physical release.

Been on a horror manga binge lately but unfortunately it seems that at least 80% of those take place in "Play-Or-Die" situations.

Having said that, I just finished reading the first chapter of Shokuryou Jinrui (you might know the artist from Apocalypse no Toride) and this promises to be quite the ride.

There's an autist

>behave like a retard
>get called out for it
>f-fucking autists
What did he mean by this?

Fuck off to any other site, normalfag cancer.


Reading some Tonari no Seki kun.
I thought the scanlator dropped it but it turns out it was licensed and new chapters are not available on Batoto.

The good news is that I have 4 new volumes worth of Seki's hijinks to go through.

Medaka Box. This guy, Zenkichi, and Foul King are the only characters I can stand. I'm not really impressed; the writing is pretty shitty and it's just power level tier bullshit.

Also reading Akatsuki no Yona and Mushishi. Everyone said not to bother with the Mushishi manga because the anime did it better, but idk, I like the manga, too. Feel like it shows Ginko's character better.

I'm trying to see what's the deal with this Isekai craze so I got both Jobless Reincarnation and The Rising of the Shield Hero.
There was a con recently in my country and I found both english versions for sale.
Depending on the first volume I might get the rest.

Just finished Spirit Circle, was pretty good

I've read like 50 manga seriously, what is my power level Sup Forums?

I did read hundreds of manga before but I never cataloged them so that doesn't count right?

you only reach maximum power level when you stop spending time on Sup Forums and you use that time to read more mango

what is the number of manga I need to read to reach an average power level?

Read Hoshi no Samidaire and Sengoku Youko a try if you haven't yet.
They (very) slightly connected with Spirit Circle and are just as good imo.

>but I never cataloged them

Eh, I've been reading manga since the early 2000's and never cataloged them either.
I can probably list them all if I had a manga masterlist in front of me, though.

I picked up more Isekaishit out of boredom.
Someone please kill me.

But hey, maybe if I'm lucky the translators will give up after a few chapters.

>what is the number of manga I need to read to reach an average power level?
You'll reach a point when you'll get all the references thrown around here.
But remember this is neo-Sup Forums and rarely does anyone discuss anything apart from the flavor of the month anime/manga. Try /m/ after that you'd be surprised to what is considered acceptable as 'mecha' there.

Hey have you tried these? I find people overlook these just because they don't come up more recently

Yesterday I saw a middle-aged woman reading Ayashi no Ceres on the beach.
Made me smile.

wtf this exists? I thought you were jokingly telling him go to 9/10 threads are gundam, what are you talking about?

I already do, although it is just Berserk, HxH, BnHA and BE THE BECOME THE Tokyo Ghoul references so it isn't that big of a deal

Same, I remember picking up Maison Ikkoku around '98 or 99. I can only remember Rumiko Takahashi's works between that point and '05.

>Those other 2 series mentioned above couldn't really be called "good", I think.
Mate, you shit talking To You the Immortal?

I'm always looking for new interesting manga. I read everything from Boy's on the Run that was translated, and it was great but so fucking depressing, like cheering on a racehorse with a broken leg.
I burned through everything Usamaru Furuya, Toyokazu Matsunaga and Keiichi Koike wrote last year and now I'm starved for more "out there" manga with good art and unpredictable plots.
I also read all of Kokou No Hito and Innocent, so now I'm waiting on new volumes of Innocent Rouge.
All the shit that interests me tends to be low-priority for translators; it sucks. I'm sure there's a third volume of Tomino the Damned out but I don't think anyone has touched it.

Yeah, I've read a bunch of them, and the rest is not really to my taste, but thanks.

Mostly I'm looking for ongoing series (or series with ongoing translations) so I've got something new to read every day.

I just read all of the released chapters for pic related in 2 days. 10/10 would recommend, it's way too unknown for how good it is
>inb4 hurr its not manga

>9/10 threads are gundam, what are you talking about?
Sure gundam is a big meme, but have you actually lurked /m/? They have some great threads just look at the music thread there now

>good art and unpredictable plot
Have you tryed Shintaro Kago, Arai hideki and Katou Shinkichi.


desu I tried giving ani/m/e a shot. I watched Heavy Object, MuvLuv, GITS and NGE and I dropped Aldnoah because it was boring as shit. the genre is not really my style, I've been 3 times on the board so my response was a meme.

>Shintaro Kago
Hell yeah. Harem End was a damn good read.

>Arai hideki and Katou Shinkichi
I'll look them up, got any specific recommendations?

Stop typing like a retard.

I'm reading Kingdom, it's one of those gigantic mangas that doesn't feel like a chore and you actually have fun reading.
Pretty good and actually made me feel for a character I used to hate.

Baka to Gogh from Katou
The world is mine from Hideki
Both of them were pretty wild rides in very different ways.

I started rereading Houseki no Kuni after downloading the English translation of volume one, I mistakenly skipped a couple chapters of scans so it made way more sense this time.

That's cool user. Where did find this stuff?

>tfw I'm 25 and backlog still contains stuff I added when I was in middle school

I read manga every day, but I'm starting to feel like I'm going to die before I finish all this.

Oh, I'm currently reading Shut Hell, by the way.
2 volumes in and it's already better than Imperial Guards.

stash food, take a week off and read 24x7

that's how i finished my huge backlog

damn dude you really sorted yourself out
I use my backlog depending on what anime I like during a period. I used to have a shitton of mystery seinen but I deleted some of them off the list because I got my dose.

Anyone here reading Soil? We're getting close to the end now.

I'm bored as shit Sup Forums. Recommend me something, anything, possibly Seinen. I'll take up on whatever thing you suggest I haven't read yet. Bonus points if you give me some reasons as to why I shold pick it up.

Finished it two or three months ago, the ending is batshit insane but to be fair so is most part of the manga. To think I was expecting a classic detective investigation story.

Yep. Only took what, 13 years for translations to reach the final volume?

I don't think I've seen someone prefer Shut Hell to Imperial Guards before. What makes you say that?

>Recommend me something

Fuck off.


Ryuuguuden (castle of the dragon). It's trippy as fuck and gets progressively more crazy and dark as it goes.

right, I forgot about the no reccommendations policy. Not that it actually matters since basically every OPT is a not so thinly veiled reccomendation thread does it?

Appreciate it.


Coincidentally, basically every OPT is complete cancer full of no discussion and just people posting shitty ecchi and shrieking about sauce/saucefags.

> there's a third volume of Tomino the Damned out but I don't think anyone has touched it
It's translated.

Based Hox, don't really see him post much apart from Vinland dumps.
He used post tons of other shit like one-shit and quizzes.
>Not that it actually matters since basically every OPT is a not so thinly veiled reccomendation thread does it?
OPT are fucking cancer. Can't express how fucking grateful I'm to threads like these.

>other people are breaking the rules, so it's okay for me to do so right?

No, fuck off.

Hence why I was looking for a more decent place to ask for something, I had genuinely forgotten about it being forbidden. Forgive me lawful user.

nah, I had just forgotten about it since it happens in plain sight all day long and no one gives a shit. Chill out

Fuck off, nigger.


let it all out.

>It's translated.
Thanks, I'll just have to look harder.

It's on 13 right now.

also, I've been reading this manga lately called Heads. Somehow standard plot of a guy getting a psychotic split personality, but it's pretty good, and it's not very long either.

I'm on it.

ABE Youichi has a unique woodblock-print-y artstyle and crazy stories:
Daidai wa, Hantoumei ni Nidone Suru
Chimoguri Ringo to Kingyobachi Otoko +
Shin Chimoguri Ringo to Kingyobachi Otoko

I finally finished Nurarihyon no mago.
It's not that bad but the ending is a little rushed. Also, that omake at the end with Tsurara wasn't satisfactory at all.

No luck, I don't have any good sources to look through because I'm a pleb. I managed to find Panorama Island though so I'm gonna get on that.

Well this thread is turning a bit hostile. Oh well.

I just finish re-reading Crows/Worst & QP (and some other of Takahashi's work) after reading Clover.
Still looking for more delinquent manga.

I'm also looking for the raws of Takahashi's new manga: Junk Rank Family (or Jank Runk Family ). But no luck.

>Kokou No Hito
I need to catch up with this. It might've ended for all i know.

Some of the panels are completely different now. Not sure yet which I prefer.

>It might've ended for all i know.
It was fully translated five years ago, user.

>It might've ended for all i know.
It did.

>Still looking for more delinquent manga

Are you aware of this chart?

>that chart
user, that's a tiny-ass chart. Someone post the full one.

Yeah, i also have this one.
I read most, but not all, specially the older ones.

i Loved ares. just finished knights run and tales of the unusual. and caught up on gosu and ene no shoubutai. also i recommend reading Id the greatest fusion fantasy.

oh man, i fucking love Ares. Probably my favorite manhwa that's not saying much since most are not very good.

this thread is so comfy. we need more of these threads

>only 1 chapter released
baited once again
this is gonna be one of those horror manga that get 4-5 more releases before scan group dies, isnt it?

>Meguraian no Kimi

Man, I've been trying to remember the name of that oneshot for years.
I knew the title had something to do with a 90's actress but didn't know who.

Any news on Me and the devil blues? It had stopped for god knows how long, then the team who used to translate it picked it up again for some chapters and then it suddenly stopped again.

Is it dead? Should I give up on my hopes?

Needs an editor. Already translated.

Nuwang here. Glad you're enjoying it so far. I'll be releasing daily til Chapter 7, then I'm gonna take a short break and work on volume 2 on a weekly(ish) schedule

>also i recommend reading Id the greatest fusion fantasy.
You fucking monster, new chapter never ;_;

Thank fucking christ. I thought it was just dead in the water.


yeah, no wonder. I'd do it myself if I were any decent at it but it always gave me the impression of being a ridiculously hard one to work on, even for someone good at it

Been catching up with GK

I hope it never ends