Why do people have this strong urge to create multicultural societies? Why can’t we just ban all travel and all migration and return all migrants to their homes?
Why doesn’t everyone stay where they are?
Because migrants are pussies
The bigger pussies are the ones who let them in and feed/clothe/shelter for free.
If you're gonna let in human trash, make them useful with manual labour.
Slovenia's army seems a bit brown.
That is a horse.
Why stay in your shit hole when you can invade and take over a more prosperous country that someone else built? and have everything given to you on their dime?
Because everyone approaching any border should be 1. warned not to approach, 2. shot if he or she approaches anyway. All airports should be blown up, all exchanges of goods should be at special border stations with no contacts between people or on the open sea in the same way. All internet cables should be cut.
>Why do people have this strong urge to create multicultural societies
They don't. Politicians do, because their business lobbies force them to do so.
>Why can’t we just ban all travel and all migration and return all migrants to their homes?
International law, EU law and it is against the agenda of globalisation-promoting big business that wants access to a huge pool of labour to keep wages down.
more pictures of the migrants
What interest do businesses have to destroy humanity and the world?
If they can collapse Europe, they can initiate a reformed union using martial law
They're creating the scenario they need to seize absolute control
Am I contributing to the downfall of society when im studying in Finland and im gonna marry and settle down with a finnish woman?
real nationalists dilemna,
cant I just be pan-nationalist then?
Their countries are shit because niggers and Muslims can't into civilization. White countries welcome them in and offer gibsmedat. It's like feeding stray animals.
Well thats not how it turned out now did it?
Your politicians were probably paid handsomely to fling the gate wide open. And like in that other thread, they're now fleeing to other countries like Poland.
i fucking hate how that nigger looks get her out of here it offends my eyes
Army that wasn't there to keep peace but to hand out rations.
They have a strong urge to go to the west because that's where the money is. They're going to make our cultures exactly like theirs and then move to whatever Jewish enclaves with money are left.
It means they can get away with paying lower wages and increase their potential customer base. They don't think long term, the think in quarterlies and annual projections. One of the problems with capitalism (don't get me wrong, it's still the best economic system we have) is that you can't afford to be stagnant, you HAVE to have growth.
Politicians make decisions to get reelected, CEOs make decisions to appease stock holders. Both require them to think short term instead of long term.
>Because everyone approaching any border should be 1. warned not to approach, 2. shot if he or she approaches anyway. All airports should be blown up, all exchanges of goods should be at special border stations with no contacts between people or on the open sea in the same way. All internet cables should be cut.
seems extreme but okay
Because we're all equal, goy.
No racism.
Some big, heavy balls on those men for daring to turn their backs on the rapefugees
But we aren’t equal. I thought GDP per capita levels and murder rates and rapes made that clear.
You stay where you are and we stay where we are. No visits, not even for business or tourism.
No one is equal.
Traveling by train would be much more convenient and faster.
Zionist funded wars.
Anti-War leftists and Sup Forums have much more in common than they think.
Both criminally underrated posts.
Let them in you racists
used to call that an invasion..that term seems to be lost to this generation ffs
>be a nasty people
>cut down all the trees
>kill all the animals
>sell what resources are left to make a quick buck
>WTF there is nothing here in my home anymore
>see someone with trees, animals, and resources in their home
>conquer them
we're just in the modern polite age where war is illegal. Justify yourself as a victim while you attack and steal from your "oppressors" and people will roll over like a dog for you
The 80% of the White race needs to be gassed. Fucking pussies and traitors.
Can't say Slovenia without Ovens
So long as I never have to see another retarded German-cuck post, I am all for it.
Good question. (((Who))) gains when society is busy infighting policies that neither of them want? (((Who))) gets to go on murder and plunder sprees across the globe using American soldiers while we are busy infighting?
(((Who))) profits? Because we don't, as citizens. Whoever is profiting needs to be gassed, I don't care who they are.
I am 100 for it. What has globalism ever done for people? Shit nothing. Just imagine a world where people would stay where they belong.
>Why do people have this strong urge to create multicultural societies?
They don't. (((They))) do.
Because people that leave their countries to become leeches in another country are the worst pieces of shit there are.
They should stay in their countries and improve them, but they are cowards that should be killed.
>paid handsomely
Hmmm, who has that much money I wonder...
People keep saying it’s because they can pay the migrants lower wages, but you’re assuming the migrants will even work. At least the Mexicans here work.