>A refugee worker who once welcomed Angela Merkel’s decision to open Germany’s borders to over a million predominantly Muslim migrants now admits she was wrong and is emigrating to Poland, asserting, “It’s too late for Germany.”
>A refugee worker who once welcomed Angela Merkel’s decision to open Germany’s borders to over a million predominantly Muslim migrants now admits she was wrong and is emigrating to Poland, asserting, “It’s too late for Germany.”
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Welcome a million+ 70 IQ barbarians into your 1st world society. What could go wrong.
Forget da joos it's women that destroy civilizations.
>white western male patriarchy must be destroyed! diversity is our greatest strength!
>white western male patriarchy save me! diversity is horrible!
Leftism is truly a cancer and a mistake of Western Civilization
What if I told you it was a jewish woman?
>Forget da joos it's women that destroy civilizations.
And its americans who destablized the middle east and french cucks who took out gaddafi who is on record saying that his regime was the final wall between africans flooding into europe
It's all part of the plan. The Great game. We can't allow Germany ans Russia to unite. We must flood you with millions of brownies. The new Germans.
Ans your women eat it up.
Look here Fritz.
You made one to many jokes about """Ze Americans Are So stupid!""" Laughs in German.
While you had your beautiful ethnostate surrounded by culture and history.
Now you know. Now you know.
top fucking kek
>Ans your women eat it up
If that were the case you faggots wouldnt have to repost the same picture for nearly three years now.
Poles need to find her and kill her. This is the same shit they do in the US. Ruin one place and move on to do the same thing in another.
>You made one to many jokes about """Ze Americans Are So stupid!""" Laughs in German
Any Country who willingly plays lapdog for (((them))) and hands over their banks/media and education is fucking retarded
poland yes!
this timeline man.. this timeline
Me and my wife and her boyfriend are also planning to move to Poland. People are getting quiet intolerant over here and we feel that it would be much better to start from the beginning in Poland. I hope we can work together to promote diversity in Poland so that everyone feels welcome.
she accomplished her mission. Her next target is poland.
Please. Western Europe still has the white european countryside and medium/small towns. It's only big cities that are crowded and multicultural because of economic opportunity
Liberals are like hippopotamus. They shit up their watering hole and when the shit piles up so much they move on to another watering hole. In 10 years Texas will be as fucked as California
polish qt trolling libs. noice.
It was Obongo, Clinton and her deep state friends specifically.
Barbara Lerner Spectre
One of many evil jewesses.
>fuck what is the name of Yvette Felarca's (of BAMN) boss? She's another kikess. Must be a coincidence.
Image is so accurate it hurts.
gtfo you baiting faggot
Ti musisz wrócić.
If poland is any smart, they will shot her at the border.
Such people will never learn their lesson. In a few years she will have forgotten how bad the rapefugees are and start to demand taking in refugees from the failed caliphate of germany, but this time in poland.
>destroy country
>run away to the next country and do the same thing
i hope the poles murder her
Bitch needs to be machine gunned as a public spectacle
In germany, its literally the other way round.
Especially small and medium sized cities got overproportionally enriched the hardest, because our government knew that this would make it easier to silence any backslash when something happens.
Yeah. It's kind of like what California residents who get tired of liberal policies do by moving to a more conservative state.
>german moving to Poland
yeah I call bulshit on that
Why don't you start RaHoWa right now?
keep up the good work, sven
so sad this is already In the process...
if they can just quarantine the sickness in austin, they might have a chance.
>"Always kill a traitor before the enemy Jimbo."
hope your wife boyfirend is whi-
Unfortunately this is the timeline we live in...
>In 10 years Texas will be as fucked as California
Literally in process. The number of people who moved to Texas in 2017 alone is enough to tell you how fucked shit is in CA.
I just hope Texas mans up and stops the virus killing the west coast
dont even joke Sven, my blood pressure can't take it
>It's like Californians moving to Texas because Cali is a shithole, but won't do anything different in Texas