For a right wing White Man of course.
Which state is best state?
prolly some of the states in the plains like one of the Dakotas & area - they may be shitholes but imo these are the most non-cucked states
South is BLACKED, West coast is spic'd and NY and Jew England is paradise for liberals
I've been thinking either Alaska or Northern Maine.
Maine is a cucked state around the coast but upper Maine is mostly hunting cabins and barren land. Some of it is still unclaimed.
Alaskan cities attract welfare recipients due to state oil money.
It's really a matter of finding a non-cucked area. Any ultra rural area will be friendly to white conservative males.
Texas for quality of life and opportunity
You honestly just have to road trip it out. Drive into a town, walk into the local grocery and see how many niggers and fat zombie spic women are in there. See if the women are white and have a radiant beauty.
It's not going to be any kind of desirable area because leeches; Leftists and other parasites attack all that is beautiful. You need a Natural Wall to keep those people out. The most effective wall is COLD, which is why my money is on northern Maine or Alaska. You need something that truly terrifies them enough to keep them out. Otherwise they will try to Enrich your community.
It could be a season of bugs or something too. Most things like this, the white man can build a remedy for and still enjoy life.
>Texas for quality of life and opportunity
Montana is supposed to be beautiful.
Upper Peninsular or North West Michigan
Rural northeast
Neat, I'll laugh at that while I have a well paying job and a decently priced house in a good neighborhood.
With out a state income tax also hahaha
South Dakota is pretty nice
I'm an Arizona fan: constitutional carry, cheap, spacious, red, no faggot helmet laws. Idaho looks to be just as good, just without the heat and Mexicans.
Probably eastern kentucky. But you'll have to deal with white welfare niggers who don't work.
Want to move to Arizona any recommendations?
One thing you have to prepare for is the inevitable Nigger Riots that will come with the failure of the electric grid and empty store shelves.
The only logical survival strategy for Whites is to wait out the riots from deeply rural cold and forested areas. Then once the people in Sick Society kill each other, you come out from hiding and pick off the remaining ones.
It's much like a Zombie movie. The survivors are the ones who wait out the main war and then come back to pick off the stragglers.
The strategic choice would be Minnesota. It almost went for Trump in 2016 and still has enough whites (85% or so) to go Republican next time, easily.
NYC Brooklyn... they will love ya here long time
Currently I'm doing research on that topic - so far I have 27 counties and locations
Alaska, New Hampshire, Montana, Colorado, Idaho, Dakotas, Maine
The southwestern portion of Florida, is the best place in the country. Anyone who states otherwise is incorrect. Look-up “Naples Florida”; that’s where I live.
Any state that is 100% white, which is to say no state.
Yeah, I don't want to live under Dems but the demographics (German-Scandinavian) & population density is great. Just small-to-medium towns and lakes and forests for days. Western WI much the same. And there are enough people there that the wrestling is competitive. Gotta get your kids wrestling.
I sorta buy Covington's arguments for the PNW ethnostate but that German Midwest is hard to pass up. And of course helping make MN red (or keep WI or MI red) is nice. I feel like going to the Dakotas, WY, or ID would be abandoning the electoral fight.
You have my full attention sir, please continue.
north Dakota or Ohio
Winter Chan blesses your new year. May many snowflakes fall before you.
Oh, user
Minnesota has a Leftist problem. It's made up of mostly Swedes and other bleeding heart Scandinavian types. As such, Minnesota suffers the same fate of Sweden as they are much too tolerant. Minneapolis is already fucking infested with Somalis and other ShitSkin invaders.
If you choose Minnesota, you would choose the northern reaches (lake country) that is close to the Canadian border. There is one town up there that is so fucking cold that it's a test track for all the auto makers. Leeches hate small towns where they are singled out as welfare recipients. Shaming is still active in those small towns and this is a good thing.
Maine is the whitest state left. I found that statistic somewhere.
That is followed by Montana and Alaska. Actually places like Texas that you would think is white is infested with spics by the thousands. Only Cold keeps nigger varieties away. That is the last frontier of the white man before the Great War starts and all the niggers kill each other.
I really hate these fucking memes.
>lel the white race is dying
>white genocide so funny dude lmao
And they're always spread by some memeflag faggot. I'm onto you, fucking disphits.
North Florida
Here you go folks:
Whitest states left:
Best bet still for the white ethnostate is Maine.
Vermont is still mostly white but infested with bat shit crazy leftist women
West Virginia is white but infested with inbred hicks.
Then you've got New Hampshire, the Dakotas and Iowa. Another Chan posted the other day about how Chicago was shipping degenerate niggers into mostly white Iowa towns.
We may have to consider the Canadian Territories. I will be scoping out northern Alaska. I may try to fuck one of Palin's daughters.
??? Why wouldn’t you assume there’s spics by the thousands in Texas
Hard to say. Depends on your values.
NYC sucks, but the rest of the state is awesome. Unfortunately, the dems have a disproportionate impact on state politics, as well as national.
good stuff right there. the peninsulas are our last stronghold against the hoards of snow-mexicans and chinese that will try to breach our borders and steal our water, come WWIII
Anything on the Canadian border would be my guess. It's like a peacewall.
You just want trads to move up there so you snowniggers have a nice respectable place to flee too once your country collapses under maoism.
Maine is 93-5 percent white
New Hampshire & Vermont are 90-2 percent white
I think Maine is good for desolation and LL bean, but muh NH because mountains and skiing.
Although I'm much too beaten down and depleted at the moment, I do think it's a good idea to start talking about creating white communities with "natural defenses" to keep niggers out.
Of course the Jews want to infest the entire country with niggers. Even traditional white strongholds like Iowa, Indiana and Idaho are getting nigger infestations. There has to be a deterrent of some kind that can't pin the community as "racist". The most effective is the advertisement of "hard work" or "hard life" which is a natural nigger repellent. This is why niggers have taken over all our beautiful coastal areas. It's an easy life with gorgeous weather. Bingo, nigger infestation.
The white community would have the most shitty and understaffed welfare office...just enough to satisfy the feds but otherwise, the most broken and ineffective distribution of GIBS possible as a deterrent.
I hate to say it but the Mormons really have it together. Just little shit like shunning booze, TV, nicotine and having that be a Community Morality is a nigger deterrent. Same goes for Dutch communities in Penn State. What do you see when you find a Dutch community....."Ah hard work! Nigga I don't want that shit Sheet!"
It's almost like you have to create the illusion of a community being all about "hard work" while at the same time enjoying the leisures that whites have created in secret.
Probably because every fucking sign is in half Spanish/English. It's probably not thousands but millions...all masquerading as whites.
Czech user, you pretty much summed up all of America. It's sad how the white have been forced to retreat further inland. They must retain on to what little territory they have left. Thank god minorities don't like frigid temperatures. The Mid-West has that to their advantage.
A state like Montana or Wyoming would seem to be the best of both worlds: very white and very right-wing. Parts of the Northeast are very white as well, but they're full of shitlibs.
Nebraska-fag here,
Enjoyable state, real moderate, low crime, small town family values, lots of working the land available especially around farm towns, and everyone absolutely hates commies and socialists, stay the fuck away from Omaha though.
Baldwin County, South Alabama. Best county in the United States
Maine seems nice
It isn't stopping them in Ohio.
What do you folks think about Pennsylvania? Thinking of moving to outside Philly from Maryland this year.
Montana is on my final list. It still has this moniker of "hard life" when most people view it. Every time I mention Montana to my friends as a destination, they're like "Shit, that place is awful man. It's desolate." That is the kind of place whites need to regroup and start new white communities and raise white families. Sucks, but it's the only way to regroup.
I set my dating site filter to Montana once and found some pretty conservative women there. Not many good lookers but definitely a hard working conservative attitude.
> I do think it's a good idea to start talking about creating white communities with "natural defenses" to keep niggers out.
I suggest that we look to Maine, New Hampshire, & Vermont. They are all rather mountainous and they have rather cold temperatures and recive fair amounts of snowfall.
If we are talking post collapse, I say wall at Frankonia Notch and we’ll live North of their.
Man, whoever labelled the cities here was phoning it in.
>Oregon doesn't have Portland
>Minnesota doesn't have Minneapolis
>Arizona doesn't have Tuscon
>Montana doesn't have Billings
I could go on. I get it if it was only capitals, but California has San Fran and LA, and Texas has Houston and Dallas.
I live in Washington. It's beautiful; the list of potentially better areas for a white ethnostate isn't very long.
But let's be real: until that happens, we have to surrender our liberties to a hard blue state with Dems in total control of the office of the governor and the state legislature. Not a good time to be a WA gun owner right now.
Western Arkansas
Definately. Northern Maine is still my #1 destination. If you look up around Bangor, it's like fucking nothingness. Make no illusions for yourself. You'll be semi-homesteading up there. It will be a hard life where you'll have to live frugal.
But never having to see a fucking nigger or fat pig spic woman again.....priceless. In time, you could built a nice property with garden, horses, animals, food. Maybe work part time at the nearest town. The winters in Maine are absolutely fucking harsh. It drives most liberals away. Many come to the South like the Carolinas to start their "new lives" and infest the area with liberal ideology.
Coming back to the harshness though. You can build a cabin to take full advantage of the sun. I will build one with a glass wall facing south and the other three walls as thick one-foot deep insulation. Huge fucking TV. lots of comfy rugs. Wood stove. I truly believe I can make it there with determination.
Lately I have realized just how sick and unhealthy it has made me to constantly see Niggers, Corn Niggers, Sand Niggers, Pig Women, Leftist Whales, Soy Boys and other dregs of the Sick Society. I will put up with snow and cold over these shit any day. I want to feel healthy again, round like-minded whites.
Homogeny is under attack, and it has been since '45. The unfortunate thing about educated (mostly white, but with Japan being a noticeable exception) societies is that their population plateaus. The replacement rate lags. I've been reading a lot about Sweden and their gubberment conspiracy about letting in more migrants because their native Swedish meatballs just aren't having enough kids to keep up with demand. That directly goes against the whole "we're inclusive" meme. Globalism is to blame for this. Also, the migrant crisis is good for corporations bc they can just hire cheap labor to cut back their expenditure on people who know their worth. Globalism is to blame for this. This is the answer Sup Forums has been looking for, at least in this Burger's humble opinion.
Montana sounds like heaven for a redpilled white man. People say there's nothing to do, but as long as you have an internet connection and some good whiskey, what else do you really need? I love open spaces and beautiful scenery, and Montana has both in abundance.
I feel like Montana might be calling me. I'm just so exhausted with living around niggers.
That's what I yelled at my Dad the other day when he's going on about how "Trump will fix the migrant crisis".
No he wont. This cancer has been growing since the death of the nuclear family in 69. White women are not having babies. That is why we have these nigger infestations.
Any Economist will tell you, in order for capitalism to work, you must have constant growth. That means constant economic growth and population growth.
If white women will not have babies you are going to be FORCED to bring in niggers from third world shit holes. You simply cannot shrink your population base and have a capitalist country survive.
I'm just about ready to go Morman and get five wives and have fourteen kids. I just need a white community where they can grow up, unmolested by nigger culture.
I was only trying to state that the cold is no deterrent in itself. Sweden and Canada prove this. These people would live in a volcano if it meant they didn't have to live with their own shitty people.
Alaska is cucked
Capitalism is not worth preserving. We need feudalism NOW.
>internet connection
That is the big thing that I think will make the Great White Migration a reality.
It is now dead simple to get internet anywhere in the country with an Exede Satellite dish. And it's good high quality internet too. With that one thing, you will not feel cut off from society like would have been the case 30 years ago. I can live anywhere with internet. I really can.
>I've been thinking either Alaska
Stay the fuck out.
fuck off
You're a cuck
If you count the states where hillary had the least amount of votes or trump had the bigest margin of victory over hillary Wyoming is the first choice at both rules
The problem is that at the primaries, ted cruz had 70% votes and rubio 14.5 with trump at third.
This means wyoming voted either anti democrats or pro republicans, and not really anti hillary.
Said that, the second place, is second at both rules :least amount of hillary votes and biggest trump margin over hillary votes is west virginia
audible kek
Not Oho. Nobody come here.
No, Cold alone is not a Nigger Deterrent. New York City and Chicago prove that.
What you need is a very harsh cold and a Rural area. That is truly frightening to any variety of nigger because they are faced with the fact that they must plan ahead and work hard. It is the most harsh reality for a nigger to face, many of which still have Bantu DNA which meant an entire evolution of grabbing berries and shit from bushes in Africa with plentiful animals to simply grab and eat.
Whites survived in places like Germany, Siberia and Finland because they adapted to extreme cold and changed their mindset to plan ahead. Niggers just grab and stab. That is why niggers riot at the slightest thing. They are truly only a step away from animals.
Satellite internet is a decent stopgap nowadays but it's not a permanent solution. The speed of light limits you to >500ms latency to the first hop. Bad bad bad.
It'd probably look something like this:
>initial connectivity via satellite
>peer at a nearby IX and set up a long-range wireless link (like a WISP)
>lay some actual fiber
Fiber is expensive as hell and takes a long time to get going. Long-range wireless is pretty damn cheap (less than $1000 in equipment and maybe $500/month for peering and tower space) but takes a bit of time to find a peering arrangement and get all your equipment set up.
The problem with WV is the worthless white niggers and meth/heroin. Add to that the fact that there are no jobs and it sounds like a great place to avoid living. Beautiful place though don't get me wrong
arizona or wyoming
Dude, they are swarming here. I had a pajeet take a shit on the ground outside our place of work and our whitest areas are full of junkies now. We are fucked.
Then the white race will dwindle into oblivion if nothing is done. I have always found it fascinating how a small section of Europe has manage to shape the fucking planet. The little things like a global language such as English, effective government, and the constant dream and child like wonder of what looms over the horizon. I don't see this passion in areas that are "diverse". Or in general, really. Humanity is full of dullards, and the opposition is too great, but we must rekindle this passion. A new flame must arise. What will this cost? Nobody knows for certain.
>West Virginia
Stay out of the major cities. Charleston, Wheeling, Morgantown and Huntington are liberal hubs.
Its beautiful here, but the opioid is destroying the state and because of that, rural areas have a major problem with addicts turning to robbery to support themselves.
Goddamnit. I need to up the "ohio is shit don't come here" shilling. Damn bastards ruinin my comfy neck of the woods.
Exede internet service is phenomenal. I've had first hand experience with it.
There is a latency issue with it which means online gaming is out. But I was even able to use Skype and for a while had a femtocell set up to transmit cellular calls. It was actually working.
You can view video and download mega files too. I was getting 12mbps. I was easily streaming Netflix and Youtube right in the middle of the woods. It was shocking how good it was.
Yes, there are "peak times" when you have to cut back. That is the dinner hour. You have to plan ahead like download a movie first and then watching it at your leisure. But the bandwidth and power are certainly there. These days, there is not even a bandwidth limit. Any heavy downloads you need to do can be done at night for no extra charges. With a little planning it works fine.
Fuck off. We're full.
Yup, white trash is only like a small notch above niggers. The only difference is that they have some kind of quasi-morality and will steal less from their neighbors than a nigger would.
You honestly have to go off grid to get away from the sick society. Once they don't have paved roads or electric they tend to stop where they are. They're kind of like locusts. Make the task of getting GIBS a bit harder and they stop in in their tracks and look for an easier Host to feed from.
Home to CNN- the great 24/7 news network!
I live in Montana. It used to be a paradise. 99.8% white, local independant industry like ranching, mining, oil coal and timber.
Then the great californian migration began. Our urban areas have converted to full on ANTIFA style leftism. They lobbied for the last 20 years to shut down any and all local industry so theres no jobs.
Then they brought hard drugs in with them. Used to be only a decade ago that peak degeneracy was guys having a bit too much to drink, maybe smoking some weed. Aside from leaving us economically devastated, Coastie colonization brought in meth and opiods.
Our urban areas are places for urbanite coasties to pretend theyre quaint and down to earth in touch with nature type blue voters. Our rural areas are now economically depressed simmering cesspits of petty crime, hatred and heavy substance addiction.
The only ray of hope is that our congressman recently beat the living shit out of a reporter at a congressional dinner (reportedly "body slammed" him).
Theres a ghost of what this place used to be haunting the area, but its only a ghost. If you come here 2/3rds of the people you meet are hipster "OMG NATURE! (tm) types who will literally tell you its thier duty to "educate" the ignorant locals whose state they destroyed.
12 mbps is ok for one person but it's nothing for a community. Small business of 15 people can choke on 100 mbps. Satellite can never compete with a couple Ubiquiti dishes running MIMO 802.11ac. Even if there was more bandwidth or more satellites, the distance to space * the speed of light is a big issue.
yea, isn't Montana like one of the states that may flip blue in near future?
I remember McCuck got almost killed there in 2008
Your definition of white trash is outdated. Back maybe 15-20 years ago when the worst they were into was severe alcoholism yeah, you fight one redneck you fight the whole trailerpark. They were poor and desperate but theyd go out of thier way to avoid harming or stealing from "good folk."
Meth and opiods obliterated that. Theyd steal thier terminally ill nephews wheelchair if they thought they could get enough scrap aluminum from it to buy a few oxycontin or hydrocodones.
Im a rural cop, the only way I can describe what I see every day is total and complete cultural wreckage from the ongoing meth and heroin plagues.
Avoid WV and UT
Whites will not "die out" like all the JewBots want you to believe with all their slide threads.
Whites will regroup. What is needed right now is a cleanse. Niggers will kill each other off. The only reason they are infesting Europe and North America is because of Leftism and Traitor White Women who voted for this mess (Unlimited GIBS for nigger invaders)
Without GIBS, niggers will slink back to the deserts and badlands they came from. They simply cannot flourish in the cold latitudes of the earth.
This is all part of the natural rise and collapse of empires. This is a natural step we have to go through. The west will fall and society will have to regenerate from the small white communities that will plant the new seeds of civilization. Women have to be brought back to heal and understand they are less than a man and need to be subservient. You have to collapse society in order to make them understand that again.
Think Game of Thrones. We're eventually headed for that again. Small communities of warring villages until a Great White Society is formed again. It will take several hundred years but no....whites will never die. They are the natural result of humans living in cold climates.
It flips back and forth every election. When the rural areas get riled up enough its a red state, then usually the next election the more urban areas rally and swing the vote blue again. Rinse and repeat.
And Ohio. Nobody deserves Ohio.
Think greece under rome, or indian reservations. Small enclaves of whites will exist but they will be isolated and culturally irrelevant for the most part. Just like fat californian tourists going to cheesy pow-wows where the locals dance for thier gibs we'll have mutts coming to white areas to gawk at our exotic blond hair and quaint primitive trailer homes.
How is Alaska cucked?
Sorry, I've been feeling a little down lately is all. Keep posting stuff like that user.
Lamb of god summed up the state of rural america pretty good in a line from a song:
I couldn't make this shit up
The truth is bad enough
Out in the heartlands a smoking wreck
Of ill-raised children and lost respect
No true American would answer this question with honesty
There are some little towns throughout Missouri that are all white and will actively work to keep it that way. I grew up in one such town. Every single classmate was white from kindergarten to 12th grade. A black family tried to move into town once. They lasted a couple of months.
Totally agree that today's White Trash is "only a notch above niggers" which means, "just about the same. only slightly better."
Yes, I totally agree that hillbilly drugs have turned them into unpredictable animals. They must be purged just like niggers. You have to leave the sick society behind and let it snuff itself out. Remove GIBS and those people die out.
It's a harsh thing to say. It needs to be done. Enough is enough. These are weak minded people who deserve no place in society. Socialism has bred weakness into each successive generation. Nature has to weed this defect out. It's called evolution. Survival of the fittest.
One Iowa cop chan talked about how he would confiscate guns for petty crimes and then file the serial numbers; load the gun and then drop it off in nigger neighborhoods in Chicago. He was doing God's word. Let the problem fix itself.
I live in Texas but that's where I would go if I were moving there.
Its been HEAVILY colonized by minorities and its urban areas are pretty heavily liberal. Especially since the majority of its population live in the cities.
The rural areas are mostly mouthwash drinkin indians, and homesteaders are mostly crazy recluses who dont give a fuck about anything cuz they got thiers.
It is pretty conservative but what happens when the civil war part 2 begins? Will it be ok?
Not Illinois.
And Mexicans.
Texas is great if you love Mexicans.
Hawaii. Need some backup out here, we takin over.
They're becoming real, boss.
You have no appreciation for the brown tidal wave we're about to drown in.