Patients’ Brain Function Improve Using Cannabis for 3 Months

>Patients’ Brain Function Improve Using Cannabis for 3 Months

A small study, based in Massachusetts, found that just three months of treatment with medical cannabis resulted in improved task performance and favorable brain activation that the researchers retrieved through MRI scans. Not only did patients experience improvements from their baseline three months before medical marijuana treatment; their brain activation patterns also more closely matched activation patterns in healthy control subjects. Further, the cannabis users cut their opioid and benzodiazepine use after the treatment.

The authors suggested that this demonstrated cannabis’s potential to restore brain function to levels that reflect ideal states of health in a process the researchers referred to as normalization.


Yeah cuz turning your white brain matter into gray white brain matter, being paranoid, intoxicated, anxious and depressed is such a healthy lifestyle.

Also, studies show that cannabis literally fries your dopamine system with even moderate usage, people who smoke dope on the regular literally can't get on the same state of feeling fulfilled with life as people who don't smoke this shit.

>Patients’ Brain Function Improve Using Cannabis for 3 Months
So you're saying only brain dead people should do weed?

Even if we quit? I've smoked everyday for at least 5 years.. I started smoking weed when I was 13 though which was 11 years ago, but only smoked everyday for the past 5 years.. Will I make it if i quit today?

ok mom

meme flag yet

>Smoking weed every single day for years
Mate how do you even function in day to day life?

This guy tries to act like he knows medical knowledge but comes off as a retard. Only the uneducated are in support of anti-weed now, a lot of studies are coming out and disproving the bullshit they've pushed.

Please don't act like a medical professional when you're spewing pure bullshit.

Nice try.
Those side effects only happen when you overconsume.
Those "studies" are just that, studies. If you had a decent intelligence you'd know that "studies" are somewhat subjective and a favorite of the kike media because stupid people actually believe "studies".
There are people who don't use cannabis and aren't fulfilled with life. Nice argument.
Let me enlighten you, cannabis is still somewhat illegal in western countries and can't be properly studied because it has competition in pharmaceutical venues where other companies can lose profit to it. You are a nigger-tier faggot if you think that they aren't trying to save their profits by lying about cannabis.
Don't take advice from someone who relies on "studies" to make a point.
We all know how bad alcohol is, it is evident. Yet most people still don't have a strong opinion on cannabis, because that guy you would never suspect to be a smoker probably is, and you can't secretly judge him because cannabis just isn't what people against it make it out to be

I like hemp. I'm droping seeds everywhere. I want it reintroduced in society and industry. I also like like fucking up stains high potent drug cannabis getting pollinated with my industrial grade (but organic) hemp.

(Since I'm droping hemp already I also started to drop linen seeds. I almost as good as hemp.)

>These findings suggest that MMJ use may result in different effects relative to recreational marijuana (MJ) use, as recreational consumers have been shown to exhibit decrements in task performance accompanied by altered brain activation.
Yes, you're still a degenerate. Let doctors do what they do and stop using their work to justify your pathetic habits.

I don't know. I have an alright job, I've been supporting myself fully for 4 years, I live alone.. Ive been to 9 countries and i can speak almost 4 languages. I function alright i guess, im just lazy

those look like roasted hemp seeds, won't grow shit mate
also most weed in Germany is grown indoors, where they have filters, pollen does not pass through

It was an example picture since not everyone can read german product descriptions.

There are also gurilla growers and those that open windows to their indoor plantage.

I'm not trying to be a smart ass, I'm just wondering how you've managed to pull it off. Whenever I smoke weed my mind feels like it drowns itself in its own thoughts and it feels like I couldn't possibly do anything productive. I also feel drowsy the next morning after waking up.

They are not using your shitty THC loaded strains.

It's all high CBD strains. They type stoners avoid because it has no psychoactive effect.

Nothing I stated was made up, look it up. Also I bet you've never smoked weed(I'm not talking about a 2 puffs), I'm talking about smoking yourself into a bad headspace, the headspace gets harder control the higher you get, get too high too soon and you might get the panic. And trust me getting a panic attack and losing control of your fear, self and mental stability while high can be a traumatic experience.

Try not to smoke a lot of dank at once.
I switched to vaping/subsequent smoking through glass pipe. Very efficient, just make sure you're heating the glass and not torching the stuff. And the efficiency is incredible, even 5g of regular grade Moroccan commercial hash last me a month.

>inhibiting the use of useful medications that can be used to treat diseases, improve performance and recreationally, safely

THAT is what's degenerate.

as someone who smokes weed, i actually prefer the balanced strains of cbd and thc just enough to take the edge off and medicinal enough to have tangible benefits to my health.

>if you replace heroin with weed, your brain functions better
who fucking knew

Don't question the doctors, goyim! They're your friends, just let them do their jobs. Be a good slave and take your happy pills.

>if you replace heroin with weed, it helps you break a heroin addiction

How do you even get weed in Russia? Seems like you guys like your booze a little more than conventional drugs. It's illegal there, right?