Since Phi Brain and Nazotokine, we have another Quiz anime.
Nana Maru San batsu
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Nobody else watching this?
Just started the ep.
How many of these can you guys answer? They're fairly easy trivia.
Whats up with Heroines voice?
>Manga is 14 volumes now
>No one talked on Sup Forums
Why. Too bad it seems the anime will be only 12 episodes.
Oh nice it got picked up.
There is also fujo version of Nazotokine airing this season
This, everything was good until she started talking. that has to be one of the worst voice actings for a FeMC I've ever heard
She doesnt sound like a Girl that was born 1994
>Quiz anime
>Phi Brain
>23 minutes of quizes
Havent read the manga though.Guess another one to the watch pile.
Tokine is still going to appear on that though.
>it's fujoshit
no thanks
Literally how?
>MC looks like a major nerd
>Has a crush on the main girl with bad voice
>Going to get cucked because she likes the club pres
Literally, how many dicks did she suck to get a main role?
I feel like I'm being tricked into watching a sports anime in disguise.
Many sports series are pretty good.
I really liked it but the girl's voice is terrible. Hopefully she improves in the upcoming episodes.
I wonder why they choose someone who mostly does live-action drama series to voice a main character on an anime.
She's a live drama actress. They always sound off when they voice act in anime.
3 decent chapter then it will become a dlove triangle to end up in drama. My first drop of the season, I cant stand that VA
was thinking the same thing, probably 3
She looks like like a 13 year old, but sounds like she's over 30
Heroine's voice is weird. Show is dead in the water.
Her voice doesn't fit the character at all.
The show seems interesting but that girl's voice is fucked up. Maybe I can pretend that she has autism.
maybe since battle girl hs amo,e took all the vas
I really enjoyed that, the OP/ED were pretty good, but what I enjoyed the most was Mari's voice. I expected a higher pitch, more well known voice but with a basically new VA with her first main role her voice is really nice.
I like her lower pitch, she's really cute.
Give her around 10 episodes and she'll probably get better.
86. dealer
There I got at least a 1/100, now I know I'm not stupid
President seems pretty based. I'll keep watching
pencil spinning webm where
Her design has been changed.
She looks like best girl, is she?
I liked it. Social butterflies put more work into their intonation, annunciation, and prosity. The fact that her character's voice doesn't do these well adds to my perception of what she's like.
A regular pro Seiyuu probably wouldn't be able to come down to this level without coming off as parodying or mocking, whereas this newbie is still trying to deliver the lines sincerely.
Japan finally giving me my Quiz Bowl anime.
Anime is saved.
4. Fruit
6. Harmony
13. Stripes
15. Hat trick
17. Palindrome
42. Lewis Carrol
43. Uruguay
51. Parisian
82. Penicillin
84. India
86. "Dealer"
89. Capulet
91. Oolong
all I could get with my limited Japanese/trivia knowledge
Mc's design a bit different than the usual beta faggot design.Already a plus for me.
Best boy for sure.
>80% of the characters are male
This is the second time I've found out there's an anime adaptation I never knew about. (First one was Youkai Apartment)
Pres should have been the mc
>beta mc
hes only there to be cucked by pres
>Pres should have been the mc
He gonna be the best for sure,probably.
Why must anime remind me of my high school years
>eating in library
What the fuck man.
Man, it really drives home how different veteran seiyuus are from people who don't normally voice anime when you main character voiced by somebody who's only got like 3 anime credits to their name and it really shows.
Books winning the mcbowl this early.
I'm really enjoying the manga, but the first episode has me worried. Judging by the OP, they're going to be covering like 40 chapters, so spending an entire episode on just one seems like it will bite them in the ass later when they're rushing through the more important stuff, and it's not like MC being a bit of a loser is that important. I don't really care for MC's voice, but it's passable at least, Mari's is just bad and doesn't fit at all. Even if this is her first role, I can't believe they gave it to her. The animation is pretty shit too. He was supposed to hit the buzzer hard, but I didn't feel any impact from it.
The time stop effect for when he's thinking things over is good, and I think actually hearing the questions will be fun, but I'm not optimistic.
Pretty nice episode, the girl voice seems a bit to meek but still cute in this episode, hopefully she goes a bit crazy and excited when needed next episode.I guess this is your normal everyday voice seeing someone said something about the girl is more to live action.
Hopefully they get into some quiz bowl tournament in the adaptation, not just a cocktease for the last episode.
It's hard to pin down what feels so off about her voice. She lacks emphasis in speech that you expect from anime characters and sort of slurs her words together in a very monotone way. Her voice isn't bad but it lacks the distinct carriage of personality that anime seiyuu normally have.
He's just a shy bookworm. He can talk to people just fine, including the basketball superstar he sits next to, and, outside of some apprehension from being new to quizzes, is pretty happy with his life. Definitely not the type of beta fag you usually see.
>sort of slurs her words together in a very monotone way
The pitch is also pretty different from what I expected, but I think this is the big thing. I don't think she's used to having to convey a personality with just her voice.
He gonna swim in bitches now after that surprise quiz.
They are either going to end just before the first big tournament or rush to the end of it.
>I don't think she's used to having to convey a personality with just her voice.
That's pretty much it. There's plenty of seiyuu with low pitch or monotone gimmicks but they work really hard to emphasize those quirks so they stand out. She just sounds kinda soft spoken and doesn't take care to really emphasize the points of her personality through talking.
>adaptation stops at interesting part
Every time and yes, I expected this.Fug.
Gorilla is in the OP. They're going to rush through it.
This better be fun and/or doesn't sway towards fujostuff.
Welp, hopefully the manga was just slow rather than the adaptation getting parts cut out.
idk, i think it should be interesting hearing her improve the voice acting as the episodes go
>implying it would improve on the fly
Main heroine's voice is better in the manga
Imouto from denpa kyoushi.
I knew it was her at the end of the episode after wondering that the fuck was wrong with her voice for 10 minutes.
She's not even a rookie, she has been voice acting since 2010
You're kidding me, that's her? Fuck. I want to say she improved since then cause denpa kyoushi was ear bleedingly bad while this was pretty alright if a bit awkward.
Nah he's wrong
>read this manga once
>forgot about it
>suddenly anime, no announcement whatsoever
What in the fuck?
>another Quiz anime
Picked the fuck up. There's never enough pazuru time.
They look like try hard intellectual nerds.
that voice though
Cute, need some excited italian finger gestures and its perfect.
So I won't get to see anything from chapter 11 animated?
Can't tell if it's bad or too good for anime.
>14 volumes of answering quizzes
Japan is weird.
I thought this would be about puzzles after OP's comparisons so I'm kinda disappointed, but I'm curious as to how the hell the show is going to make answering questions feel exciting so I'm going to keep watching it for a while longer.
How soon before the guys get shirtless?
I didn't watch the episode yet, is she supposed to be a foreigner or something? It sounds super amereurish
Nah, just a JAV actress
Both are mainstream idol singers
This heroine is voiced by
Oh yeah that actually makes a lot of sense, she sounds just like the characters from Yakuza who are voiced by JAV actresses
dropped. how the fuck does something like this gain enough traction to be animated? tasteless mutated yellow bellies
Prez's sister should have been the main girl to be honest.
post pic
>she has more roles than this qt
It's not fair.
Except she's not a JAV actress.
back to gravure modeling for her
Rate the intro
It's good, will download the full version when it releases.