Liberal elites in control of D.C. have begun to crash the stock market. They are afraid after being exposed. Getting the public into a hysteria about money in order to take off focus from the FISA abuse and Obama Administration corruption.
Billionaire Liberal Power Players Crashing the Stock Market
I had no idea the severely mentally handicapped could be so eloquent.
Markets crashing but you've got the wrong reasons. Go back and get your GED
correction. taking out profits. etc...
Is this what shitposting has become? Is there really no more love for true and authentic shitposting out there? It's really become "lol ur wrong xD" as a form of trolling? Psshh. I remember back in my early days on the chans I would whip up a throwaway tripcode and start avatarfagging on levels faggots like you can only dream. I had gigabytes of various reaction images from generic weeb anime #2849 to trigger fans of generic weeb anime #2848 into oblivion. And this was for a random Tuesday. Nothing even special. Yet here you are snickering to yourself in a dark room, wiping away tears from your eyes, thinking you're the hottest shit that's totally untouchable, but what's this? You just wiped spicy cheeto dust in your eyes. That's the 7th time this week. I'm over here. Evolved. Shitposting from my phone, doxxing myself so fags like you can waddle their fat ass on my property for me to legally murder. "oh no an intruder" *shotguns*. And that's pretty much the whole point of this. You're a fucking loser and an awful troll. I've been trolling on bitches like you since I was 12. And here you are. Probably 30+. Kissless virgin. Getting angry at people on the Internet. I pity you.
>Liberal elites in control of D.C. have begun to crash the stock market.
No problem. I plan to murder Jewish families and take their shekels.
This started happening right after memo.
I should have stabilised by now.
Why is this still happening?
Crashing the economy is literally the panic button when the kikes push when they're on the verge on getting exposed.
It's their Financial Samson Option.
>market crash
Because, were coming to kill the Kikes.
I'm leveraged to the tits on kike credit. They're only hurting themselves.
This shit did start right after the memo went public. Thought it was just coincidence
It's just a glitch! It's too fucking soon. The real crash event is scheduled for september/october.
libs offshoring their money
And I was being ridiculed when I said that anyone that bought these memecoins for more than 1$ was mentally retarded. Enjoy your crash with no survivors.
New pasta? This is definitely pasta material.
We're actually banking on it...
>We'll see whom it hurts more
It will hurt the kike families who are murdered in their homes.
The DOW crashed 666 points on Friday.
If you look up the history of 666 in the markets, it always signals a reversal.
The S&P 500 fell to an all time low of 666 points back in March 2009, before reversing and going on a massive prolonged bull run, as an another example.
I'm more worried about bitcoin honestly
You stole this from an Aussie
>t. glow in the dark
[Works of fiction and satire on an online Laotian cartoon message board]