Where are Syrian rebels getting advanced weapons?

They shot down a fucking Russian jet. Yes the US has a superior Air Force, but the rebels being able to shoot down a Russian jet is still requires some sophisticated weaponry. Where the fuck are they getting it? They are sub 50 IQ who fuck goats. My hunch is Saudi Arabia...

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Probably Israeli Mossad agents feeding them American tech, desu.

Turkey, Israel. Saudis and Americans

Honestly, who in the world has access to this tech? Can't they trace the origins of the weapon that was used? Some funny shit going on, this war has been going on for a while...

This is good. Assad is the aggressor in the conflict and has committed most of the massacres.

Like its been 5 years about since shit hit the fan in Syria? Like fuck how long is this gonna go on for.

Where you ask? It is a mystery. You know nothing happens within a thousand miles of their borders without their direct involvement, right?

Its just scary to think they are getting to the point of shooting down planes.

>sophisticated weaponry
It was a normal MANPADS, probably a Strela or a Stinger, which are as easy to obtain and operate as an RPG-7

lurk moar

I don't know much about weapons. I'll have to Wikipedia this shit. I know america has stingers and they gave those to al quaeda in the 60's

No it's not. Assad has destroyed too many cities it balances the conflict.

Lol I've been here for a few years, i just dont follow /pol as much as i used to.

Well there you go, these circulate all over the Middle East. It might have even been a polish GROM lost in Georgia. What's weird to me is why was the plane flying low and slow enough to get hit


Assad. Began. The. Conflict. Against. Unarmed. Protestors.


Nonsense. ISIS is the reaction to Shia criminality.

You realize that those Rebels started the civil war right?
That's why it has "civil war" in the name for fuck sake. And Assad didn't destroy anything, you did with your bombing. Time to thank (((Obama))) and (((Trumpenstein)))

Yeah thats what i was thinking. Russia's Air Force is still a military power, I'm surprised the sand nigs were capable of this. Last time i checked they were using technicals to shoot at them. I can't find the video but there was one where they were shooting at a Russian jet and then they get bombed.



WTF? When did America bomb Syria except for punishing Assad for using chemical weapons?

Assad began by killing unarmed protestors and cutting off electricity to cities! He tortured people and sniped them! When soldiers defected and began defending checkpoints in front of cities, Assad began shelling the cities with indiscriminate heavy artillery. Now it's come to Assad using Russian mercenaries. You have no clue about this conflict. How can you so blatantly lie?

K, race war now.

It's a fact. The day after America left Iraq, Iran tried to have the Sunni Vice President arrested. Now does Iraq border Israel? No it doesn't. This is the fault of Iran, clown.

You're a JIDF shill. Shut your fucking mouth.

>They shot down a fucking Russian jet.
See OP's flag.
>Yes the US has a superior Air Force
There aren't any US planes fighting al-Qaeda you stupid mutt. America is allied with al-Qaeda in Syria. Reference Clinton emails.
But please, continue fighting for our (((rights and freedoms)))

>reddit spacing
>blatant lies and advocating for muh moderates
You're either a shitty troll or a redditor. Leave this place, please.

Iraq. Doesn't. Border. Syria.

Why did Iran start a war in Yemen, which also doesn't border Israel?


Were close by, my uncle who is a lt colonel is in Saudi Arabia training their air force. He says they show up half the time and are lazy rich goat fuckers.

Obama armed them, just cause Trumps president doesn't mean they don't have leftovers.

Hi Ruskie. You armed Assad before rebels started getting arms from Saudi. You've destroyed all of Syria's major cities, the rebels just have a few rpgs and rifles and maybe a rocket here and there. Apparently, they're getting upgraded though. Don't spread your pravda.


Actually. Iraq. Does. Border. Syria. Retard.

>Have a Don't Tread On Me picture
>not knowing Assad began the violence against unarmed protestors and the rebels are fighting tyranny

Did moderate rebels decapitate a child on camera?


Iraq doesn't border Israel I meant to say. Ask Iran why the day after America left Iraq, they decided to have the Sunni Vice President under arrest?

Russia cannot into ecm. Russias military is massively overrated.

Lol shit this thread is making even more confused. This is why i hardly come here and just try and make money to save up to build a dooms day colony in on the California nevada border to preserve the white race.

Not a child. He was an Alawite conscript with a birth disorder. Even so, the rebels just have small arms and grenades, they're fighting the entire Russian Airforce and Assad's artillery. A bit of rebel brutality evens things out.

>colonizing a desert with no access to water
Just move up north

>evens things out
>it's justifiable to decapitate a POW
>it's justifiable to burn POWs to death
>it's justifiable to tread on POWs with tanks
>you'll stop getting (you)'s

Source on the birth disorder bit?

Like we are so fucked. The US is letting in all the brown people, wars and rumors of wars over the globe, earths climate getting fucked up that might reduce the worlds global ability to produce food, American moral being slowly eroded by the jews.

Lake Tahoe?

>even things out
What the fuck does that even mean? The goal is peace, not a fair match. This is not a video game. Maybe Antifa should get armed so it can match the US military equally? That would sure even things out

I am just waiting for another mass shooting to occur in a California university targeting white people. Then the race war will begin.

My bad sir

hillary lost fag

These people don't have tanks or airpower.

Regardless, this war was begun by the regime.

Finns, in the war we had with them, had barely any tanks or airpower.
They won. Without having to descend into barbarism.
Source on the birth disorder, or they killed a child?

And who is commiting the destruction? Who deliberately massacres civilians with chemical weapons? Who uses jets on populated cities because revolutionaries armed with rifles take over checkpoints? Who drops barrel bombs on mosques? The Assad regime.

Perhaps, because the alternative to the Assad regime is an islamist, even more oppresive tyranny?

The Finns had more then just rifles and grenades they had some artillery and this was a war between two armies. Assad began this war against unarmed protestors. The Soviets also didn't cut off electricity and starve entire cities.


Yeah, instead soviets shelled the cities.
>activists have claimed.
Also, beheading is still barbaric, it's unjustifiable. Just shoot the fucker, don't pretend you're a warrior of Allah when you kill an alleged 19-year-old with a knife.

Nonsense. Assad began violence against peaceful protestors. Assad invites radical Shia gangs from Iran and Pakistan to fight for the Shrine of Zeynab, he is no secularist.

the US have them nerfed missiles that work in syria low down but can't shoot commerical airliners

Sorry but Assad gasses children with sarin and chlorine.

Sunni trash, god I'm so happy for all the dead Sunni terrorist scums. I fucking pray your family dies

>trying to use whataboutism against a russian
Btw the disorder the beheaded child supposedly had is one that not makes you look fucking younger, but has you require constant blood transfusions
now let's guess what's a bad soldier to have, one that will be a massive resource drain

How are they terrorists? They only targeted Shias and Christians after Hezbollah invaded Syria. Is Assad not a terrorist for dropping barrel bombs on mosques, maxamilizing civilian casualties?

Beheading is a good noble way to go, but not starting with the throat, poor fucks are still alive when 80% of the head is sawed off

sweetie pls

Assad is throwing everyone he can at the Revolutionaries. Pakistanis, Mongol Shias from Afghanistan called Hazaaras, the scum of humanity.

After Hezbollah entered Syria.

Fuck off Jew. The rebels were goatfucking muslim brotherhood islamists, not the sort of people that like us, let alone the people we should support. Fuck Israel, we should have stayed out or supported Assad from the beginning.

Why the ID change?
Also, they still beheaded a child.

This is correct; IS is just AQ in Iraq, which was made when the Sunnis were forced out of power

This is also correct

No, they were peaceful protests. ISIS didn't even exist until Iraqi Shias invaded Syria in October 2012. You don't know what you're talking about.

ISIS rose because the day after America left Iraq in 2011, Iran tried to arrest the Sunni Vice President.

So is it okay for Palestinians to fly rockets, behead and so on the Israeli civillians? They're much weaker than the IDF.

America never left Iraq, and ISIS rose because it was directly planned and orchastrated by Mossad

And guess who ended ISIS? SAA, Iraqis and Kurdroaches

That'd be pretty sweet desu


Fuck off you dickheaded Hillbot. Syria is (((their))) war the (((us))) helped start and promptly lost. Suck up your stupid for once and own the outcome of your evil.

>peaceful protests
>demanding sharia law and the release of islamist prisoners
Assad was way too nice to them. He fucking sacked the commander of Daraa and released political prisoners at the demand of protesters, but the country was already awash in Lybian arms that they picked right up to establish their islamic government.

Why do you lie? Assad behan the killing? Assad escalated the killing too with jets. What are you talking about?

Yes America left Iran in October 2011 but Barack the Iranian agent began bombing ISIS in July 2014, getting an American hostage beheaded, etc.

A captured soldier isn't a civilian. Rebels didn't use those tactics until Assad invited foreign Hezbollah militias into the country. Before that they just killed security forces, propagandists and soldiers, not anyone who supported the government.

Do you even know which one's Iraq and which Iran?

The fuck? They didn't pick up arms until 6 months in, and even then didn't call for the actual overthrow of the regime until after Assad began using heavy artillery to snuff out the resistance.

I'm guessing JIDF work in pairs, there is someone googling and fact-checking for you, while you articulate and type

A captured soldier has to be treated within certain rules or else the world will see you as a savage.
We knew Assad was a tyrant, by now we also know the rebels are no better.

>Muh stronk Russian air force
I know you're a shitskin and a russiboo user, but Russian tech is trash, meanwhile the kebab rebels running all over the middle East have tons of salvaged or stolen US military tech the cowards in the Iraqi military we're so keen on dropping off for them when they ran with their tails between their legs
Hell, even 90's Russian hardware could take care of pretty much every aircraft available to them
>Le Amerikkka is supplying kebab niggers
Literally only the birds anymore faggot

CIA and Mossad. Do we really need a thread about this?

Asong as Vladdy can keep it going to justify his military expenditures
Or until they finish that pipeline

The rebels are better. Assad uses incendiary bombs on ancient market places and heavy artillery on populated area, supplied by you Slavic gangsters.

We're gangsters with nukes, so you'll henceforth refer to us as partners or else we will one day nuke your desert into being more of a desert.
Also, no, rebels decapitate children and bite into hearts of captured commanders. One case for each. Enough for me.

Nah it's true dummie. Iran started shit with Sunnis, that's why ISIS exists.

Sorry, but any soldier who fights for a government that has foreign Iraqi Shia militias fighting for it and that bombs bakeries systematically deserves to have his heart cut out.

Assad uses incendiary bombs on Aleppo's ancient Souk. Happened in October 2012. If the rebels ate the heart of a captured Shia civilian, I would disagree with it.

And that's where a white man's view on war is different from an allahu snackbar.
Enjoy getting bombed to dust by Russian Liberators.

I think it's time to end this Ivan, it's only us and 2 JIDF agents in this thread

Have a good day

>They didn't pick up arms until 6 months in
Objectively wrong. They had armed conflict with security forces in April of 2011, almost 200 security officers were killed that month.

You know what's fucked up? Assad pretty much gave into their demands within the first month or two. The biggest point of contention was the end of the nation's 50 year state of emergency. Assad ended it in April, with armed protests ongoing, but the opposition decided they didn't care anymore.

> Be FSA

It's way too funny for me, to entertain their attempts at trolling tho.

Yes, you Russians send attack helicopters to a regime that stabs children to death. You're sick fucks.


No, 100 were killed in between fights between ex-soldiers and security forces in June 2011 in Jisr al-Shugihar. You just made that number up.

Was fake. Assad also gave Kurds citizenship for first time in 50 years. But why shouldn't the people have demanded their legitimate rights, the same rights people in Europe and America have?

And you actively shill for the people who decapitate children by hand.
Life is funny.