What will the left do when they realize Jordan Peterson is an actual prophet?

What will the left do when they realize Jordan Peterson is an actual prophet?

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Jordon Peterson has openly stated that he specifically targets White males, and ONLY White males, for his brainwashing program, because he intends to "prevent the horrors of racial pride" and "what happened in 1930s Germany".

>Jordon Peterson has openly stated that he specifically targets White males, and ONLY White males, for his brainwashing program
What? Is this some kind of program designed to pacify people?

Source please. I think he said that he targets young men.

No, it's the direct opposite of pacify. He encourages people stop being miserable.

its easy to see. the left keeps pushing and pushing, this usually results in a big right reactionary backlash that causes destruction and wars. see Europe pre-WW2. the writing is on the wall.

hes a centrist so wants both sides to cool out. most of Sup Forums wants a backlash.


They'll do what they always do; smear, character assassinate, strawman and overly emote in a very unseemly theatrical manner.

What will the right do when they realize JP is an actual leftist?

Wtf is going on in that pic? Man, I hope that's shooped...

>openly supports high taxes to combat income inequality, on the grounds that research suggest relative income inequality causes more societal instability, as young men find the hierarchy impossible to climb
Would never have guessed.


It appears his daughter just wanted to apply makeup on him.

I wonder if his mascara ran when he cried...

I get your post leaf, but I don't really take offense to it, and I sincerely doubt JBP gives a fuck when he pulls in $60k a month on Patreon and selling rugs.

It wasn't meant to be offensive. He just cries a lot.

>They'll do what they always do; smear, character assassinate, strawman and overly emote in a very unseemly theatrical manner.
They really went into overdrive after the C4 interview.
Really pinches those trannies' fuckwounds
Are you an angry tranny, leaf?

Don't trust a man who cries a lot.

this entire thing has been a covert operation to put cleaning ladies out of business

sounds like solid advice but why?

What a faggot this guy is.

For a moment I thought you wrote "puppet"

>climb hierarchy so you can get robbed to finance your competitors to climb the hierarchy and leaving you behind
wew taxation is just great

fuck outta here, sargon

>hierarchy based purely in finance
This is your mistake in the first place.