Boomers are the worst

Boomers like Jordan Peterson should be the first to hang when the day of the rope comes.

Telling us to suck it up while all they had to do was not giving a fuck in school and later getting a good paying job.

And nowadays?
More than 50% of women have a degree and because of the hypergamy you at least have to get a degree.
And what does getting a degree nowadays mean? Working your ass all day off and getting mentally ill because of the harsh environment and unstable future.

If you get a normal job nowadays you cant afford a home, you will not have success with most women and you are seen as subhuman.

How that even though there has been major advances over the last year instead that life got easier it got harder?

Am I entitled for not wanting to study all day and working in a stressful job. Am I entitled for wanting to live a peaceful family life like our fathers did? Is it too much to ask to have a home, a girlfriend etc without having to work myself to death?

I envy every bootlicker. I would love to be a bootlicker so I could be a good little goy and find happiness. I hope you know how lucky you are if you were born with a bootlicker personality

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The shittiest thing boomers ever did was excluding student loans from bankruptcy from their own children.

But of course they would do that. They're fucking commies.

>I envy every bootlicker. I would love to be a bootlicker so I could be a good little goy and find happiness. I hope you know how lucky you are if you were born with a bootlicker personality

Got a bit faggy on that last bit. Go home fashanon, you're drunk. Yes, boomers will all die but likely years before the day of the rope.

No. Leftypolaks like you who use division tactics should be first.


Okay can we please stop throwing this buzzword around? Peterson was born in 1963.

Boomers were born from 1946-1964.

exactly I hate them

I am drunk an rage

See I am immediately a leftie if I just want to live a family life with freetime with my woman and children. Shit one father was enough to feed the children and get a home.
Now you arent good enough if you have no degree and cant afford shit. All is about working useless bullshit and having no time to live lika a family. What a leftie I am really makes you think

you dumb fucker, JPeterson is a GenXer, NOT a boomer.
1946-1964: babyboomer (post-WWII +18yrs)
1964-1982: GenX (+18yrs)
1982-2000: Millenials (YGen Turds = +18yrs)
2000-now: GenZ

>If you get a normal job nowadays you cant afford a home

>4 beds 3 baths 2,118 sqft

Peterson is a boomer. He was born in 1962.

>He's flush! The plumber who earns £210,000... and he doesn't even work at weekends
>Stephen Fry earns £210,000 as a Pimlico Plumber tradesman, aged just 34
>He earns 50 per cent more than the Prime Minister, and owns a London property
>Fry started life on a council estate, the son of a builder and a shop shelf-stacker
>He works from 8am to 6pm on weekdays and is on call Monday and Tuesday

Fucking retard living in the "coziest" of the leftist countries enjoying immense oil wealth dares to call someone else leftist.

I guess all that wealth didn't make the collective Norwegian IQ go up. just kys.

>division tactics
Peterstein is a piece of shit and will never be accepted here. Take your "jungian" failed bullshit back to plebbit.

How are you Americans so stupid, what went wrong?

I dont live in America you faggots. Here you cant make that much money as a tradesman etc

Where do you live memeflagman?



where an average house costs =>500.000 euro

why dont you move?

Jordan is a Canadian Anglo (Tory). He is part of the new "Kosher Approved" wave of internet celebs who have been engineered to become leaders and influencers of American Populism. You see, American populism is hostile towards the British Empire. This creates conflict for the British. The British elite do not like American Populism. In order for the British elite (which includes Jews) to maintain their Empire, the British must attempt to take control of American Populism. To control, and direct American Populism back under the influence of (((British power))).

Enter in the rise of Jordan Peterson, The Alt-Right, Richard Spencer, Tommy Robinson and Jared Taylor. All of whom, are kosher approved 'White activist".

In short, it is White Identity w/ Jews included being promoted on the surface. Underneath the surface are the same Jewish controlled Rothschild forces that have devastated Europe for the past few centuries ending in 120 million dead. Jordan Peterson may appear to be pro-Western at first glance, however the forces behind him are the most anti-Western ever recorded in world history.

There are many Anglo-Americans today who have fallen for the British Empire lie. They falsely believe the British Empire was "the height of White Civilization" and wish to remain loyal to it (loyalist). Nothing could be further from the truth. The British Empire was the most anti-White organization of the past 361 years that murdered and destroyed a dozen White nations with foreign African, Indian, Pakistani troops collected across the world. The Jews funded the British Empire liberally and used it to gain great power for themselves.

Jordan Peterson is little more than a byproduct of that anti-White British Empire; attempting to hold on to it's Talmudic roots and financiers demands.

It is of no surprise many of these internet celebs originate out of Canada. Canada is where the British Tory Loyalist fled after losing the American Revolutionary War.

So the solution is to leave my country with a highschool diploma to live alone in a foreign country. Thanks Peterson I will suck it up

you have a better solution?

Jordan Peterson
Born: June 12, 1962 (age 55)

You are a complete idiot. Jordan is FULL boomer.


>And what does getting a degree nowadays mean?
Student debt that's next to impossible to pay off because the market is over saturated with people that have the exact same degree as you
You end up working in a cubical, making just under enough money to get by while the interests in your student loans buries you further into debt

Actually the most rational solution is suicide at this point. But I am healthy and only mentally ill because of the circumstances. And I dont want to die but it would definitely the best solution

You probably don't have a girlfriend because your artistic. It has nothing to do with a house.

The poison added to our food

how is that a better solution than moving?

How is Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor jew approved?

You sounds like a faggot. Do it.

Not autistic but I have absolutely no self-worth because I am a loser who cant adapt to this harsh environment.
Thats why I said I envy bootlickers. I am too weak to be like them.
So is it really entitlement if I just want to have a nice life?

>MLK blvd

I want to boom that sweet, sweet pussy, suck on this tits, and spray my hot semen all over her face, if you know what I mean.

You’re entire country puts in half as many hours as one American city.

I made my sacrifice, that's how I know that faggot Peterson is full of shit

Fucking burgers houses cost that little and they bitch. Come to Toronto area fuckers. A piece of shit half that size costs 500k.

>Am I entitled for not wanting to study all day and working in a stressful job.
>Am I entitled for wanting to live a peaceful family life like our fathers did?
>Is it too much to ask to have a home, a girlfriend etc without having to work myself to death?
Life is a struggle, you piece of shit. You will get nowhere without working your ass off. Waaah why am i so entitled for wanting to be happy and content without sweating an ounce boohoo

Case and point

Jordan Peterson is suffering spasms inside his Neuritic Plaques. The physical brain matter inside his head is failing. There is clear physical degradation of his Neuritic Plaques on recorded film.

Histopathologic image of neuritic plaques in the cerebral cortex in a patient with Alzheimer disease of presenile onset (onset before age 65).

I guarantee you, that house is in a shit neighborhood or in a a city that's industry has died forcing you to commute 3-4 hours without public transportation

Fuck everything you said. I get 70-80 years approx out of eternity to experience life, why in the actual fuck should I have to wasted 70% of my existence slaving away for a society that gives 0 shits. No, that is not entitled that just understanding how much more valuable your small existence is.

This is the fall of Jordan Peterson.

All mental illness accusations are completely subjective as they are based on zero biological test. It is Jewish Marxist quack science and a last ditch political tool to silence opposition. It was heavily used under the Soviets to remove Russian Loyalist.

Here is why this will mark the fall of Jordan Peterson. Since psychiatry involves no real science and no real scientific testing in order to diagnose any of the bogus manufactured mental illnesses inside of the DSM; Jordan Peterson himself will now come under the same accusations of the very Mental Illnesses he freely and generously throws around.

If you believe Jordan Peterson is not suffering from multiple mental disorders, then you simply haven't payed close enough attention to detail. We now have ample evidence of Neuritic Spasm's concurring within Jordan Peterson's speech patterns. These Neuritic Spasm's are occurring at an increasingly alarming rate. There is a lot of video footage of this due to it happening around five to six times during every speech.

Jordan Peterson is mentally ill. This is the beginning of the fall for Jordan Peterson.

He is quite clearly a neo-Marxist disguising himself as some sort of radical-centrist idealogue. We witnessed this political move by elite Democrats directly after the election of Donald Trump. There was an organized platform to present a type of "centrist" dialog by the Far-Left.

Jordan Peterson falls into the same Far-Left category. The man is a fraud. We now have everything we need to completely dismantle him in a sustained campaign. His cult like followers will scream, cuss, and become violent as all cult members do when their cult leader is removed.


So now Sup Forums is no better than Yahoo tier mentality? All boomers are exactly the same? All Boomers think the same way? Give me a fucking break. So the same thing applies to millennials? All Millennials think exactly the same way about these significant issues? See how this works? Stop being idiots and open your goddamn minds.

You are definitely on to something.
Only a faggot with multiple mental disorders who was also born a boomer would tell people to just suck it up and be a good little goy.

A real leader would tell exactly whats wrong with society and what should be done.

Because life sucks and we try to make the best out of it. You have to be a fucking teenager to be even asking this. Work your ass off so you find a job which you enjoy spending your time in. You think anyone in life just gets shit handed to them just for existing? Oh, you exist, therefore you MUST be happy and your every desire must be met within a millisecond? No, that is not life and life has never been like that. Your small existence isn't valuable either, it's worth fucking nothing. YOU are nothing. Want to become something? Then quit whining, accept the world as it is and try to make the best out of it by putting the work in.

kys memeflag
JBP is /ourguy/
he really pinches your fuckwounds, doesn't he tranny?
>in all fields


He can't do it. How is he /ouguy/ if he can't do it?

This part of the right wing is just as bad as the SJW infighting. You must have absolute purity for your position and you will deride anyone who is not a full blown Zionist Zealot for Isreal. JBP is a great shill, has recently labeled Martin Luther the creator of Protestant Christianity as "mentally ill" for writing his famous 1543 book.

i fap to her feet once a week

Its in the Pittsburgh suburbs

He thinks everyone is capable to survive in this harsh reality. Do you know how hard college is for an average person. And getting a good degree is nearly impossible for them. Now what happens if that person has no support and has developped mental illnesses. Just quit whining and put the work in it is easily said but no everyone can do it you little faggot Norway cuck

Is that the look of a man? or a defeated broken soul.

Is this real?

>Pittsburgh suburbs
enough said

Yes I hate boomers and everything they did to us, but seriously take it on the chin like a fucking man. We're here right now, we have this situation to deal with and complaining and throwing blame won't do shit.


I was told to "suck it up" my whole life, I'm done sucking it up


canadians, not even once

>worshiping a subversive jew
The absolute state of burgers.

Look at this damage control.

What is wrong with Pittsburgh?

Then don't go to fucking college then, jesus. Become a lumberjack, get a qt wife and pick up the fiddle and go to folk festivals or something. Why do you think you have to go to college to be happy? You don't.

Buy my degenerate (((rug))) little boys.

you really thought youd be happy snd content under the illusion of "progress" and hypermaterialism?

Boomers crashing market mass sell off they won't be fooled again. sell sell sell save your 401 k from disaster loss.

Fuck off shill. This boomer hate meme isn’t going to be a thing.

The fact it has to be named a livable city should be your first hint
Why would they have to convince anybody if it actually was a livable city?

Yeah I took it on the chin and it knocked me the fuck out. Now I have brain traumata and cant work like a normal person anymore.
What do you want me to do? Go back in the ring and let my opponent who is 40 inches taller and 100 kg heavier than me bludgeon me to death?

Yes all boomers are the same. There generation is done, their actions are set in stone, and none of them stood up for what was right. Fuck them all

Better than curling up in a ball in the corner and crying.


>1 post by this ID

He really went full youtube panhandler, it's fucking sad as fuck

>1 post by this (((ID)))
The jew deserves to win if Sup Forums lacks the discipline to ignore even the most blatant kike bait without biting.

You still have not said what is wrong with it?

boomers jewed their own children out of a decent life

$2k for a tiny rug?



>What do you want me to do?
You know what we need to do

No, I'm a fighter
I'm done being a submissive person getting raped up the ass by people telling my to suck it up

The only thing boomers did to their children is be shitty parents just like their parents were to them

Boomers are from 1910-1975
Millennials are 1975-2010

Not only is it a rip off financially, but it is literally "degenerate art".

>1 post by this (((ID)))
Makes you think.


Burn it to the ground so phoenix can rise from the ashes?

>Boomers like Jordan Peterson should be the first to hang when the day of the rope comes.
This. Parents used to pass shit on to their children. How the fuck did it end up with the children giving to the parents? Boomers. Fucking boomers. That's how.

It's in the nigger part of town

The Jew comes out of the woodworks to spreads lies and propaganda to deceive young goyim, just like his gatekeeper prepped up by the Jewish media Jordan Peterstein.

idk, seems pretty based to me

Boomers still wont admit their kids face a horrible future thanks to the demographic shift.

They also think it wont effect them when some of them easily have 30-40 years of life left. Don't know how many boomers iv heard say "Oh well the world is screwed, least I wont be around to see it fall apart"

They know what they have done and they don't care. I hope they are all sent to hell.

>he thinks this is leftist
Holy fuck the center has swung so goddamn much in a decade.

JP has become a meme. He should've stayed off kiketube for his own good.
His ego got the better of him and now he is on a crusade to form his fencesitting kekboi army.
How will Sup Forums ever recover?

Gen X is even worse then the boomers.

Boomer cuck defends his cult leader, loves Jews and sends his sons to die for Israel! Good goy! Have a shekel.