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Do you libcucks have to spam Sup Forums with 1000 of the same fucking threads

Post the last year and not just 1 day faggot.

you seem upset

death n taxes death n taxes death n taxes

It’s not abot tax rates it’s about interest rates and in a surprising way this is actually good

he's got a point, though

It's not the tax cuts you fucking drooling retard, it's interest rates.

No changing the channel now.

Asian market bubble is deflating.
Strong house income is spooking inflation hikes.
Tech companies report down tick in profits.
People who bought earlier now selling, sparking market correction.

This has been known for awhile now. It's actually expected. It should smooth out here soon, unless something serious happens that wasn't foreseen.

>Virgin one day graph
>Chad max graph

Money and stocks are literally a meme.

Three years ago, Chinese market had a loss of over 10% each day for about a week. They actually had to stop the market and stop the digits at 10% because if they showed the true number, it would cause societal collapse.

Guess what?

Nothing came out of it. Because stocks don't exist.


Cut taxes for the 1%
Slurp on kike dick
We love our FBI and CIA

All three stab you in the back like Brutus.

the tax cuts create inflation u moron

Is there a problem?

Not really. Its not really libcucks so much as its just people begging for an actual happening.

Fifty cents. Your account.

>since 1980
wow meaningful

Thanks just bought 10k

We've been overdue for a correction for months. If this drop comes as a surprise to you, you're a fucking brainlet

what the fuck did I just read? They're not printing new money when people are allowed to keep their own money. The money would be present whether the state uses it on debt payments or the person uses it on a dildo.

Friend of mine works in government. Towns are selling their bonds. Get prepared for a crash boys. Screen shot this.

Go from 2010 if you want or at the end of 2016 if you want to blame Trump for it.

Also, money can just be printed. I know it's a libertarian nightmare, but it's proven to work. In libertarian view, money can't be printed indefinitely because it will cause inflation and will collapse.


We're now at 90+ years of printing money and we never had a collapse. Mind you, by collapse I mean complete utter annihilation. 2008 was just a sigh.

Tomorrow the Federal Reserve will pump in a new trillion and it will fix the situation.

Blamed on "program trading"
Sounds like a group of people all sold at once to manipulate the market

Wages go up, cuck market goes down. Get fucked.

Always a leaf

Looks familiar

Can't help but notice that it only goes up during democratic administrations.

I'm I wrong shill

I FUCKING LOVE COCK and this market is like a cock. it gets soft but then it TURNS AROUND AND BECOMES HARD AS DIAMONDS. it has its cycles. just need to keep it stimulated to keep it rock hard.

bu-buhy economy

it's just a weird way of wording sell limits getting hit
"if prices goes lower than x sell"
>this cascades

any stock that goes up looks that way. if you believe that image tells you anything you are retarded

Whole bunch of algos probably had stop losses set at various points and they all just cascaded in to one another. They should start buying again soonish. These idiot money managers always fuck up the buy and hold strategy.

this is the market reacting to our banana republic of a government. the abuse of lawful institutions for personal and political gain says this is not the best country to do business in

>People when Dow goes over 19000 when Trump gets elected: Meh
>People when Dow goes over 20000: Meh
>People when Dow goes over 21000: Meh
>People when Dow goes over 22000: Meh
>People when Dow goes over 23000: Meh
>People when Dow goes over 24000: Meh
>People when Dow goes over 25000: Meh
>People when Dow goes under 25000: Drumpf!!!!!!
Corrections are good you fucking Brainlets buy buy buy!

Oh fuck oh fuck boomers pulling all their retirement money out of the market. they won't be fooled again.

Tax cuts create inflation? Now that's a first LOL

You should have sold everything last week like me. I’ll be laffin

>yes goy we can just print more!
>it won't even make a difference!
>we've never had a collapse
If you're referring to the US, that's a blatant lie. If you're referring to Croatia, I'm afraid to tell you that it's hard to collapse what's little more than a pile of rubble.

Yes your face

Looks familiar

Netflix did not double in value in 2017, neither did Amazon. Return to reality and more to go.

Probably should settle somewhere at around 22K

Holy shit I was about to put $5500 into my IRA over the weekend

Good thing I waited

Yeah, funny that.

When will you faggots learn that jews don't make money in a flat market? Up or down doesn't matter. Money is made in both directions.

Look at a graph that includes inflation


thank you for posting that helpful infographic that tells the future.


They do you retard. At least in the short term.

niggers running wild. thank god the tax cut got done before the niggers can hurt the market. fuck all of those jungle bunnies.

First non-Jew in generations became Fed chair today

Replace "Meh"with "Obama" and you get the whole point.

The news articles even say that this isn't shit. It always dips in the first quarter

are (((they))) afraid of him ? he sounds like a good goy.



The (((Central Bank))) has had a gun pointed to the head of the American economy with low interest rates for years. They don't like Trump and are going to punish the goyim who voted for him by raising interest rates and blaming it on Trump.

holy fuck ur retarded

if u don't know that these tax cuts are inflationary then u need to kys right now on account of sheer mental retardation

oh shit nigga sell your house RIGHT NOW