Italy Sup Forums - A Black Alfa Romeo from Hell / Drive-by Edtion - Romans Revenge/Ethnic Cleansing

Updates from Italy:

Lvca Traini, the lone legionary, said to the prosecutors he has no remorse for what he did, and that he wanted to kill and shoot more niggers.
He's now in the Ancona Maximum Security Penitentiary. (if you want to send money and help to the family)
On italian social media he's glorified and acclaimed as a National Hero. Jewbook continues to delete and close pages abouit him.
The Right Coalition declared the following: after March 4, 600,000 immigrants will be mass deported in Carco ships and C130 airplanes back to their shitholes.
The nigerian community is planning to leave Italy for France or switzerland, fearing other acts of violence from italians.
Acts of violence against foreigners are spreading all over Italy especially in the Campania area where gangs of kids are targeting and hunting niggers and muslims.
Lvca Traini and his last sacrifice started the ultimate awakening of a nation.
May be the Roman Olympus glory be forever with him.

Daily reminder, on March 4, the only two options are:

LEGA / Casapovnd

Other urls found in this thread:

>"Maybe tomorrow (Monday) they resign me but I'm afraid now"


close his oxygen
die nigger

>especially in the Campania area where gangs of kids are targeting and hunting niggers and muslims

Friendly reminder: these "kids" are no better than niggers and sandniggers, the whole region has to be nuked.

Kys, jew.

>t. Napoletani lover


>The nigerian community is planning to leave Italy for France or switzerland
Fuck, you we don't want thoses niger out here

2018 will be the year of right wing death squads

fuck off ambrogio