The most Sup Forums memed Charging handle?

I hope the mods will allow this to stay up long enough to get some good ideas but i was hoping some of you could design me the most Sup Forums AR charging handle possible.

I can get writing and images where you see in the pic.

How about you spend your money on an actually good charging handle like a BCM gunfighter instead of wasting it on edgy trash like pol memes.

Just remember, if you get into a lawful shoot, but get charged anyways, the defense is going tear you to shreds with shit like this. If you adorn your weapons with skulls, politically charged symbols and jokes, they'll make you seem like a monster. Follow the KISS principle and keep it simple and clean. My two cents anons as a fledgling attorney(patent attorney).

Don't buy meme shit, buy good shit.

Why are you wasting your money getting cosmetic upgrades for your rifle? Oh wait... its OP.

it's not going in the at I would use for anything like that. this is going in my range gun. the one I shoot for fun. either way I'm in Leafistan only blacks are allowed self defense. whites go to jail if you put up too much fuss when getting home invaded

I cant think of a time where a Canadian has used an AR in self defence, it usually seems to be pistols.

A fact that I find odd given our regulations, I would have thought 12 or 14 inch barreled shotguns would be the popular choice.

Get the ''You're Fucked'' dustcover like that one cop who shot a guy for messing up at simon says

Please don't get a racist one, it will be used against you in court when you shoot a nigger.

I have one just like that, except I got the grey heat covers and I got the one that keeps the front sight post since I like irons.

I think we know exactly who belongs on a charging handle...

"You're Fucked."

and the lower is just a left over from a PSA rifle I had

>whites go to jail if you put up too much fuss when getting home invaded

A white guy shot and killed a cop during a raid and was acquitted. Its entirely possible to shoot in self defence here, it just has to be a very clear case of self defence.

>niggered rifles
checks out

Confirmed for you're fucked

aside form being 2.5 inches too long, our rifles are fine.

mine has a 16 inch barrel hombre

Ahhh, then you're good to go.

Mine has a 14.5, the restricted stuff inst the problem but an 18.5 barrel on a vz58 just looks gay

can you guys not get sbr's?

I was hoping for more input then that...


Gay as fuck


AXS Raptor or GTFO.
Enjoy your broken charging handle.
>but ive never broken one
because you shoot once a year

Ah the ol british straight pull!


i didn't think about that actually i just wanted to trigger you with a side charger

I dont reef on it like a sped. But yes it can happen. Just checked out that handle. Its breddy gud. I might ask santa for one

We can but an SBR would fall under the restricted category if its semi auto meaning it can only be used on a range and can only be transported directly to the range from your house, or directly to a gunsmith. To be non restricted, a semi auto rifle must have a minimum barrel length of 18.5 inches.

An SBS, however, is good to go as long as it has a manual action, you can get them for as low as 250$ and they can travel freely with you.

I like!

Buy an sks or an ak. You faggots are gay. I had to look up what a charging handle was, then I cleared my browsing history. Disgusting.


Commie shit

I bet you niggers need help pulling a bow string back.

Leaf shit

This fear mongering has no legal precedent to back it up.
You're a LARPer, not any sort of legal expert.

I am not saying it would adversely change the course of a trial. I am saying that, depending on the circumstances, your name would be muddied in the press. Go ahead and grease some black guy with Pepe on your back plate. Please tell me that a proper prosecutor won't do his DD and present this as a symbol of hate.

those digits... What did he mean by this?


And yknow what? How many people did the red army mow down with that "commie shit"?

a lot less than the krauts did

Jesus christ, you leafs are fucking dumb.


Unless you’re a cop and you have “you’re fucked” on your rifle because it’ll never make it into a courtroom.

Fact: the AK has killed more commies than any other weapon.

>muh guns

>.t 1L in second semester that thinks he knows anything
The prosecution would tear you to shreds, not the defense.