This is why the media demonizes him
Putin talks about white genocide
Meanwhile in Russia
T. Anti putin butthurt ex commie libral
>1:39 "We should not divide everything based on ethnicity
What a cuck
Why are we not colonizing Russia?
Vast, free, open land
Cold winters, fair summers
A lot of nationalists
cheeki breeki
media hates it
seems like a fair deal to me
>We have to preserve all this to remain a significant centre in the world
i have no idea what this guy is plotting
According to the Russians that hang around here Putin says something but does the contrary in Russia
I might if things go to shit here.
tossup between there and Polan for me
other cons:
full of Russians
muslims, especially chechnyans
men are all vodkaniggers
I know
Russia is so baffling right now.
But the holocaust denial laws and allowing jews in speak volumes. I can't trust a country that does that. I assume we have no friends, except perhaps Hungary. I've even heard from Persians that the Ayatollahs are cryptojews, and so is Achmedinejad.
Rightwingers are doing everything they can to accelerate the destruction of the earth. Kill them now before you are homeless and fighting tens of millions of climate refugees over patches of farmland.
Russia is even worse than us in that regard
Putin a Mongol cuck. White Russians hate him and rightfully so. He's flooding Russia with Asians and other non Russians and putting Russians in jail for opposing it. He's no different to western leaders pandering to foreigners for votes.
Because selling out our country to leftist oligarchies is supposed to be a good idea?
Get the fuck out of here.
Jew York is gross.
President Putin, he's just thid good guy, you know?
I think Putin impressed a lot of people by not allowing gay marriage. I wonder how many non-Russians wanted to move to Russia from the west when he did that? I must admit, tempting.
Russki in thread the other day said that Putin is even more multi-cultural than U.S.
You dont even know what oligarchy is. Your children, if you aren't a virgin, are going to be raped to death by Bangladeshi refugees.
Wa, he is a civic nationalist.
You make a very good case against liberals.
Liberals are overgrown children who need to have every method of control severed because they cannot be trusted to run anything. You can't govern, you are in a perpetual state of rerbellion against a conservative class that no longer exist. You are all either old boomer yuppies who think they are still being rebellious, or you are edgy antifa pre-teens who think they are being edgy.
That happens alot. He clearly has no ideology, he is hungry for power and at the same time very afraid to lose everything. Legitimately. So he will use any effective way to keep himself on top, will be it along with our interests or not.
I hated him all my life. But recently I realised that he may not be a good ruler, but he is already in history — it's been 18 years already. And it means he is not stupid. I hope reality will force him to do something right before shit hits the fan. Because his day are coming to an end.
>Except Hungary
Maybe he thinks that promoting WN here is his way of fucking us up? So his will be the only majority muslim and jewish nation?
>white christians
No it's about whites. Russia is also less than 70 perecent white and Putin isn't really doing much.
can anyone confirm he's actually saying that? that's quite surprising but I bet he's just pandering to the racists in his base and doesn't actually mean it
>white russians
yeah the 20 million of them that live in northwestern russia
> vodkaniggers
Outdated, alco consumption falls gradually
80% white. Only some national minority "republics" may be around 70% or lower.
And we can always drop the ballast of non-white unprofitable republics on borders. 1st thing to do after Putin.
An interesting fact, i doubt you heard of it: Putins and United Russia's (ruling party) approval rates negatively correlate with the percentage of russians in region.
So Putin keeps some of them on "welfare", buying votes of churkas.
I've had Russians on here tell me that Putin is also an anti-white globalist. True, or not?
He is pro-power and pro- his clan of kgb members and friends from Sankt-Peterburg.
He doesn't mind them stealing billions to their offshores. But any non-puppet opposition meets violent response. Simple as that. Just like in any 3rd world country.
He allows the import of churkestan workforce, feeds national minorities (mostly elites), and hopes to use "loyal" islam to keep them in control.
Of course it is extremely irresponsible from national and racial point of view, but nobody teached him about it. He is an old kgbist, he doesnt think this way.
your nonwhite ethnicities don't seem to be that bad desu. it's mostly just people from the caucasus and central asia, no?
russia has been multi ethnic for over a thousand years it's not something they arbitrarily forced like our jewed nations.
Russia's homicide rate will be lower than the USA's within a decade. Really sad.
good analysis. It's too bad.. I know everyone on this site loves Putin, but he is so stuck in the past like all old people are, and resistant to any change. He is so stuck in his 1970s KGB mindset.
They are very different. Imagine British Empire, or any other sea empire from colonial era, but on soil. Nordic asians (chukcha, yakut) are autistic natives, still grazing deers in tundra. Southern asians (Tuva) are wild animals, literally, worse than any nigger.
Caucasians... Imagine if ghettos were rural, placed in mountains and welfare were put straight to gang leaders hands.
Tatars, second significant group (actually a constructed by bolshevik nation) — mostly assimilated.
It's a shame i can't give you detailed articles on national politics by our right-wing resources, they aren't translated. There are awesome breakdowns almost on each republic. It's the only rational way, here it's impossible to ramble about how we will "pay them to leave" or any other bullshit, because multi-culty reaction is very strong in official circles.
>le edgy 56% boomer ecks dee
kek 50% land BTFO. How can muttbois even compete?
>It's a shame i can't give you detailed articles on national politics by our right-wing resources, they aren't translated. There are awesome breakdowns almost on each republic.
ah yeah, that's too bad. could you say how you see the future demographics of Russia playing out? i can't imagine it will be as bad as some places like france in terms of white christian displacement
please link, i read russian
can you link those rightwing resources in Russian
Putin is part Asian himself.
He has the eyes of a steppe warrior.
Here are some articles I mentioned.
What does your inverse skid mark flag denote, are you trying to suggest that you live in the opposite of a shithole?
It doesn't work.
What cuntry is that?
Putin and Trump can save us
Why did Russian suicides peak in 1994? What happened?
When it was questionable, could things be worse, in 1993 in Moscow we have had a little civil war. We lost, Yeltsin won and became a dictator. Then shit went wild.
Shock therapy
>Why did Russian suicides peak in 1994? What happened?
How old are you? The USSR collapsed. With all consequences.
Trump needs to ally with Putin. The world world terrible at the thought of White America joining forces with white Russia. Let's do this and dominate the world together
Putin seems a cool dude. Islam would be eradicated in a year. Fuck Islam right in the pushee.
Russian birthrates are at 10 years low due to crisis.
Caucasians birthrates, ones of the highest, went down to reproduction levels. Their youth is secularising and urbanising.
Nobody knows who will pay pensions to the oldfag army. All the way it was a ponzi scheme with 1 single condition: raise more workers. Old fags failed, but still expect not to die in shit. Now they will sell their asses to anyone who will promise a 20 bucks raise for them.
Housing is incredibly expensive and shitty, interest rates for flat debt are enormous.
Proportion of muslim will increase, overall population is often prognosed around 130mln, a 10 mln decrease from our moment.
They are filling this gap with churkas from middle asia.
Things can be reversed by either repatriation program from baltic countries, belarus, ukraine and eastern kazakhstan, or by rejoining some of this regions. Unlikely scenario.