You can’t spell woman without MAN

You can’t spell woman without MAN

Woman hate thread

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Stop this..
We need women in our lives. I now declare this a You love you lose - thread


>u r a fag

"Look guys, I posted it again!"

Anybody who posts in this thread unironically is a loser NEET faggot cuck.
Stop shitting up our board


they have hole between their legs. isnt that awkward. hhahhahahahohohohahahaha

Underdeveloped version of men

stfu ameri mutt

They dont even have a benis. KEK Womanlets BTFO

>All these pussy slave soyboys posting

Jesus Christ...

"Look guys I hate women cause they won't fuck me because I'm a fat larper who never leaves the house and posts these threads 24/7"

The alt-right is a feminist movement.


You fucking retard the reason I hate them is because they're so easy to fuck, we're not in America where you get arrested for looking at a roastie fucking loser


They are not men but the submissive weaker gender. Feminism should be classified as a mental disorder. Men are the rulers of the world. Thats just how it is.

Meet your future wife Sup Forums

You need to find a woman to love. Have a deep, serious, committed relationship with a woman. You will never experience anything like it. It will make you happy.


Why would any faggots hate women? fatasses

Lets turn this into a nigger roasting thread

Its universal knowledge that woman does things out of emotion, seeking attention

You fucking fat bitch
Woman are so superficial, emotional retarded, why the fuck are they allowed to leave their houses?

>hurr durr but mine is different
Yeah, right
How much miles of cock she rode before meeting you?

Absolutely pathetic. I love how easy women are to fuck I live in Weimar America, I'm just enjoying it until it collapses

I am 1 year away from getting married.

Doesn't stop me from knowing the shit they are

I also know what I'm getting into but unlike most places you can actually get away with not giving a fuck after divorce here (as long as you can pretend bankrupcy)

I know. It is an unfair card to play!

>I live in Weimar America
Yes you do except the Jews are now the whites

Lol did I say I have "a woman" stop getting so mad you virgin NEET fat ass.

If it was attached to this Space Elve, I'd deal with it.

>marry woman
>have two kids
>she takes half of your stuff and you still has to pay for your childs

I am happy for you, that you are getting married. But it doesn't sound like a very healthy relationship you are getting into. I hope you come to see, that women are the second half you need to be complete.

Average Brazilian woman

At least give me a chance to start playing user

Women suck ass now because of SJW's, feminism, all that etc. But do you know why we all hate them? Because they're sexist/racist. They try to fight "sexism" by being sexist and all it does is cause us to be just as sexist, which in turn fuels them to be even more sexist. If we actually want to fix the world then we can't do it by being like they are. We need to force ourselves to be nice in order to change their minds; people like Lacy Green weren't red pilled through fighting with red pillers, more like the total opposite (I don't know if she is actually completely, or at all red pilled, but you get the point)


Here is not netflix show, you uncultured dick

ur a degenerate fag kys

>Stay single
>be 45 no kids, no friends because they all had kids and don't wanna play with you
>drink excessively and hang out in bars with 26 year olds
>come home to an empty house every day
>"thank god i didn't get married! I could have lost my TV-set"

looks american to me

red heads are nice!
Her eyes match too.

Last centuries woman were great
They were beautifull, educated, companions
Today they are all YOLO roasties until theyre 30, then they search for the weak soyboy faggot who would do anything for her

Man up, faggots

P.S: In other words we gotta lull them into thinking we're on their side, and then slowly convince them using their own ways to be normal people again because like us, they're only going to listen to someone who they think is on their side. Kind of like a psychopath might do, but for the good of all of us

i always thought 56% was a race thing
apparently its 56% vagina

Hahahahaha everyone here at work is 30 or more
Their wives does not let them go out or demand that they go with them
Thats the life you want?
Feels good to be young and unmarried

Interesting facts. As the cultural differences in men and women wear away, the biological differences maximize.
There are far more women in care-taking fields in northern europe than in india or africa, who haven't had feminism.

We could conjecture, that we just have to allow women to do as they want, and they will gravitate towards traditional life? i could be wrong.


Clint WestWood. ( D forget East, Sin Unpaid)

>implying she isnt doing this to seek attention

“Ooh look at me, how controversial i am”

Also an interesting point. Could be risky though, because if that ends up not being the case then maybe there is a chance of the modern world falling apart. I do hope so though

Fuck off

Well you are doing it wrong then. Look at yourself! You are marrying a woman you hate? how is that gonna go?

W/O the split tail man reverts back into his natural state.

He drives what we wants, wears comfortable clothes and has facial hair that suits is climate.

Sorry OP this thread is too edgy 4me

Uses ancient symbols for peace.

Assumes anything other than one exclamation mark is necessary to establish intelligence.

She's an idiot.

I require Nazi's to exist for they told me 'black is equal to white', and they didn't make it a race to insult God's intelligence.


im OP
lets hate those nasty wimin guys
i suck bbc btw

I don't believe this but she's the closest I could get to that.

yeah I'm sure she's risking getting sacked and having her head kicked in just for a laugh m8

Yeah, i think what is needed, is for men, as well as women, to get a grip on themselves. Live good lives and invest time in your community.. And do it early in life. And find a girl at school. Not in the club.

Nobody wants those here.

If this is the best you can get, then you better start appreciating it, man. Work on that relationship, and work hard!

Man.. My wife left to be a medic in afghanistan. I am only gonna see her a couple of times this year. You need to work on your relationship, so it gets strong as an oak-tree. It must withstand a lifetime of struggle, and that doesn't come easy.

Yee dog, for the past long time I've been hating SJWism, and I still do, but I tried thinking about it objectively for the past 2 days and realized that the way to fix the whole mess isn't through fighting. You should try to spread the word

That's the best anyone can get.
>My wife left to be a medic in afghanistan
holy fucking shit what the actual fuck man don't have tons of pakis to take care of there?

I do work on it but sometimes its hard, she's pressuring me to marry and shit, I want to marry but I'm going mad this is also one of the reasons I'm spilling my hate here hauehiaehuaihie

They married them because they loved them, i guess

Also, why do you guys keep posting intangible girls?
You will never meet actresses or models

Haha faggot

Its to take care of the danish special forces.
You should get married, but only if you want to be with her for the rest of your life. Your life doesn't end, when you get married.

Its like world of warcraft. The game only really begins once you get to lvl 60 (or however high they have gone now)

Join in, and post some 7/10 cuties.


Anxiety is like when video game combat music is playing but you can't find any enemies.


I wish you luck man, you must have to be strong to accept your wife’s son
Even if hes a little brown and have thick eyebrows

Thanks for taking care of this tropical monkey (even though I'm white, you should feel this heat, it drives you nuts and makes you homicidal and shit) I feel a little better now

that looks like my wife's vagina

You will not believe just how amazing it feels to be able to trust another person like i trust my wife. Absolutely not a shred of doubt that she will be faithful to me.

>that laughter at the end

Literally a LARPing soyboy
I bet your “wife” is just a retarded girlfriend youre in love and plans to marry

Jokes on you, shes going to leave you after 1.2 years
Screencap this post

Anytime, man,
Just live a good life. The best life you can possibly build for youself and your family and friends. Everything else will come natural.

La creatura obscura


She wishes her tits were that big.. so do I

invade brazil.

>that looks like my wife's vagina
I thought so too!

Wow!! That is not normal!!

the fuck

>where have all the good men gone?

American Mothers = Feminists
American Fathers = Fascists

KYS = Kink Your Soul

Poccии Insight

The second nigger from the bottom-left corner is pulling the "WITNESS ME" Australian face. Fucking hardcore son.

Odometers are a thing guys. If you need women to keep a fucking counter, then why don't you guys measure your 'dick-time-spool'

Then try the 'white' pill without getting all your skin colors, white-picket fences, and 'paint' mixed up with 'visual light spectrums.' You fucking YANKS.

Fuck me, even for just a woman that beautiful alone to exist would help me define the world 'beauty' for man and woman, regardless of time and gender. I am worthy of killing her, but I am not worthy of destroying her. I am the gentle-man.

Then, Brazil, teach men to be things other than 'soccer hooligans' or 'drug dealers for America'. That is literally just 'Hey, let's do WORLD WAR X'

All humans crave ritual and tradition, but women are the ones that wait for tradition and respect men that pave the way for the ritual all womanhood can feel safe 'in'.

The modern world has already disintegrated and exploded. "Now I We've Become Death, Word Raper(s)."

How the fuck do Americans make the titles of their shows so fucking stupid? Last man on earth, like, second episode, more people turn up. Seems to just keep going. You Americans don't really know how to advertise, you just know how to steal.

I can agree this is funny, but it is disrespectful to actually watch and somehow mentally match this image with 'female vagina'. Guys, there is literally nothing wrong with vaginas. I put my dick in spider's nests ALL the time. They are very dick friendly.

White Castle

I don't hate women anymore than I hate other animals. They exist to breed you sons. Not fawn over like a faggot.


how dare you? thats a perfectly fine vagina, you shitlord


fuck off, brazil proxy

How does it taste?

You shouldn't fawn over women. Not even women want that in reality. You have to come to terms with the fact that you need women in your life. As a life partner. Women can give you something a friend never can. Intimacy is so unique an experience. I do however agree that women were made for breeding. so get a whole bunch of kids. It will make your life have purpose.

>brazilbro calls anyone but themselves a mutt
fuck i'm crying with laughter

good god wtf is this

isn't there an entire board for this?

Bringing shit from cincocinco for you

“The only difference between me and the mosquitoe is that he stop sucking when get slaped”

there is no mutt in 100% macaco


Guys, Jacinta could literally write a regular expression to replace this woman's entire job + that of the entire Linux kernel development team.

You really need to 'up your game' if you think you guys are anywhere near Reality Ver. memex.33

Hahaha, no, that is just some mob's idea of a fucking joke in Australia guys. Hahaha, fucking haha.

What have been done to this world. Those women live so horrible lives. She wants to be treated like a piece of meat. It is so sad to see.
