Is Gerrymandering actually a real issue or is it just a boogeyman of leftists...

Is Gerrymandering actually a real issue or is it just a boogeyman of leftists? I talk politics with my friends and family occasionally and they have never mentioned it once. The only place where I actually see it brought up is on Plebbit to accuse Republicans of "stealing" elections. Let's squash this debate once and for all. Please cite sources and evidence to support your argument.

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Gerrymandering isn't leftist or right wing, it's just political fuckery that anyone can use. Democrats want to use it to better their election chances by giving certain votes more power than others, and Republicand want to do the same.

Both parties gerrymander their districts.

Gerrymandering is one of the only ways that inherently conservative populations can survive the liberal urbanite vote. Regardless of demographics the trend holds true that people in urban centers tend to be more liberal, while people in less populated rural areas trend towards conservative views.
If left alone it will naturally come about that a handful of urban centers will have a total stranglehold over all policy matters.

Though this isn't an inherently left vs right issue. This shows a fundamental flaw in Democracy itself and how it fails to fully account for human nature.

democrats use it and then cry when republicans use it.

Obama won his first senate seat because of gerrymandering (state senate), so both sides do do it. i'd say let computers draw the lines, but even that can be manipulated. one great example is illegals--they are counted in the census that is used for redistricting even though they aren't supposed to vote.

Huge issue, look at the shape of the congressional districts of MD. In a year where we elected a republican Governor, 7/8 districts for congress went to Democrats.


Both sides do it, but the GOP went farther than anyone ever has with Operation REDMAP and perfectly showed why the redistricting process should be done by an independent, bipartisan committee based on demographics instead of party affiliation.

It isn't real in Pennsylvania.

Idiot Democrats have a hard time understanding that there are people that live outside of Philly.

>This shows a fundamental flaw in Democracy itself

One of many.

what is it with my state and being so iconically corrupt

then don't cite wapo articles dickhead

the forth district of Illinois

It’s real. It usually happens after something upsetting like the last election.

Democrats are butthurt only when Republicans do it because it acts as a tourniquet to them browning everywhere with aliens.

I live in North At, pretty much in the Gillette zone, not sure what to do

>Hub of the universe
That map is not wrong, that’s where all of the rich whites live.

Yes it's a real issue you mug.
It's why when I hear they're rezoning constituencies in my country I get a feeling of dread, it is how they ensure certain areas vote the way they want the government wants them to

It's a real issue, but both sides do it. Leftists pretend it's something exclusive to the GOP and then play the fool when called out to bullshit like MD districts.

It's mainly just a talking point used by the clueless.
A friend tried to argue the GOP only held the senate because of gerrymandering. Biggest retard in the world that one.

Need independent committees to draw even maps, with no bias.

Fuck gerrymandering

We need to destroy the very concept of high population density urban centers to address the issue.
You have people who live lives of convenience that are a world apart from the agricultural and manufacturing base of the country who fiscally support their existence. Their inclination towards rent seeking comes from the environment and social norms they grow up with.
So long as we subsidize the pursuit of comfort we're going to have people who vote for more whilst utilizing some one else's tax dollars. The notion of a city comes along with a city lifestyle, and that lifestyle breeds a certain mindset.

The maps aren't the issue. Human beings are social animals and we have to deal with the reality of our social tendencies.

That's a Latino seat. When Dems gerrymander in urban areas it's typically to award seats as racial patronage.

Yes. You're not a real democracy if your constituencies are gerrymandered and you use first-past-the-post voting. You are a managed democracy.

>inb4 hurr durr ur a leftist cuck xd

Literally a card-carrying member of a Christian Democratic party, so kindly fuck off with that in advance.

Good example of Democratic gerrymandering to counter Russian troll farm talking points about it all being a leftist scare tactic.