Amerimutt thread

What's your ancestry american Sup Forumsacks?
>Mom is Irish
>Dad is italian, he's relatively tan so I'm sure he's from southern italy.
>Mom tells me that my great grandma was cherokee.
>Only one in my family with blue eyes, most of my sisters have brown eyes or green.

Other urls found in this thread:


>52% italian, quarter german, and a bit polish
>cousin on german side of my family says I look "very mediterranean"
>dna test lied to me and said my ancestors were calabrese instead of genoese

my grandfather was mcdonalds

cherokee grandma i know that FEEL bro

here we go with yet another Amerimutt thread, or is this just data mining?

Not datamining, just a simple dixieman looking for some feels.

sup cunts, im scottish italian

three out of four grandparents were irish, the fourth was swedish.
then my ancestry results only have me being 37% irish, 4% scandinavian, and the rest "western european" somehow.

mother: son of a bitch
father: edgar allen poe

Don't respond to mutts claiming their (partially) from POLSKA

I'm white with brown hair and green eyes, I don't care about my ancestry beyond that desu.

Grandfather is Western Russian
Grandmother is German
Other Grandfater is Spaniard
Other Grandmother is Spic
>tfw looking like brown haired/ brown eyed beaner while my sisters are blond haired/ blue eyed aryans (lucky bastards)

I'm 9% polish

Czech and Anglo.
Grandparents coundn't speak any english apparently.

I probably have some pole in me myself.

My great grandfather's last name was Kowalski. How common is that surname in Poland? He was a Soviet bomber during World War II

Irish/scottish - german. Blue eyes with red hair.
Eye colors in senpai
4 blue
1 green
1 brown

Father's Side:
>90% Nordrhein Westfalia German (Once part of Prussia)
>10% Sudetenland German (modern day Czechia)

Mother's Side:
>75% Posen/Brandenburg German
>12.5% English (Manchester)
>12.5% French Canadian

yhea, a black veiny pole


Got my dna results back

60% European
Irish and Spanish
40% Native American
tohono ooodham

French, Irish, Native American, Unknown

fuck off

Mother is German. Father is Italian.

I'm a fascist love baby

50/50 Russian/German

Pedigree drunk.

>49% berber
>49% visigoth
>2% sephardim

Russsian/Ukrainian/Rusyn/Ruthenian/Greek+Tatar, Hungarian(Slovak too?), Polish, Lithuanian, German, English, French(Acadian or Quebecois), and Irish.

Oh you!

I have Hazel eyes (my eye color changes all the time from a Green-Hazel to Green Blue to Gray. It often depends on the color of clothes I wear on that day!) I have Medium-Light Brown Hair.

If you use exclamation points you're a fag

>my eye color changes all the time from a Green-Hazel to Green Blue to Gray
btw I just have blue eyes. no shape-shifter here.

Irish, Scottish, British, German. From greatest to least. Almost no German, and over 60% Irish.

mang you're literally me minus the medi and spudnigger

mother was 100% swedish, my grandparents came to america right before the great depression then my mother was an accidental pregnancy they had late in life. then she had kids late in life. apparently my grandmother saw Hitler speaking at an event once while she was traveling as an au pair.
father was a celt-anglo mix

so I'm 50% swede, 50% celt-anglo

My dad was Salvadoran and my mom was Salvadoran, me 100% BORN IN USA BABY, full blood on both ends, fuck you and you and you

At least I know exactly where my ancestry comes from. I use expressions because I'm content with my life and not afraid of showing happiness while writing. Who's the fag now?

my grandpa on my dad's side is tall blond and has deep blue eyes. and my mom has blond hair and green eyes and she is as tall as a man. my dad is tall to but he has black hair and brown eyes

>tfw 100% Hindu
>tfw "amerimutt" memes still bother you

I should have never come to this goddamn board.

Whatever happened to this guy? I heard he's in jail.

Father is French (Rhineland), Anglo-Irish, mother is Armenian (Armenian highlands). I'm tall, handsome, and multi-talented.

>I use expressions because I'm content with my life and not afraid of showing happiness while writing.
You sound like a woman

Polish. Paternal side from Nowy Sacz, Maternal from Rzeszow. I was born in Burgerland though.

You should be grateful to live amongst whites who built this land, otherwise you'd be in pootown

>I hear they can smell a quarter pounder with cheese from up to 10km away

If my father is actually my father and I am not just his wife's son, then I am French, Irish, British, Native, and possibly German and a little black. No one really knows or cares that much.


Oh believe me I am. I thank the Gods daily that I live in this country. It just pisses me off so god damn much when people make fun of it.

Both parents are from Poland but my ancestry test said Im only 60% eastern european, 20% northwestern, 15% southern from the balkans, and 5% nonspecific euro.

you have to go back, pajeet

Just going by my grandparents...

50% Ukrainian (grandfather survived Holodomor)
25% German
25% French

Are Ukrainians white?

56% german

>my ancestors were from Poland

my great great great great grandma was a mixed pole/german.
I will now claim your heritage as my own and raise a mcdonalds on your front lawn, assuming you have a lawn.

I like to not have people shit on my streets thank you very much.

I respect the Hindu's for their religion.
Truthtype now.
Are you Hindu's aware of the white replacement taking place in the west? Do you talk about it amongst your people?

My ancestors bombed Poland

of course

>my great great great great grandma was a mixed pole/german i will now claim your heritage as my own and raise a mcdonalds on your front lawn, assuming you have a lawn.

>Are Ukrainians white?
brown people: not white
yellow people: not white
black people: not white
white people: white

More white than Russians desu

I said might. Still haven't taken the Jew&me test.

Not a burger but mutt none the less.
I have basque-french, Spanish blood from my father side and Italian,slovene and Lebanese from mother side.
Some people say I look like kinda like this actor exept I have brown eyes.
So yeah non white by Sup Forums standards.

What's it like being the two most hated immigrant groups 50 years ago?
Nah you're alright some of my best friends are Irish/Italian. Ive always considered myself German/Irish/French/Scottish but after some study of the family tree (actual research, no 23 and Me bullshit) we found out the area of Germany my German part of the family came from is Poland now. My original last name was extremely Polish. Am I German or Polish?


Midwest for life. Ethnostate when

Irish Spaniard mostly
a little German and mayan, aztec

>north Italian grandmother
>Sicilian grandfather
>father pale as snow, light brown hair, silver eyes

>American indian grandfather
>white spanish grandmother
>mestizo mother, brown eyes, black hair, brown skin

>brown, almost black hair, hazel, almost green eyes, light olive skin

Dad is half Belorusian, half Austrian. Mom is 100% Italian, her parents were from Taranto.

>German or Polish?
You're Germish

Untermensch. Potato niggers aren’t white and Southern Italians are Sandnigger rape babies

If you're a mutt of the following categories:


Please neck yourself. You're the off spring of serfs and cowards

14% German
Irish grandpa
Grandmother's cousin was Italian
33% Native American
19% McDonald's
52% Jewish
Overall 100% White, pic related (me)


>more white than russians
>urks are mutts: the slav

>1/2 Germ, 1/4 Italian, 1/8 Irish, 1/8 English
>tfw part wop
guys, am I even white?


Great grand parents on my dad’s side are German and Spaniard. Great grandparents on my mom’s side are French and Spanish. They moved to Costa Rica and Mexico but future generations didn’t mix with the Mestizos, resulting in me being white
>TFW American, but not mutt like OP

You're still a mutt between australoids and Caucasians,Suraj.

Your right on the serfs part. Most whites here are the descendants of the poor europeans. We do not deny this.

Ukes are very white and damn sexy

holy shit i didn't know cali was that white

>1/4 English, 1/8 Danish, 3/8 Swedish, 1/8 Norwegian, 1/8 German
Am I white or does the German disqualify me?

Some people say Pajama. I like that

It's wholly inaccurate. For one, El Paso was never a majority White


Mom's side is generally accepted to be British Isles somewhere, with the one known ancestor being born just outside the Sherwood Forest. Maiden name of Hatfield, as of the famed Hatfield and McCoy feud. Apparently there's Cherokee somewhere in there but not enough for me to pull an Elizabeth Warren.
Dad's Italian through and through, there's a blond hair and blue eye streak running through that side off the family though. My great-grandfather had it, my aunt has it, all her kids have it, my brother had it but his hair gradually darkened.

As far back as I know:

Family on dad's side had been in the US a long time in the PA area, so presumably some combination of England and Germany like most burgers.

On my mother's side, grandmother came over from Lithuania, grandfather's parents were English

>You're the off spring of serfs who were pioneers and got sick of warring dutchies warring each other to figure out which autistic duke was the most autistic and could rule over all the autist

It must have been beautiful.

It's not.
Southern Cali is full of beaners.

Bitch I get told I look like Johnny Depp daily and have even gotten it from /fit/ but have been called nonwhite even on Sup Forums, you're white enough buddy.

Yeah serfs then. Like the user before me said nobody denies this. But hmmmm which country at the moment has the vast majority of world power? Oh, the US? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>1/4 English, 1/8 Danish, 3/8 Swedish, 1/8 Norwegian, 1/8 German
>Am I white or does the German disqualify me?

>It must have been beautiful.
which is why the kikes fucked it so hard

The map I posted was from 1940

You want to feel pain? Go look up pier and beach pictures of the time period.

Thank you Pureblooded Polish man.

>these mutts needs to know

dad 50% italian 25% german 25% english mom 50% italian 50% scottish

why is literally everyone here Irish/Italian or English/German? I'm also Irish/Italian with green eyes though
