We should ban Inheritance

Just a reminder that inheritance is a non aryan thing and people should not own things by the merits of others

It is what keeps the jews rich and the goyim weak

>Ibn Rustah
>He wrote of tenth-century city of the Rus':
> … When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, 'I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon.'"

Other urls found in this thread:


>don't support your tribe or offspring. Leave them nothing so they can't live better than you did

inheritance is the core foundation of building a family you hippie

your offspring do not have birthright ownership of my life and labor.

Indeed, it is given by the parents and secured by society.

nice try chaim. My kids will be landlords and.you can do fuck all about it

So when they die it should go to the government?
As if they don't take enough of your wage already?

No, but MY offspring have the birthright ownership of MY life and labor you fucking retard.

IRS allows you to gift the first 4 million of inheritance without taxation; and people STILL bitch. you people secretly want Kings and Queens, you just won't admit it. off with your heads!

end urself you fucking commie

>Fuck the Jews!
>Let's embrace Communism!

You must not be serious.

big distinction between giving your kids your EARNED income and giving them MY income, fuckhead.

Stop being jelly

one of the best things anyone can do for their kids historically is start a successful business so that no matter what they fuck up in life theyll have a job.
going forward theyll be in ever shorter supply too.

this is my biggest beef with the only political party I support (Humanity Party). they tax estate/inheritance ZERO percent. do we want an oligarchy or a republic? we should decide soon.

>You have only what you can provide with this weapon
soo, a small loan of a million dollars?

>You will get nothing from me.
>Here's a sword.
>Also you're a baby so we're going to take care of you for at least 10 years because you're useless as shit right now.

This is how you lose the family farm

So why are you arguing with the people saying they should be leaving their kids their money? Neither of them want your money, you can burn it for all they care dumbass.

Family farm worth over 4 million. I don't think so.

>Inheritance is a non-aryan thing
>Aryans came from strictly hierarchical/monarchist systems for thousands of years

Okay pal, thanks for showing you have no idea what you are talking about.

No. The genes that are successful enough to accumulate resources should be able to use those resources to perpetuate those genes. That is what will improve humanity.

you don't understand what I'm saying. over an entire career, our blood, sweat a tears enrich someone who DIDN'T labor, but simply had ownership. fine, that's the way our system is. good on them for being so lucky. but why should their fucking niece, nephew, whoever partake in the fruits of my labor?

What are you even talking about, you dribbling idiot?

>muh labor theory of value
stop embarrassing yourself

Fuck off commie. They run the business, they put their money on the line. Dont like working for others than start your own business

>but why should their fucking niece, nephew, whoever partake in the fruits of my labor?
Because they own the product of that labour by paying you for it. And because they own it they can give it to whoever they fucking want.

God damn commies

Because you want to, twat. Because you want your family to prosper, and so you empower them with the fruits of your 'muh labor' so they can have a better life.
Good Lord, you're a fucking retard, kys

>but why should their fucking niece, nephew, whoever partake in the fruits of my labor?
No one wants your shit dumbass, burn it if you don't want your own kids to have it, they don't want you fucking up their ability to leave their kids their shit.

bootlickers. this isn't about commie economic theory or destroying small businesses. this is about what's fair.

The difference is vikings destroyed or were buried with their valuable possession.

You, meanwhile, no doubt intend for it to be handed over to worthless niggers.

>Someone trades their labor for your's at a rate you both agreed to
>They want to leave the traded value to their children
>Waaaaaaaah its not fair, I was compensated in a trade I agree to, but I still own that how dare they leave it to their children
Fine, give them back what you traded and they'll leave that to their kids instead.

this is about money that WASN'T EARNED. Jeff Bezo's hypothetical son did not EARN anything. If you can't get that, there's no point in discussion. Go find a ring to kiss.

Let's kill the family then.

Remember children inherit more than just material things. They also inherit genetics, values, principles, perspectives, knowledge, experience, and life lessons.

Kill yourself you Jewish retard.

>"In order to get back at the Jews let's just implement one of the key tenets of Communism, which obviously had nothing to do with Jews"

How much of someone else's wealth are you entitled to? you lazy fucking groid.

Fair? You think its fair that you cant tell someone what to do with their property when they die?

Once again, God damn commies

Most people are working hard to secure a future for themselves AND their children, and their children's children. Although they are thinking about themselves, they're also thinking about giving their family a better future, so they wouldn't need to work as hard as the current generation are. That's the ultimate goal-- to secure a future for yourself and your future lineage. It's no surprise people who are so isolated from their family want to ban any family-based inheritance; goys that fell into Shekelstein's tune wants to ban inheritance because they didn't make connections with their families.

Fuck off commie scum

Yeah, but Jeff Bezo DID earn something. And the fact that that some thing is HIS, means he can leave it to whoever the fuck he wants.

So what happens to the money that was earned? You destroy it and all their possessions? No? You just want to give it to the group with the most guns in the region so they can use it to enforce their agenda and hand out to niggers and leeches who also didn't EARN it?

communist detected

executing directive 7395 destroy all communists

Jeff Bezos has an actual son and he's entitled to leave him whatever the fuck he wants, especially considering he will be a balding midget by the ripe age of 15. I think it's a fair tradeoff.

I'll go kiss a ring while you suck commie dick, deal?

I will cut your fucking throat if you try to steal the last physical traces of my dead mother's love for me you red kike animal bastard.

Wages are you agreeing to sell your labor and time in exchange for money. If you took a shit deal, that's on you.

If starting a business is so easy, you do it, and you be the boss.

What would a Finno-Swedish outlaw leave his son while they are in a foreign land?

"Fair". Its fair that a father and a business man cant leave what he built for his family because he employed you and you did physical labor?

You value yourself to much, you are just another worker, you didnt build the companh and you dont maintain it you just work for them.

Why is every meme flag poster retarded?

> you get what you are able to take from someone else by force
the way it works in russia to this day

What's fair?
I'll give you what's fair .

Fuck off commie filth

>Sup Forums wants to control what people do with their own property
you make me sick.

Stop selling your parents homes faggot

The thing is, In the tenth century a sword was incredibly valuable. Like worth then most people would earn in a lifetime type valuable. So i fail to see where your example was going.....

So what do you do with the wealth? If people don't get things by the merit of others, this would include you and society as a whole. We would start burning any wealth generated the moment someone dies.

>we must make sure the kulaks aren't more successful than lazy gutter rats!
Gas yourself faggot

Oh, I know what this thread is.
It's one of those "I hate these people so much and have in my idea a cartoonish idea of how they think I'll pretend to be them, but tougher! and I'll say dumb shit and hope they agree! I'm le manipulating mastemrind!".

Is that you, Kraut?
Or just somebody as dumb as he is?

Also, any stupidfuck agreeing with this then has to ask "So who controls inheritance? It goes somewhere?".
A state, of course, one this loser is hoping he's in control of and you're not.

Fuck off commie

>Just a reminder that inheritance is a non aryan thing

I'm rather sure if a viking was slain in battle, the son would inherit his arms and armor (assuming they could be recovered).


>Both sons and daughters could inherit from their parents, although inheritance often went to a son over a daughter. Daughters could claim inheritance if no sons were born, and had claim over their uncles and grandparents.

>The children of slave women and concubines could also receive inheritance, although the amount they received from their fathers was likely very little if they had not been legally adopted by their father. Likely, they would receive more in practice than the law granted them (usually just a few paltry tokens) but they fared better if legally adopted. Fortunately, they often were and many illegitimate sons inherited their father’s land and wealth. This even holds true in the royal family, where multiple illegitimate sons have inherited the throne

>It is what keeps the jews rich and the goyim weak
no, that's letting jews use inheritance while the goyim do not
you're a fucking idiot

go fuck yourself NEET

How the fuck is providing for your children, not a white thing?


Inheritance is most definitely Aryan, even in the instance of you mentioned regarding the Rus, the baby at least inherited a sword.

Nothing in this life is fair, and you're entitled to nothing. Accept it and you might not look like such a pussy

>people should not own things by the merits of others
you're basically arguing against civilization here.

Commies from the first red scare were far more successful in their professional lives and they still failed miserably.

How are they getting your income? Get your shit together and stop complaining, you melodramatic pussy.


Yea this is the liberal notion.
They don't understand what it's like to work your ass off hoping to one day leave something behind for your kids who you love. It's MY MONEY. I can do wtf I want with it and I want to give it to my kids.
I want that to be my legacy when I'm gone, that I passed on my work and effort to my children for their benefit.
It's the reason I've been working this whole time you fucks.
Liberals would never understand this because they don't fucking work.

inheritance is the greatest anti-poverty program ever conceived.

Best posts.

>2145 Olympics
>Athletes nearly die competing
>medal ceremony begins
>Gold medal awarded to Olympic organizer's son, who didn't compete

Sup Forums just needs to admit they want a return to monarchy.

Once again communism is shown to be nothing more than ideological jealousy for the inadequate.

My uncle bought a Corvette Grand Sport with his inheritance.

Yes goy, just give it all back to the state goy, hehehehehe

>t. communism

You don't understand that quote. It is about individualism and a fighting spirit.

die in a ditch godless commie

Dumbest post of the day, 'grats

A meme flag is a red flag! Don't take the bait Anons. Ignore bullshit and move along. SAGE if you must comment. The shills actually have fatherless newfags masterbating to their responses of obvious truth. Inheritance is as White as it gets. Fucking Jews, the fight never ends.

double digit IQ marxist detected

thread discarded and saged

Neat. Saved to my bait folder for future use.


The truth is the first world lives of inheritance, that should be desistimulated so they don't get overrun by real brave men, it is for their own good
West is collapsing, I wonder why

Unearned wealth is how plutocrats maintain power

Sounds like boomerfag justification for hedonism.
>No, don't provide for your offspring goy! They need to EARN everything in life! Including those hefty loans they had to take out for that fancy college degree you encouraged them to get! Make sure they pay that back on their own goy, don't give them a CENT! Buy a condo, a boat, and go on a cruise instead!
Sorry kike, I am going to give my children every advantage that I'm capable of giving them and you can't stop me.

It could be a bait because it triggers so many rich boys who have nothing more than parent's money, but its not actually, everyone should earn by his own merits, that is called fairness

you are compensated for that labor, that is why you did it in the first place?

fuck off commie

Fuck off. I worked hard for my cash. If I want to leave it to my son, that's my choice. Come and get it mother fucker

>Inheritance isn't Aryan
>Odal is literally the definition of inheritance and it's importance
Hang yourself

Fuck off, communist scum

>The government seizes your assets when you die and gives them to niggers or Israel as aid
no thanks

Is that supposed to be an analogy? I mean I know you're trying to bait and be pretty obvious about it but to be more successful you have to at least act like you're arguing some semblance of a point. This example never happened nor is it relevant to your point. In fact you've never really made it clear what you want to happen with the passed on inheritance or who should be the recipient. It's unlikely you will reply since this is a bait so ill just tell you to step your game up and go suck a cock.

Nah I'm enjoying getting my masters with no debt and having enough money my entire life even if I fuck up. Thanks doh

It's an analogy for our current system that disproportionately rewards BIRTHRIGHT instead of WORK. It doesn't matter where I think the revenue should go (how about fixing some goddamn pot holes, for starters). Dumb fuck, take your snarky attitude and cat meme and slam your HEAD into a WALL.

What side do you think this argument favors?

they are already ahead of you, mate.

billionaires such as Gates, Buffett, and The Zuck, have already pledged to donate most of their wealth to philanthropy. their children only get a college education, a new econobox car, a winter coat, and their own sense of worth in the world.

The gold medal would still be awarded to the athlete but the son would be the bearer of the medal.

It matters very much when you are taking the money someone earned over their life that you at least tell them where it will go towards. Also to make a point the analogy being understandable is needed. Are you admitting that you have no clue where the money should go just that you don't want it to remain in the hands of the person who earned it? Or is your pot hole suggestion saying that you think the govt should take everything a person owns at their death? Does this include assets if so then wouldn't society grind to a halt every generation and the govt would have to be massively expanded to deal w all of the asset acquisition and distribution? Are they auctioned off? Are they run by govt employees? If you take a mans farm that he tended to his entire life when he dies who runs it after? Anyone can toss out incomplete ideas I think you should develop yours more completely before posting.

The world doesn't work like that anymore. Define Aryan too; noble people, Germanic, Nordic, indo-aryan what do you mean? Who are you referring too?