Why are people not going out to the movies anymore?

Why are people not going out to the movies anymore?

Hollywood is literally on life support...


people don't want to watch nigger laden liberal propaganda. Go figure.

Celebrities that shrilled for Hillary have killed hollywood for me and i refused to watch any new movie and its been about a year and a half since ive been to theater or rented an on demand flix and i cancelled netflix. Hollywood is gonna eat shit for a while.

Because each screening is either 1) superhero garbage 2) liberal remake of an old classic 3) "fuck whitey" 4) every actor is Jewish and a Clinton voter and they make damn sure to tell us

Because they can't make an interesting movie anymore. Hollywood movies are pathetic

Remember to leave a comment voicing your opinion on this matter, it goes far to show others that their gut reaction to Hollyjews is shared by others.

Why bother when you can stream off Netflix on your 60 inch plasma TV?

It's really pathetic that so many gentiles keep sucking down Hollywood media. You realize, when you watch TV/movies, that you are passively accepting culture? It's a great indoctrination tool. Some kike writers pass their kike memes and kike narratives to you, and you just let their memes and narratives imprint on your brain. It's transmitted to you in one direction - you have no influence. When you watch TV/movies, you are plugging a 1-way data pipeline straight from the Jew to your brain. TV and movies is not your culture. It's the Jew's culture. Engage in culture you can shape instead. Disengage from the Jew.

Huge TVs are cheap and all the movies I want are on the internet, I think a better question would be "why does anybody still go out to the movies?"

>Alienate half your audience
>Be surprised you lose half your audience

That, and Hollywood is garbage. It's a money laundering scheme.

Uff, the last ones I've seen made me leave the cinema.

Not to even mention some Thor\Captain America shit, this is beyond repair. Plot is repeating itself for th 25nd time and they still think it'll get someone to watch it willingly.

because movies are trash now thanks to capeshit, trash reboots, political propaganda indie films and excessive chink-pandering. meanwhile tv/streaming has gotten better, high-quality, high-budget content within the last 5 years because corporations like netflix allow creators to do whatever the fuck they want.

watched get out the other day; if that bullshit is actually regarded as some of the best, then yeah, count me out. I really don't see how people actually like that piece of shit film. I think they just praise it for moral grandstanding points. it's fucking dumb.

Even ignoring that movies have become nothing but mostly unoriginal remakes and rehashes, going out to the movies now is an extremely overpriced and generally crappy experience compared to just watching the shit at home.

>Grow up entire life hearing science fiction is for retarded socially-awkward manchildren that no adults or academy will ever take seriously except for technical aspects (makeup, special effects)
>Take it to heart
>Grow up, get educated, read non-fiction, watch crime dramas, historical films, war films, real human stories
>Proud of myself
>Stepford Wives remake with niggers and a Creature from the Black Lagoon fan fic are now serious Oscar contenders

WTF America?

>60 inch plasma
You have to go back.

hollywood is gay as fuck.

Absolutely nothing with the pedo rapists who constantly virtue signal about how wholesome they are and how horrible and out of touch middle 'Murica is.

also torrents and streaming are the ultimate convenience. Studios and "artists" will either adapt or die

>also torrents and streaming
Get sued and lose a $150k settlement once in the USA and let us know how that goes.

And the absolute WORST movies are the ones they sure over.

That writer badly needs to hire a proofreader.

>$20 bucks a head for kike trash

Because back in 2007-08 they didn't give the writers what they were asking for.

It's really become sickeningly propagandist.

I'd rather stay home and be bored than to go with my friends to see some kike shit movie.

I actually don't watch mainstream movies anymore because of all the jewish bullshit in them. It's too obvious now I can't enjoy them anyway

Why would I want to pay $15 to:
-sit in a cramped seat
-have some 400 pound fat ass sit next to me who lip smack during have the movie
-screaming kids
-random bursts of clapping
-someone coughing the entire time
-someone who choose to sit in the middle of the isle you are in with kids who need to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes causing you to have to have to compress your legs into the already cramped space
-some kid on their smart phone the entire time
-people talking to the movie
-a poor position in seating to cause neck strain or having to look over a bunch of people

When I could just wait for the movie to hit netflix or redbox and pay $2 or the monthly fee for a service I already use almost every day? Hollywood has to compete with their future release when its on a streaming service now. The cinema experience wasn't all that great to begin with and now that most people have decent sized screens at home and decent sound systems, its easier to stay home, maybe invite a couple friends over and watch "Trek Wars: Fellowship of the Gun" in your own living room rather than with a grab bag of idiots.
Oh, then you have the issue of most films now being propaganda pieces. That tell the target demographics they are racist, sexist, homophobic, and so on.

I won’t even waste my unlimited bandwidth on the shit coming out of Hollywood’s ass.

for me it's a combination of how shitty and compartmentalized films have become over the last decade and also how the last few times I went to the theater it was full of annoying people who couldn't shut the fuck up during the movie.

A few reasons. First and most obvious, nothing's been made worth patronizing anymore. Western culture has taken a sharp nose dive into the abyss and the tanking film industry is nothing more than a stark real world expression of this. Second, ivory tower LA cunts got too bold and stuck their fucking beaks in people's business too frequently and too fearlessly over politics, what opinions are okay to share and who to vote for, so as a result a lot of celebrities have lost "fans" and support. I'm glad Hollywood is on its last legs, I hope every kike hack employed by that god awful institution goes bankrupt and has to kill himself.

There audience is mostly White Suburbanites who they have alienated completely. White Urbanites don’t really consume and other Whites and Non Whites don’t either.
This too

>-random bursts of clapping

I thought this was just a joke...

I don't go also because Cinemark started this seat reserving bullshit.

So you get to your seat, find it had soda spilled on it, go to sit in another seat and soembody shows up shoving a ticket in your face saying "that's my seat!".

>*Their audience*

I've only experienced it maybe once or twice myself but it definitely happens. especially at the end of big capeshit releases.

>25nd time

first applebees now this, what the fuck is wrong with millenials

I agree with you but I also think most people here know this. How much of Sup Forums on average regularly consumes films and TV shows, especially knowing what we know? Once you catch on to a few basic liberal precepts you begin to see it all over pop culture and the narrative loses its grip on you.

But the message is still clear Nigger

>hollywood dying is bad

Add Netflix and Amazon and the hollywood jew California is done. No better time than to make some truly red pilled movies and change the world for the better.

OH NOOOO...that sucks!

Americans are consuming in record low numbers. His opnion is a decade too late.

>$12 matinee that I have to get reservations for
>All the movie choices are brainwashing or pedocult actors

Yeah, nty.

The only people that go to the movie theatre near me are fat drunk native americans that drive out from the rez with the whole fucking tribe and bring they're screaming children into r rated movies. Why would I deal with that when I have a 72" 4K projector in my house with my own leather recliner without sticky armrests and people in front of me. I might be tempted to go to a theatre if it was 21+, served beer and had nice seats, like the Alamo drafthouse

I have no TV since about 4-5 years, can't exactly remember the month. I haven't been to the cinema since the Dark Knight. The holy Jew has been absolute ass cancer since years and they can all fucking die for all I care.

>record low numbers
it's still too pervasive. most normies suck down movies like so many big macs and diet colas

Get Out was a comedy that wasn't funny, a horror movie that wasn't scary, and a social commentary that didn't say anything.

Easily one of the most overhyped movies of the decade

>Donald trump raped and colluded with a Russian child untill he fell off the border wall and was killed by White males.
>Hillary Clinton has personally taken it upon herself to pay for all the expenses of the familly, and Obama is a hero to me and my recent born child


good. hollywood has always been trash.

But muh black lead

>Add Netflix and Amazon and the hollywood jew California is done.
WRONG! Netflix and Amazon are merely new forms of the Jew, replacing the traditional Hollywood Jew in his own niche. If you consume mass-market media you are consuming Jewish narratives. No ifs or buts.

I can't relate to any characters in movies, most movies are about some stupid SJW topic, or the script is written by some bald flannel wearing bull dyke.

Example Christmas office party
Every characters, role was outrageous
1.White soccer mom pimp
2. A women CEO
3.brother beta fighting for CEO

There scraping societal norms and replacing them with there ideal SJW fantasy

i was around some normies during the super bowl and i'll have to sadly agree. though the tide has changed marginally even with normies.

It was (((US))) cuck kino made by a kike and her black bull

if you didn't figure that out by reading 2 sentences of the plot synposis, but had to watch the entire movie instead, then i'm pretty sorry for you user

>Paying $15 for a ticket, $15 for shitty concessions, sitting in crowded theatres with everybody on their phones, talking and no privacy


>watch that shit for free in private at home eating your favorite homemade dish

thats a tough one

the big thing now is TV. a lot of times even now normies will skip the theater and watch it on a streaming service months down the road, but they do NOT miss new episodes of GoT, Walking Dead, etc.

I don't know, but I haven't seen a movie in a theater since Pan's Labyrinth. I did go see that 2 days ina row though

Last movie I went to see was Gran Torino. You ruined everything for me, Sup Forums.

>mfw friends invite me to go spend $20 getting into a crowded theater full of trashy people to watch capeshit flick #3475

how do they keep doing it? like I get liking to get out and be social, but Christ theaters are such a negative experience for me most of the time. even if I enjoy the movie I always find myself not being able to wait for it to end and to get out of the fucking theater. I haven't been to one since I saw Zootopia with my ex several years ago.

Every new hit movie has some taboo angle, I watched one where a rich guy lost his wife in a car accident accept he diddidnt love her, he falls in love with some other chick, the chick has 13 year old out of control kid. New chick has husband who owns vending company not tolerant of faggits, new boyfriend beats up stable man who raised a kid who wasn't his, fucks his girl, encourages the kid to be a faggit and for that reason I don't let my gf pick movies anymore

>Prime, Netflix, YouTube, kissanime

>this image

WACTH taxi driver it's the only Robert dequeero film I'll watch

The one time this has happened to me was in Lincoln, where one of the politicians was talking about how abolishing slavery wasn't because they actually thought it was morally wrong or that blacks don't deserve it, except the politician was lying so he didn't sound too progressive. Anyway when he was done speaking some 90 year old white guy started clapping loudly and his family was trying to stop him.

Nice insight; too bad most of my fellow burgers will never figure it out.

>-random bursts of clapping

All (((Blumhouse))) movies are garbage that only make profit because of the ultra low kike budget

Tbqh, that’s the only way I want to see movies these days, is at an Alamo Drafthouse or similar dinner&movie theatre. Slightly higher prices keep the niggers out, and Alamo is fucking serious about their “no talking” policy, which also keeps the nigs out. And If the movie is just a comedy or something that doesn’t look like a visual spectacle, Fuckit, I’ll wait until it’s on Netflix or Redbox. Don’t need a big screen to see stupid romantic comedy.

is he dead?

God damnit, you're right.
What to do besides lift and read books...
Sup Forums has no answers.

>Cinemark started this seat reserving bullshit.
please tell me that's only for certain theaters

>saw Zootopia with my ex

>Why aren't the filthy goyim graciously swallowing our garbage oy vey they have too high self esteem lets pump out some more propaganda
>with hollywood of course, hehehehe, ashkenazi IQ.

t. poorfag who has to pirate movies for his 14 inch monitor

It has been absolute cancer for a lot longer than that

because i fucking said so faggotssz


could you imagine fucking a tiger while it was strapped down like that? that would be some kinda of sick fucking rush

PETA boycotts. They are paying the price for what they did to that poor lion.

no one takes a chance on original movies anymore. Most people just wait for the DVD or stream

Naw, man.

>Sup Forums has no answers.
Watch films made before 1990, faggot.

Just came to steal your image user. Fkin thing cracked me up good and proper. Nothing good came out of hollywood in ages. Meanwhile everything can be got for free if you know where to look, so a lot of people are taking their chances with downloads, kodi or w/e, and dumping anything shit after sampling the first scene or two. It's been a hit/miss rate of 30:1 or more by my reckoning given what's come out over the past few years.

You are forgetting hunting, marksmanship, boxing, debates with other men.

>total lack of originality. total.

i have seen all of the movies. even the ones they have not made yet.

I feel sorry for that lion, fucking kikes

>in ages
The Nice Guys
Blade Runner 2049
The VVitch
Just a few off the top of my head from this decade

nothing new under the sun.

it's a MRI machine you retard, the MGM part was shooped in

>paying actual cash and using valuable free time to be force fed kike and nigger loving propaganda made by America hating communists
>in the current year
I seriously hope you guys don't do this. If you need you faggot capeshit movie cummies at least torrent them

plasma tvs are nice, especially since you get a free heater whenever you turn them on

I know EXACTLY how to get people to go to the theaters in droves:

Endless remakes, prequels, sequels, and reboots!

Every single goddamn movie is a super hero movie. Beat the goddamn genre to death; see if I care. I tapped out.

I went to the cinema last weekend to watch Fate Stay Night

I've seen a few, even watched a couple of soft-focus cheesers because at least they were apple pie. Fuck, even Left Behind was kind of enjoyable. Risen was good, fuck did they nail down the Jews in that one, pity the low Roman soldiers had to be Brits with working class regional accents. Funny how that's happening a lot lately...

There's other other shit to do. Pick up a guitar and learn to play. Pick up a pen and write something. Learn to code. Do some woodworking. Go camping/ hiking/ skiing/ fishing/ whatever.

Believing Jews....
Science fiction is the best genre. Maybe even the only genre.

>that pic
holy shit, if only the guys who made that poster had the internet back then...

WTF jerk