Racemixing is wro-

Racemixing is wro-

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Typical American mutant.

pedophilia is wro-
(pls no ban)

Taking a diarrhea in vanilla ice cream is wro-




>4 yo with make up

Obviously wrong.

Top kek

not an argument.

I can't stand her man chin....Or her ugly baby.

>Make-up on a 2 year old
Fucking degenerate pedophiles

How could anyone hate their children to the extant of bringing them into the world coloured? Sexual deviance is to blame.

That's what everyone thinks Americans look like. God fucking damn it. Many of us never mixed. Little mongrel.

"Hey look guys I posted it again"


jesus, what kind of parent puts makeup on a small child like this?

Her eyes will be black by the time shes 15.

In bizarro Sup Forums the exception is the rule...

Still not even close to as cute as a pure white baby

there is literally nothing wrong with race-mixing
It's called hybrid vigor you ignorant racist bitches

Are black women the our last hope for the white race?

Well go get Black'd like the Rothschilds. You wouldn't understand you're not White.

Link to these threads in every bait thread you see. They can't slide shit

Okay name one biological advantage, Tyrone

Hi lefty pol

Pic related

>That's what everyone thinks Americans look like. God fucking damn it. Many of us never mixed. Little mongrel.

At least I'm not a leaf. I'm speaking for /pol.

she looks diseased


T. Subhuman alien.

You're a pedophile

Oh wow a black looks better mixed with a white how amazing

Isn't she half evil boring no spice oppressor though?

I was told that hybrids that we will have in 2018 will be some unholy cyborg cat ayy lmaos or at least nanomachines
how I was wrong

Ok its hard to resist those thighs



No, no it's not.
If you want to fuck animals, move to Canada.




Most normal people who are not ugly braindead rednecks know that mixed people are generally far more attractive.

>Creature from hell, something something, absoutely repugnant, pure horror
how was my attempt at spanish?

>mixed people are generally far more attractive
assuming this isn't bait, in what way?

they are not
they are also sick and stupid and in case of asian white mixes they are supremely gentlemanly

OP is a pedophile.

Don't worry mates.
>It seals the fate of mindkind.

Saruman is making Uruks again, I see.

Every white person that I have ever seen who was a racist has always been a very unattractive individual, their racism stems from personal insecurity.

These men would want to bring back making interracial illegal since they are so insecure about themselves.

The vast majority of racists and conspiracy theorists and anti Jewish conspiracy theorists tend to be people who live online.on forums and places like Sup Forums and stormfront etc. They were abnormal to begin with, but the years culminated online and away from real life have resulted in social disorders for these individuals.

For many the internet is their life, and they look at conspiracy stuff like Alex Jones etc.

>Sup Forums beaner speak is the perfect counter to racemixing shills


racemixing is wrong if you're white. I can't blame mutts, blacks and asians who want to mix with whites, they're interested in better genetics

Race-mixing is healthy, and brings us closer to being a united people.

Why are you using FAT alex the joo shekel licker>?

Better genetics.....................is that why east Asian countries have higher IQ's and lower crimes and larger brain sizes?

Sorry but the east Asian human form is the most intellectually developed human to date, only being 7000 years in the fossil record starting from north eastern China.

You are probably one of these deluded white supremacists who wants to use some pathetic Filipino person to represent Asia. Even though Filipino people and south east Asian people in general are mixed with native Negrito and are not actually east Asian genetically.

Sorry about that.

Do you find children attractive you fucking weirdo??????

My white baby daughter is kawaii desu more than that shitskin

No Jan, no!!!

Fun fact for the users on here who also think they are pure. There is no such thing as being pure, if you were educated about biology you would know this.

Race itself isn't even a taxonomic category. We have all been breeding with each other and even interbreeding with old world hominids like neanderthal and Devonian as well.

Why at some point do you want to define yourself as something and then claim it's pure? This is not logical if you understand biology and evolution, your idea of what you are and being pure is extremely out of touch with reality. You are living in your own social construct, sorry.

Race Mixing is the most human thing you can do

thats italian, but you did just fine. probably made some mistakes, havent practiced it in a while.

The definitions for race vary from region to region in the world, certain groups are seen as being a race and certain other ones aren't. It's subjective, in some areas of the world they don't even see things in race.

Humanity is a big mixed pot of genetics actually that has various variations within populations, yet a lot of overlap also. The notion of being a pure anything is purely fictional and inside the heads of nationalists and not based in science.


Also to the OP, I am what we call a white person. But that child looks better than any white child I have ever seen.
That child will almost certainly grow up to be a very attractive woman and be better looking than 99.99% of white women.

Also the Melanesian people naturally have blonde and reddish hair mutations, different mutations than the ones Europeans have.

Various features can be similar around the world but be from different mutations.

Some racist white nationalist people are so deluded they think they have copyrights or something to a feature. They even try to claim a feature is their's that doesn't even exist in their population. I have seen on forums a white person literally arguing that an anime character has to be white since she has green hair. Some white people are very deluded, especially ones that live on the internet and want to feel good about themselves and have sad lives.

I see a lot more fat people than mutts honestly.

Eughh, kill it

Race mixing is the reason we have aids today

uncanny valley

Mixed race are generally stronger in genetics, because they have different copies of genes which gives them more genetic variation.

The longer a population keeps to itself and keeps interbreeding with similar members the more and more inbreeding and genetic defects occur.

Ethnically diverse people have the best genetics.

>what is regression to the mean
bottom line is I don't want dumb kids

The more “white pretty” they look the more angry and spiteful and jealous they are for not being born full white.

All I see is s future cruel POC sjw, trained to hate by evil people.

factually wrong you mongrel. Guess what happens when a mish mash of genes 450,000 years apart gets leukemia or needs an organ?

Ignore shill threads

EU commie retard thinks Somali + Swiss = smarter and better than 100% Swiss.

You wish faggot.

Someone put it through make-app.

There is no such thing as regression to the mean, this is a deluded conspiracy theory created by white nationalists to try to argue against mixing.

The fact is that genetic diversity occurs in all racial groups and such traits are highly hereditary. If you select 40 highly intelligent white people and breed then together then you are going to create children with this compounded trait, or any other features you select for. This is how dog breeds were created as well.

It's not different with black people, if you breed with an intelligent black person then your children are going to be more intelligent than breeding with a white person who is at the bottom of the white race and is unintelligent.

Sorry if you can't accept this, there is no such thing as regression to a mean in biology and evolution, traits are selected for naturally or artificially and are passed on. Genetic variation exists in all groups of people.

Sorry about that, low IQ racist.

to be fair some diseases are more common in certain racs, be it niggers,whiteys or brownies, even asians.
So if anything, hybrids might have resistances to some of these diseases.

>Mixed race are generally stronger in genetics
more lies



450,000 years?

Please go back to school, you don't even know the basics of our of Africa and the fossil record. Homo sapiens isn't even 450,000 years old you idiot, African black people are not 450,000 years distant from other groups. Sorry that you were home schooled by a redneck racist and you live on the internet reading conspiracy theories with your sad life.

>EU flag
do you also believe snail is a fish?

The thread just got infested with insecure low examples of the white race who are butthurt and are virgins, posting their silly meme pictures. What a sad life they have, I pity them and their sad internet life.

>breeding with borderline retarded subsaharans won't make your kid dumber if the congoid in question is extraordinarily smart
stick to sports, ape

Dis suppose to be beautiful nigga?


oh nononono


at least the hybrid vigor argument implies that nogs aren't the same species LMAO

La luz del extinguido....

black kids with blue eyes look so creepy

Look at those lips holy shit perfect for my dick.

i'd hit it

The source of all these mutts is racemixing.

"A mongrel, mixed-breed dog or mutt is a dog that does not belong to one recognized breed and is not the result of intentional breeding."

out of africa has recently been debunked

claiming someone should go back to school is a very intellectually dishonest way to refute an argument.

>11 posts by this ID

Funny... I never saw one of these bear killing best friends running around the streets with the other mongrels

Sure, mixing is great if you have shit genetics from interbreeding too much, but if you mix pic related with a pug you will not get anything great

I wouldnt mind racemixing with chinks even though they are untrustworthy cunts, or with poos, even though they are lazy and literally smell bad. They aren't great today, but they were in the past and I can see them being great again in the future
But nothing good comes out of intermixing with an abo or a negro

Your lack of education is ridiculous in what you attempt to talk about. You are talking like a 19th century racist and a stormfront user.

Sorry but there is no gene distance of 450,000 years in any extant human population. Homo sapiens is only around 300,000 years ago and homo sapiens only left Africa around 130,000 years ago.

The oldest east Asian type skull is only 7000 years old as well.

Sorry that you are uneducated. It seems impossible to educate you though, you are as hopeless as talking to a flat earthier, just too uneducated and stupid and into too many conspiracy theories.

Yeah this pic is leagues ahead of that shit

>nigger with blue eyes
yep its all worth it now, shit is still ugly, you can put lipstick on a pig...