Wtf is going on?
Cramer calls on SEC, soomething's busted
>short one
>destroy the other the inverse next day
>dozens of financial firms are liquidated
>repeat with each inverse pair
>entire market crashes
So... jews?
Deep state crashing the market with no survivors to protect itself?
Seems to me $XIV and $SVXY have gone bust in some way.
>Trump froze Rothschilds money
>Rothschild needs money
>(((they))) sell their property and other (((assets)))
>stock market crash
Does this have anything to do with the jews losing control of the Fed? Yellen is out and Powell is in.
When is it not Jews?
Well find out after the crash :D
algorithm based trading software auto-did this. Its being done by computers
Wait wait. Is Q actually legit? I've never heard of them making a correct prediction.
It's looking more and more like that as time goes on.
As if the timing isn't completely obvious. Thankfully for them they are surrounded by retards and they have very little to worry about.
I thought it was all just a meme that people actually come here to leak anything. Any time I followed a happening prediction thread, they always didn't pan out.
They are just making it worse on themselves
Well SEC and CFTC Chairmen are set to testify before the Senate banking committee at 10:00AM tomorrow about "regulating crypto currencies." And of course, the Senators can ask them anything they want. Should be an interesting session as they kill off whatever value is left in BTC and try to explain why the VIX derivatives have gone to the "termination point." I might even watch if they have the indices running next to them.
Isn't it interesting that this 4um blocked my initial reply with a spam error.
I'll try again with affirmative and eight
Cramer knows exactly jack shit about anything
Dumbass submitted it to b.
Legit leaks used to happen all the time here. Happening threads have always been mostly bullshit though.
Copy that. Switching channels
xiv is an inverse volatility index constructed from other financial instruments. we're in a correction... it should crash
Do people still listen to this clown?
Rothschild sending Trump a message after the memo ordeal.
Trump was warned not to allow its release, and he did.
Fuck I wish someone saved that document
This seems likely. Don't inverse ETFs have a daily rebalancing? And I'm guessing these funds are probably leveraged as well.
the derivatives aren't getting traded because risk manager modeling is out of bounds. liquidity dried up. the SEC can't force these things to trade and they can't force new supply. could be that the Treasury can provide liquidity and unfreeze it. not sure. Shift.coin by the way.
>listening to the guy who said anybody selling bear stearns stock is crazy
lmao I've ridden XIV since it was at $17, sold most of it around $100-$120 a few months ago. If my last few shares are worth nothing I still did pretty good on it. We'll see tomorrow.
I find it hard to believe someone didn't. If I found out I had a document I thought was a larp, but turned out to be real that I downloaded off the net, I certainly wouldn't advertise it.
Bump for justice
That's why you treat everything you read here like a meme Tom Clancy novel then masturbate furiously and shitpost "Sup Forums was right again!" when something does come true. We just predict because we cycle through ideas so rapidly, we cover everything. Almost like some kind of DARPA idea incubator/accelerator. Hmm really makes me think.
No one listens. Google, IBM, Intel, World Economic Forum, and the leaders of AI, have been meeting quietly in order to discuss implementation of Black Box algorithms which account for White Supremacy...
That is phase one. The actual goal all along has been to help coordinate Soros' antifa people impanted within these corporations. Why, you might ask? Because the "Open Society Foundation" is an utter failure. People are wising up to (((their))) games, and must be punished.
No EMP. No war. America will be attacked viciously from within in its own cyberspace order to send its people back into the stone age. America must be DEVASTATED in order to bring back the NWO regime that has quietly governed and controlled the dark secrets of this planet for so long..
I have pizzagate-tier proof, it's slow to compile into solid evidence though. Let me know if anyone wants some leads to help with this. I work and go to school 24/7 so can't continue the level of research I would like to on this. It may be too late anyway.
p.s. Captcha, image recognition... It's not about helping Uber and Google Maps. Image recognition algorithms (and the formulas derived from it) are applicable to any genre of machine learning... Almost all data sets can be represented in a multi color array. While this may sound like mumbo-jumbo, there is documentation of these groups meeting along with dozens of Universities, in order to impose control over STEM (and by extension whites)
Trump needs to kill his enemies before they kill the economy. Torture them please before they die.
digits but also this is most likely
At first you had my curiosity
Now you have my attention
>Algorithms are aligning with Trump speeches to show solidarity with NWO
Not how any of this works. Every bank transaction of importance is a carefully coordinated and executed sequence. It's either people doing this, or people sabotaging the algorithms. Wall Street doesn't just leave its shit on "Autopilot" when they shut down for the day. Everything is coordinated.
I'm listening
I've been noticing captcha's have been getting harder lately. I hate feeding AI information.
>mrw op niggerizing captchas
>mrw i never click the signs
Well boys... our stupid shit done for self lulz is sort of paying off now...
Pretty much. No one will care about what they did when it's made to look like it/Trump caused a financial meltdown. Hillary's hands are probably all over this too.
>which account for white supremacy
Wut? Stop pretending pro white groups are deep state affiliated you fucking kike. Jews need to fucking die, the elites and their families need to die, the feds who defend them need to die. Everyone in the deep state must burn. Every single person. If Trump doesn't do it then someone else will. Hitler failed because he was too merciful desu, Trump should nuke any nation which dares to defy him and torture and mutilate the families of academics and data analysts who work for deep state.
Things are going to get scary when we advance past the digital age and into the quantum age.
Yeah (((something's))) busted. Lol fucking roethchilds. Now we know what was meant by that sinister post from d.r. the day of the train crash.
Market "downturn" within 24 hours of memo release. Nothing (((afoot))) here.
What are those letters?
I have a bunch of intel and no time to compile it all properly too user
keep at it, keep posting, and we'll all MAGA
Here is the key of what I'm talking about.
>AI Now, conglomerate of Alphabet to "stop white hate" via control of algorithmic (any computer) processes.
>Video of "documented evidence" starts at 2:18 with fat SJW saying "it's difficult to attain proof of this bias."
>From video:
There's been a change in the past year where there's a growing recognition that the systems we had hoped would be a mechanism to combat longstanding issues of prejudice and bias, are actually vulerable to a lot of these (((biases)))
Machine Learning algorithms depend on human input, evidence that reflects human culture and behavior, and as a consequence these things are traps. They instead help exagerate problems of bias.
I agree, they cant risk anything that will galvanize and bring Americans together.
What exactly are they activating? What will the Black Box algorithms trigger? Will they crush us so China will rise as the New Jew Order?
Keep going user, I'm interested still
University of Southern California
University of California, Berkeley
University of Padova
University of Pennsylvania
University of Maryland
University of Michigan
University of Ottawa
University of Oxford
University of Texas
University of Utah
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Arizona State University
Australian National University
Carnegie Mellon University
Columbia University
Cornell University
Harvard Law
McGill University
MIT Media Lab (and the Algorithmic Justice League)
Monash University
Olin College of Engineering
New York University
NYU School of Law
Stanford University
The New School
>U.S. Government entitites
US Federal Trade Commission, SEIU
World Economic Forum
ORCAA, NAACP, ACLU, Human Rights Watch
Ford Foundation, Knight Foundation, Open Society Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Bloomberg, Facebook, Google, HSBC, Intel, IBM Watson, Microsoft Research
>Groups and companies
Albright Stonebridge Group, Data & Society, DeepMind, Dstillery, The Hastings Center, Omidyar Network, Sage Bionetworks, Sunny Bates Associates, Teamsters, Union Square Ventures, Upturn
What if obama propped up the stock market? What if this new guy replacing the old at the federal reserve has something to do with this? Seems bitcoin propped the market up. I think its all intertwined.
Oh I see what you mean, they are trying to make us into sjw cucks.
its a triple leveraged fund that just saw a flash crash. its insolvent
Why doesn't Trump just kill them all desu?
A Black box methodology, in computer science terminology, refers to the concept of compartmentalizing programs in order to allow simultaneous optimization AND security. Basically if you want to run any program without Google Chrome being able to report back your activities, you need Black box programming. Imagine if Google had to approve each "deployment" of such programs... Google A.I. would then tell you, you have to build in 17 gender variables instead of testing true or false (I'm being facetious, but hopefully you get my point anyway.)
Raw algorithmic access and development is the reason Google and others are so huge now, but they know that unless they lock this shit down, they will be replaced with Steve Jobs 2.0's. Instead, they will ensure their domination through direct subversion.
This woman, Meredith Whitaker, is a PRIME MODEL OF THIS DIRECTLY OBSERVABLE PHENOMENA. She is a Google employee, founder of Google (((Open))) Research ("Open" is new NWO buzzword of the decade) and she follows several official Antifa groups on Twitter, spouting Antifa trash all over the place.
Q is legit, but you have shareblue shills actively searching for any thread with his trip code and spamming LARP LARP LARP.
Which is why he spends most of his time on infinity, he even asked for them to protect his password and trip harder there so he wouldn't be hacked again
If Q is legit, why does he claim Hitler worked for the Rothschilds? Sounds like bs.
Legit leakers should have some sort of sign in their image they use in their posts instead of tripcodes. A simple script your average code kiddy could do can be set up to scan for trip codes. Maybe something simple even like a coffee cup in a different spot each time. Might be easy to copy though. Idk. I'm not MOSSAD
Warm up the breadlines
>freezing Rothschilds money
>rothschild needing money
XIV plummeted afterhours
Haven't looked into it since before dinner, I'll take a look rn
>If Q is legit, why does he claim Hitler worked for the Rothschilds? Sounds like bs.
post source or it didn't happen faggot
Went to 2 of those Uni's both cucked beyond belief even in the early 2000's
Oh noooooooooooo the Jewish market makers couldn't buy and sell fast enough, the economy is balancing how it should be, oh noooooooooooo!
Go home Jew Cramer.
>trusting ibtimes/newsweek
its clickbait to make retards here think anyone important actually goes on Sup Forums
nigger you want me to go through like thousands of Q posts? they claim the deep state are ebull natzis
>t.user in possession of said document
Aww man, cyber warfare is so boring, I wanna punch people.
So that's why I never encounter Q's threads. I hardly go to hotwheels since its so much slower than here and I usually just browse when I'm bored.
>he claim Hitler worked for the Rothschilds
that's real fucking specific, you faggot memeflag
keep making shit up shill
It’s a pain in the ass when a car goes through two boxes. Do we click all boxes that have parts of cars, or should we concentrate on majority of the car in few boxes?
Kind of weird how people can suddenly just flip their shit from amazing to OMG we're going to crash!
Like someone came home to seeing their wife getting railed by someone else.
Thanks asshole. I hear helicopters right now and I'm one of those rural dumbasses voted for Trump. Grabbing my safe of gold I've been investing in and heading for the hills. Wish me luck
>When they shut down for the day
Nigger you're retarded. These places have after hours trading, international trading, forex, and now some are into crytpo. These places never stop. They're running these algos constantly and they've probably got high up dudes snorting lines of coke pacing back and forth with their hand on the kill button to override any unplanned fuckery.
>the suppository
Someone posted it and I saw the story, it's true I just don't have it but I think other anons do, we basically ran him out of here, or rather the shills did, when his trip got hacked
You almost had it. The Deep Jew is crashing the markets with no survivors
That's Cooper, not Q
niggers have taken over the stock market. they are raping white women and stealing every watermelon in sight. god help us. it is over.
I don't believe in Q, but holy shit