Saw this shit on a friend's Facebook. Why can't they meme?

Saw this shit on a friend's Facebook. Why can't they meme?

I agree that we should be executing more people named Rosenberg.

mfw libshits have gone so nuts with their Trump Derangement Syndrome that they are now advocating executing communist jews. Works for me.

>sharing secrets with the USSR during the cold war
>somehow comparing this to the reports with zero evidence stating that Russia hacked the election, despite the fact that Obongo said the election couldn't be hacked just weeks before
I want civil war so badly. These people are beyond saving

call him an antisemite and see how he reacts


Ethel was smoking hot:

>Ethel's execution did not go smoothly. After she was given the normal course of three electric shocks, attendants removed the strapping and other equipment only to have doctors determine that Ethel's heart was still beating. Two more electric shocks were applied, and at the conclusion, eyewitnesses (Bob Considine among them) reported that smoke rose from her head

And mueller gave uranium to the Russians.


Accuse them of antisemitism. They’ll flip the fuck out and back the fuck off.

You need to start calling anyone who posts that an anti semite.

You want to know why the left can't meme?

Because for a meme to be EFFECTIVE it has to actually RESONATE within the soul of the person seeing it.

The memes created by Sup Forums are absoltute dogshit in terms of aesthetic and beauty, yet they have an unsettling and creepy truth about them their on-the-surface low quality does nothing to mitigate, and perhaps even augments in their odd memorability.

The left can't meme because in the heart of all those that see their memes, they can sense with every fibre of their being that the message within them is shallow, hollow and dilute, and no ignition occurs ...

Sup Forums makes the best memes because it's a swirling soup of scum in which darwinian selection only allows the most resonating things to float to its surface.

i thought it was a Sup Forums meme for a bit. took me a sec

>we should execute Communist Jews

I never thought I would agree with liberals.

No, we would have suggested they be gassed instead of electrocuted.

>very few people have been executed for treason or espionage
>choose the left wing jews to bring up

they've got no self awareness

They were commie kikes who helped the Soviet Union get the bomb.
Fuck I hate the left. Can we just start executing them already?

poetic and truth.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Simpson?

They were Jews though haha

They truly hate themselves and refuse to accept reality for whatever reasons. So they can't relate to people because their jokes are a reflection of themselves and no one else.


So it only took 60 years to admit they were fucking Commie rats that deserved to die?

Why is it an emergency when Russia tampers in our election but if our own intel colludes with establishment democrats they just chuckle it off.


>Jews share secrets with the Bolsheviks
>they get hung like the traitors they are
Where did our testicles go?

>Why is it an emergency when Russia tampers in our election but if our own intel colludes with establishment democrats they just chuckle it off.
It's because he said Mean Things.

Liberals are basically becoming /ourguys/.
They advocate:
Inviting in millions of anti-semites.
Taking jobs away from nogs.
The destruction of secularism.
And now, they support killing (((communists))).
WTF, I love liberals now.