Asks 500 000$, a previous undergrad and a 4.3 gpa to get a Doctor's degree

>Asks 500 000$, a previous undergrad and a 4.3 gpa to get a Doctor's degree
>Constantly cut down the admission numbers
>Surprised when this shit happens

Why are Americans (and Canadians) so fucking retarded? This isn't even about private or public healthcare none of this shit should cost so much.

Other urls found in this thread:

mfw in Finland even surgeries cost under under 200$

Gotta pay for illegals camping in our emergency rooms somehow.

What currency is this in?

Call them and tell them you don't have insurance. Negotiate for lower prices

Doctors unions are very very powerful

did this person get rolled over by a tank

Since insurance companies are greedy fucks and don't want to pay anything you have to inflate prices to actually get what you were expecting to receive anyway.

Also medicare/aid are fucking shit.
We can't even practice using new guideline standards half the time because fucking medicare won't reimburse for that type of care.

This is what happens when you have a lazy, weak, docile, indolent society. Imagine if 100% of people actually exercised and watched their weight. Insurance, care, prescriptions, etc. would be so cheap it'd be a joke. But no, keep the people fat and gouge their wallets. Disgusting.

American dollar? Isn't it obvious in the description at the bottom?

He fell while rock climbing but according to the OP he only stayed a week at the hospital.

insurance and health care is management heavy, and people in management expect 100K-200K salary, so the goy get to pay for it.

>nearly 100k for therapeutic Imaging

Holy shit, how many resonances do you need to find out brain is coming out of the ears? All that shit looks over-expensive actually. That person probably shouldn't have gone to a luxury hospital.

I've told everyone I know that if I get hurt not to call an ambulance and have a card stating the same prominently placed in my wallet (can't miss it). The card also threatens legal action on anyone who does call an ambulance for me.

Land of the free

>He fell while rock climbing

poor guy

You can't blame it all on insurances. Some doctors on this continent are paid a million a year to chaim 10 patients an hour pushing the same fucking overpriced pharma pills that will leave them worse off after a week than they were before coming in.

The entire system is way overpaid and this shit is because the medical/pharmaceutical academia owns a complete monopoly on training and certification and their representatives are bought by big Pharma to keep shortages, ensure monopolies and so on.

It's fucked but you would rather kill one another over public healthcare vs private healthcare like good fucking goys when the jews are reaping all the profits.

>be paul ryan
>kich brothers pay you $6 gorillion to get rid of corporate restrictions
>GOP campaigns for more corporate freedoms
>pharma companies raise their prices 700%
whee i love it

this is true just compare prices for pet antibiotics and antibiotics from a pharmacy. The pill are exactly the same just two different supply chains. But both industries have lots and lots of people that pull large salaries that don't contribute much to delivering service to the consumer.

Maybe now you understand the scam.

In the 1950s, doctors would drive to your house and charge you a dollar, or usually charge you nothing. And if you were poor, you go just go to the local church, which had doctors, and they didn't turn anybody away, and it was free.

Then Jews stepped in, and pushed Medicare, which caused hospital prices to SOAR because they could charge anything they wanted and the government would pay. Hospitals got bigger and bigger and more and more of a rip off. Same thing with the Obamacare scam.

I HATE kikes. They have no business in a civiliazed world, just like niggers. They can NOT understand an ethical and moral world.

holy fuck is this post real

>did this person get rolled over by a tank
My sister was in a car wreck and her bill was almost half a million. She was one of five passengers in the car and didn't have health
insurance. She only received $10k from the driver's BI policy and a year later still owes the $1/2 million to the hospital.

>He fell while rock climbing
Speech therapy for rock climbing? Did he have on in his mouth?

What happens in those cases? Does the hospital try to sue your sister? Did she gave up on ever paying them a cent even if she earns a good pay later on?
Or is she chained for the rest of her life to an hospital bill?

Broken neck, skull or jaw can really fuck up your speech for different reasons.



every statement like this has 'total charges' which you're conveniently skipping how much insurance paid and how much you actually fucking owe you fucking faggot

>Pathology Services
>Being charged $400 for being shown where the bathroom is in a hospital

hospital literally writes it off. our medical practices account for (and to an extent, honestly count on) non-payments. for certain non-insured people, youll see these ridiculous charges the hospital fully expects to never be paid. if you set your own expenses, you can write off billions.

its legal tax fraud

shes probably 16

Shit that's absurd.

Hospitals are essentially fiscal havens at this point.


I guess the speech therapy was for after he saw the 1 week bill?

>and have a card stating the same prominently placed in my wallet (can't miss it). The card also threatens legal action on anyone who does call an ambulance for me
This sounds like a plebbit post that would get upboated because fuck Drumpf

hospitals pad the bill because insurance culture allows them to attack insurance companies like that.
If we didnt have insurance then this problem would go away.

What a fucking cop'out, your pharmas and hospitals are ripping you off and you blame illegals

how about greed?

jesus fucking christ dude just hop over onto a plane and get over here, they'll reassemble you whole just for the surgery tab alone