How do I debate the feminists in my Women's Study class?
They all believe in the wage gap and that they don't have their rights they need in the US.
Any facts I can bring up to tastefully debate them? Or am I fucked?
How do I debate the feminists in my Women's Study class?
They all believe in the wage gap and that they don't have their rights they need in the US.
Any facts I can bring up to tastefully debate them? Or am I fucked?
You’re fucked either way for choosing to enroll in such a bullshit class. No one in that course, especially the prof, wants to deal with objective reality. Parrot back what you hear; get an A, move on with your life.
The issue is that they do not care for facts. Methinks you are fucked.
Your life is boring and stupid.
>Women's Study class
If you're not a woman why would you sign up for this class?
Your fucked. Even if you bring will reasoned debate backed by facts, no one will listen. Least of all the teacher, who's livelihood depend on teaching women studies.
Why are you wasting your time and money in a womens study class?
women make less and pay a hell of a lot less tax then men. women are net drain financially on the system versus men (which by the way is not a bad thing in and of itself, as women have to spend a ton of time doing the most critically important task of society - bearing the next generation)
basically, men and women are not equal and can never be equal in this sense. they have different duties to society and there is not thing anybody can do about that, unless you want women to stop having babies, but that would ruin our society all together. very bad.
like this.
wage gap:
women get pregnant: out for 3 months
taxes the HR aspect of company operations and benefits coverage
Do you debate with your dog?
No you don't because its pointless.
>Parrot back what you hear; get an A
Worded so far. Guess I'll play safe.
I'd like to hear the answers for this.
It's the only 100 level class available and I'm in 5 other 400 level classes. It's super easy anyway. least it's easy!....?
ok, if the average man nets ~0 and the average woman is far into the negative, how does the government operate at all?
>It's the only 100 level class available and I'm in 5 other 400 level classes. It's super easy anyway
So what happens to your gpa after you fail for being a male? You better hope your teacher is a chill hippie and not a feminazi
you're starting to understand how the US got into 20 trillion dollars of debt
Be quiet and let them prove their case. They can't. You win.
I feel you user. im trying to wipe out the required bonehead classes and struck out with a feminist eng teacher. im currently writing a paper why steven jewnivers is good for the feminist agenda. best bet is if you cant subtly slip in shit in papers to just play along, but if youre good at double talk you can play them at their own damn game. hope this helps a fellow out.
She's like 70 and a little bit of both. We both discuss movies and she had my brother who got an A and was a goody goy.
She says she welcomes some different opinions because there's 3 guys and 30 girls in the class.
She's also not so much for abortion.
It does, thanks buddy
Say that it's not a wage or pay gap, but an earning gap. They earn less on average because they make other aspects priorities.
Ask them what right they don't have and men do.
Ask them if they had to sign up for selective service.
You're wasting your breath. You can't red pill women with your mouth, only with your dick
You're fucked dude. Read some classic feminist theory and argue about how feminism isn't about equality. If you're writing skills are decent youll pass. Thats what i did.