By exposing the false flag plans we forced them to shut it down.
Nice Work Lads
Why isnt anyone talking about the 30 second black out?
Was that a false flag also?
Imma need a quick rundown on this.
>implying that we wanted to stop them
>That Kalil jersey
Sup Forums stopped a false flag.
read through these. Basically we made a bunch of threads saying Mossad was planning a false flag.
The day after, or later that day a shill made this thread bitching at us.
>pol is a false flag
Fuck off JIDF. You know how sick we are of you Israeli scum trying to pretend like you're not behind everything? Seriously we're awake, and we're sick and tired of your bullshit.
>by exposing the
yeah im calling bullshit on this one
>pic of stadium
wew that's some deeply held evidence there
We did it reddit!
so glad the Los Angeles Rams got to play in the Super Bowl this year against another NFC team
>The day after, or later that day a shill made this thread bitching at us. →
ebaums world will pay for this
I just like it when things happen
after Las Vegas I didn't sleep for days, I was totally exalted, on a major high, it was absolutely thrilling, better than drugs AND sex
since then we've had one nuclear false alarm from Hawaii and I am getting fucking itchy, ok
excuse me for enjoying myself
jesus wept
kys you dumb fucking boomer
>pic of stadium not blown to shit
Yes, it is evidence that the stadium did not, in fact, get Mossad'd.
>after Las Vegas I didn't sleep for days, I was totally exalted, on a major high
You're a fucking tard
Sup Forums's power level is increasing every day.
After Vegas that dude didn't sleep for days because the Mossad in Vegas got FUCKED UP by Blackwater and all their information details got compromised (The reason for all the comped memes)
We did it, reddit!
where do I get gold upvotes?
>we did it, reddit!
who are you trying to fool?
I honestly believe something happened that was covered up well enough. Probably pizza related and these chucklefucks were kept on standby.
Or something was stopped before it happened
This article came out today.
>The Department of Homeland Security documents critiquing the response to a simulated anthrax attack on Super Bowl Sunday were marked "For Official Use Only" and "important for national security."
>Recipients of the draft "after-action" reports were told to keep them locked up after business hours and to shred them prior to discarding. They were admonished not to share their contents with anyone who lacked "an operational need-to-know."
What a fucking coincidence
Someone made this post in one of the threads yesterday. Really made me think.
Fucking leaf we wanted a happening
Jesus christ tell me more. I fucking love Sup Forums conspiracies. It's what I come here for.
WASHINGTON -- Twelve Israelis who were unaccounted for in Las Vegas amidst a massacre there on Sunday night have been identified and are safe, an official with the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles said on Tuesday.
"All of the Israelis that we were looking for has been located," the official told The Jerusalem Post, confirming that their diplomats on the ground in Nevada were on their way back to California.
Just wait til the dormant virus in the beer activates
Read through this thread
I believe that since (and including) Vegas there have been around 5 attempts to nuke the United States to stop Trump from draining the swamp.
>By exposing the false flag plans we forced them to shut it down.
Sup CNN faggot. Fuck off back to plebbit, or idk... perhaps research and increase your autism fucking niglet bitch
>not even a get
nu/pol/ why?
Stephen paddock was the 13th man. He was to be sacrificed. They set him up and then carried out the assault, but he had compromised them somehow. Wasn't there a Saudi Prince supposedly in LV at the time? Perhaps they were going to cause a distraction with the shooting at the concert in order to find and assassinate the man Jared Kushner is working for? Is that where this is going?
It's not a get image retard. It's about all the delet responses.
am I doin it rite guz?
Nah. In one of the threads around that time I was reading this is how it played out.
September 23 was the original date, but it got too much buzz and awareness so they pushed it back. Russia fed Trump information about it because somehow they got it, Trump sent in his blackwater team and they shut it down.
I meant the man Jared Kushner is working with, not for.
I heard something about reports of "Asian" looking men being with Paddock though, maybe two or three guys?
Did anyone else get really worried during the half-time show that some shit was about to go down?
That was obviously the cue to kill everyone in the stadium.
>be Habbening patrol
>report possible Habbenings
>cause Habbening to no-habben
>"Wait, how do you know you stopped anything?"
>well, did you see Habbening yesturdee?
>rest muh case
You really believe a happening was averted yesterday?
Not so.
Patriotism died yesterday.
Let that sink in.
you were waiting for the false flag?
THIS is your false flag. not with guns, with dollars and power.
lets get the facts straight
1. Memo is released. Not much in it, but enough to see that this whole "collusion" thing is bullshit
2. There's apparently more to come, Dems are feeling the heat
3. New FED chair, a Goy.
4. Immediate market crash
this is the false flag. ((((They))) know that its not going to work with Russia, now they are going to destroy the market and blame it on him. If we die in blaze of glory- calculated risk. If they succeed and take power back- same drill as 2008. Bailouts and printing money. What do you think Sup Forums?