Gaming is still cucked
Gaming is still cucked
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Even from a mainstream perspective that statement isn't objectionable, the operative word is "random".
how is that hateful?
how are facts hateful?
*rolls eyes*
Moving on
Subnautica's devs are notoriously cucked, though.
Despite the fact that their other game is literally "BIG MACHO SPACE MARINES SHOOT ALEIMS" literally named after Darwinian theory, their sea exploration game doesn't have any guns because the lead dev doesn't like them.
she's right though
Maybe warhorse will hire her...the fuck is subnautica though
also man I would be so happy if we could ruin kotaku, they're the worst type of scum and the attack arm of the SJW's
Hulk Hogan already ruined them.
>Fired for stating an objective fact
Tyranny is real
Well they're obviously still active, so Hogan must have just gotten Gawker.
they quoted it with the spelling and everything LOL
Subnautica is a comfy exploration/survival game on an alien ocean planet
It's fucking ridiculous, how do people not see that there might be a correlation that if there's a shitty place, shitty people might come out of it.
That's some great mine quoting
The sea survival game never would of worked with guns. Its not survival horror, it minecraft style survival.
>gaming dev fired over accurate statement
They are owned by the same person so either way they're short $115 million dollars. I imagine they keep the site up so they can continue paying him because I don't think they had that much money in assets.
>Get told constantly this shit is not going to work
>Don't listen
>Fuck it all up
>Don't even try to fix it, just move to the next one
The mindset of a zombie. Mexicans have this mentality too. Destroy one peaceful city and move to the next.
Fucking hell saying the truth is wrong now. California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and other states have watched the overall state IQs dramatically drop. Texas will soon go from triple IQ to double digits within at least two decades unless this shit is controlled. Overall world IQ trend is spiraling downward because of Africa and Asia, but no, everyone can become someone if they're all imported to first world nations.
Tbh I'm not worried about world IQ. We've started playing with genetics, maybe we'll come up with a treatment for fetuses
I'm more worried about Chinese bugmen getting there first
Oh nobody is being accused of lying, merely of saying "inner asshole" things, nobody can dispute whether they are true or not.
Imagine my shock
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I agree, it also makes sense in universe canon.
That's why flaunting the "guns r bad" line when asked about it is just them politicizing development choices they didn't need to.
Not just gaming. Almost all of the western entertainment and tech industry. They go agenda first, placing it even before profit.
I'm quite sure she will spend some peaceful months in Poland and will try to start her diversity projects again since she'll think it would work now.
Its not about lying its about being mean to 3rd worlders :(((
>the fuck is subnautica though
actually a pretty good game user
Tell me he's wrong with a straight face.
Doesn't matter. Feelings have been hurt.
Survival/Exploration/Unintentional Horror game on an ocean planet. Actually one of the better games of the last 5-10 years.
Another based Pole that's also a badass game dev because Subnautica is a good game.
It's almost like intelligence and talent allow you to see reality for what it is.
She looks fuckin' Asian. I thought the Asians could take a shit on anyone.
>top post has that xkcd comic as the first reply
the guy who made this cartoon is also a cuck
She's right and I want to lick her butthole