One piece devil fruit ideas


OP has the faggot faggot fruit

The delete shitty wan piss generals fruit.

what happens if two people eat half of a devil fruit?

one person gets the power, the other one loses the ability to swim.

The Filler Filler Fruit

Pace pace fruit that lets oda be the opposite of a story-hoarding slow build up cunt

Fruit fruit fruit which lets you create more fruit

How about one that makes your limbs stretchy or something

Asspull Asspull no mi.
It has properties of both rubber and gum

Fly or any other insect. I mean, why does everyone always need to become bigger, shrinking can be an advantage too.

A swim swim fruit?

The veggie veggie no Mi

why does he always say "gomu gomu no", is he autistic? It's not like harry potter where you need to say the spell out loud so what's the point?

The boat fruit. Kinda like the castle fruit but you turn into a boat. Pretty useless, since it can't swim, but hey, why shouldn't useless skills exist as well.

You don't yell "Skin and Bones Slap!" when you hit someone?

>you gain the ability to swim
>you lose the ability to swim
>the two act on eachother in such a way that you can just walk on water

>this poor faggot doesn't scream his attack when hes fighting

don't you know your moves will only be half as strong if you don't yell them user?

Chiner Chiner fruit

Each time the consumer appears in the manga or anime, no matter the schedule or available funding, the entire show or chapter needs to be drawn and/or animated by the cheapest shop in China.

No character, including the person who ate the fruit, knows what the hell the ability does.

Fuck off Oda

War War fruit
You become a natural master in all forms of combat (ranging from being a black belt in karate to having the aim of a robot when using guns) Your are able to invoke aggression and a strong lust for power and money in people in a certain radius

Peace Peace fruit
Better much the exact opposite with you gaining super human social and diplomatic skills. And the ability to invoke calmness and trust in people in a certain radius

how did that happen?

sadly it was taken by naruto anime, now that it has died no one knows where it ended up

Virus-Virus fruit
A Zoan-type devil fruit that allows the user to turn into a virus. User starts out as the common cold, but can develop their personal disease into others either through their own maladies or virus evolution. Otherwise, the virus acts like any other, taking over cells and replicating

Awakening: Black Plague. Your virus becomes an infectious disease, and can transfer from one living creature to the other through touch or bodily fluids.

Special move: turning back into a human while inside the body of another. Pop goes the weasel.

wood wood


wood logia abilities

The never ever happen fruit

A devil fruit that will make one piece not suck

That will be Kaido, and Luffy with Gear 5

what's a chiner?

Haki Haki no Mi, a Logia that lets you turn into Haki and imbue yourself inside things, also the user has access to all Haki applications

dick dick no mi, the user turns into a dickman, he can increase the size and strenght of any body part by concentrating the bloodflow onto it

Wouldn't it be the Chin Chin Fruit, then?

Viruses aren't living beings though.

Listen, if there can be a Mochi logia we can make exceptions.

Then it could be a Logia, that's even worse

whatever you want, I'm no dick expert

Already exists

Oh right, it does. Thanks fan-translated scans for not translating it!

The repeat repeat fruit.

Forces others to repeat their adjectives and proper nouns.
"Guma guma no UFO" - - > "Guma guma guma guma no UFO"
It's the ultimate defense against Luffy, because anyone will have enough time to dodge his attacks.

That one fruit that make people orgasm in the place that you touch it, that was a good doujin yessir