
So, how was the first arc?

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So Boruto's eye
>can see dark chakra
>can see the chakra network
>can create dimensional portals
>can see through dimensions
And he's not even done mastering it.

love it, hope its all canon

unrelated, but I was just rewatching the pain arc out of boredom and I realized how fucking GOOD it was. the hopelessness of konoha, the sinister aura of pain, the destruction, wew. then i remembered I had seen the backstory of one of pain's female paths who died and I kinda felt ill at that point. GOOD.

at least before naruto showed up, though. then it became pretty obvious. I swear to god naruto singlehandedly ruins this series

*seen the backstory of one pain's female paths before she died

Hawawa is cute! CUTE!
Even if the rest of the anime is corrupted by Kishimoto bullshit, it was worth for that alone.
Not that I expect anything anyways.

I need somebody to confirm that Hawawa is canon, and that we will be seeing more of her in the future. This is important.

>I swear to god naruto singlehandedly ruins this series
Isn't this the case for every shounen?

>have an interesting setting
>write characters with interesting backstories who are emotionally invested in the ongoing major plot of the world with their own strengths and weaknesses
>throw it all down the drain to focus on a generic overpowered male between the ages of 13-23 who's only strength is "lol, willpower" or being blatantly overpowered to begin with

Isn't she some regular ninja that got killed off screen from some random mission?

>inb4 hurrrr purpleshit hurrr hinata 2.0

Your pic related could literally be the plot of a Boruto corruption doujin. Hawawa starts out pure and gets corrupted by old man dick into edgy Hawawa right in front of Boruto.

Thankfully the manga is slow as molasses so she has a good chance

It helps that she's became popular

Boruto copied Senjougahara, I think that settles the question of whos the best girl in monogatari.

Will Salad become the Madara of her generation once she finally breaks?

>Hawawa is out of the Academy until further notice
>Don't get to see her use her Nue shenanigans
Pretty good arc, new ed is great too.
Next arc is supposedly Salad Gaijin right?

Boruto won with talk no jutsu, he's dad would be proud

>tedious, angsty bullshit
Reason you didn't like it is because Naruto exists as a giant middle finger to retards like you still stuck in their teens.

No, fuck off
The plot would be Hawawa getting too desperate, goes the yandere way and ends up raping Boruto

How will she break though? I bet it won't be instantaneous but gradual. First her dad takes Bort as student and likes him better than her. Then Kawaki destroys Konoha and ruins her Hokage dream. Then 'kills' her idol Naruto. Then she walks in on Bort and Hawawa fucking each other silly. Then goes full Madara as per Uchiha tradition.

Animal Path did nothing wrong.


Pretty good, for a first arc I'd give it a 7/10.

I don't understand all of the hate Sumire is suddenly getting.

she was a genin who appeared in the second chunin exam for a while (while naruto was away with jiraiya)

true, true

whoa, there. Slow down Mr Edgeman, you'll hurt somebody with that blade

>tfw realize she died after the chunin exams, and they were carrying her body to pain's tower in the POW's vision

Plot would probably dictate that she will become Maddie 2.0 when she learns that Naruto is dead and Kohona destroyed
But the real question here is will Salad become as plot-breakingly broken as the real Madara himself? I cannot wait when finally goes on her righteous edge-out.

Where dem webms of today's episode?

>naruto without naruto is emoshit
>naruto with naruto is another annoying power of friendship story

So what you're saying is that it just sucks all around then>

Hate? Only hatred here is that one assburned sakurafag

Disappointed that in the end Sumire just got Talk No Jutsu'd but then again this is Naruto show.


Also the animation was pretty nice for this episode.

Boruto inherited the talk-no-jutsu

>Bort again showing he can use clones decently
>His eye can see chakra network

64 palms when?

Last thread was an awful deluge of autism. Let's hope this one turns out better.

I dont even see the point of the chakra stop tech other than for capturing people you need alive.
It takes much less effort to just stab them.

As long as she's alive and we get to hear her hawawa some more, I'm good

I like how they're taking the concept of an "all-seeing eye" and running with it.

I want to fuck this little ninja's tight and smooth cunny and then finish by cumming on her back tattoo!

Is there a hawawa compilation?

He's also talented with his clones, so if he combines the two it'd make for a powerful combination. Let's hope that Momo's curse seal triggers the reawakening of his eye and he starts learning more Hyuuga-ish tech.


Good but the start of the arc was a bit slow. I love how they show off Boruto's fighting skills and that he's actually a prodigy, the fucking movie only showed his worst parts.

The ending of the arc was really shit. If only she died, would've been much more impactful and interesting.

I really wanna see more Hyuuga fighting style desu.

Don't wanna wait till Hima learns it.

That's cool and all, but how did he even get it?

Sarada, please

Sumire will never die.

shit, its another shonen with a protagonist that is going to save everyone, even the villains.


But seriously, it was a good arc.

Well, Naruto put his penis inside Hinata and then Bort was born with some ultimate eye shit.

Boruto did kill Momoshiki though

oh well, that's cool

>that fanart

so goooood!

Can't wait for the fuckers to grow up.

Fuck off with that cunt you imbecile

he "killed" him because the plot demanded it so he could get another power up. but nah, that bitch with the wanna be tailed beast should have died in this episode.

Water pistol jutsu, somebody remind me what was the deal with that?

yeah I'm still mad about how they fucked the animation up so badly

apart from the bullshit deus ex machine in eye form and the fact that boruto can also just spew a load of deus ex machina from his mouth this arc was great.
>some of the most amazing fight scenes in the whole naruto franchise. my favorite being boruto vs hanabi, but the fight with the fat ninja celebrity and the fight in the latest episode were amazing as well
>boruto actually being a fun intelligent character who is not sad all the time and not a shitter like his dad, who fails even basic jutsu's and only is strong because nine tails inside him all the while he is talking shit about will power.
>boruto having actual friends who don't hate him and actually fight together with him
>shadow clone discussion
>not to much focus on old characters for nostalgia purposes but instead going all in on making this its own thing with a few easter eggs here and there

Suigetsu had a similar jutsu. It could be based of that?

It's a nice Jutsu.

Funny how no one mentions Mitsuki's using Temari's jutsu without the big fan.

Forgot about it, I remember it appearing in the great ninja war.

Something about stone village signature jutsu?

>not to much focus on old characters for nostalgia purposes but instead going all in on making this its own thing with a few easter eggs here and there
I like this. I like how when they actually use old characters they get development, like developing Shino as his role as a teacher but also as one of Hinata's teammates or developing Sai by showing him wanting to save former Foundation memebers

You can train your body but not your internal organs. They pretty much said it when the byakugan was introduced and it was relevant last episode because beyond whatever Boruto hit Nue wasn't going down with mundane force.

That's the short version, yeah. What really seems to have happened is Boruto was born with a Byakugan but Naruto's Ashura chakra and Hinata's Hamura chakra (if she still has it) mutated it into the thing we see now. That's why it can't be manifested like a regular Byakugan and can cleave through space.

Why the fuck does baruto have a dojutsu dedicated on seeing the chakra of one person?
Now that she's a good guy what the fuck does it do now?

Those are just the wind blade things he had in the game. Which means that'll probably serve as the basis for their jutsu early on.

Was Class Rep the best written antagonist in the entire series?

I just find the requirement of the enemy letting you touch them inconvenient.
If they have a sword or anything you're basically unable to effectively use the technique.

>and it was relevant last episode because beyond whatever Boruto hit Nue wasn't going down with mundane force
Oh yeah, that's right. He tried stabbing it in the head with a kunai and all that did was piss it off.

Was the conclusion of Class Rep's arc the most believable in the series so far?

Will Class Rep remain an important character after her problems got solved?

Preview shows Sumire going back to her 'good' look. Me no likey

For a child terrorist she was pretty good.

Apparently it's not because retards think she deserved to die.

Completely ignoring the general theme of the entire series.

Best Clamkage used it.

Let's hope so

No? But we need to hear more of her hawawas

>xD she was a good villain and she didnt deserve any type of punishment for trying to destroy the village.
the theme being this is a naruto clone where the protagonist is going to save everyone and forgive their sins no matter what

Sakurafag, to be precise


Expand this

no, the best one was zabuza this shit "villain" was obito tier villain.
no, in what fucking world does the villain that tried to kill thousands with a bomb gets off with a little slap on the hand. even if she was a fucking kid and le evil influence from her father made her do this.
hopefully not, she is badly written with a retarded past.

The animation was good though, stop confusing what's being animated with the actual animation itself.

Sarada, please


Easily done. Now only If Anko would do the reverse.

>can create dimensional portals
Pretty sure that was still the Nue

Pain is absolutely the peak of Part 2. It's like a straight downhill slope once he revives everyone

>implying i care about sarada
im sorry but that character was written like shit. just another fucking character pretending to be retarded that wants to get vengeance because of of her dark and mysterious past.

>the best one was zabuza
Zabuza was just some edgy faggot with a big sword who only got any semblance of character development after being mortally wounded. Haku was the interesting one, and he was just a foil to teach Naruto that you can become stronger by having people you want to protect or some shit.

Literally the single most sensible talk no jutsu in the entire franchise.
Sumire was a ten year old, brainwashed child that was forcing herself to do something she really didn't want to do. It was bound to work.

>Pretty sure that was still the Nue
I'm sorry you still have autism.

They're not gonna kill off a literal 9 year old corrupted by fucking Danzo's waysof all people especially in the Naruto as Hokage era

I don't even understand why they want her to die so badly. She's like 8 years old right? What the fuck.

Gaara was passable.

>no, in what fucking world does the villain that tried to kill thousands with a bomb gets off with a little slap on the hand

Actually really every main villain after Zabuza gets redeemed, but these two especially

People laugh at Byakugan in Naruto, now Byakugan laugh at Sharingan in Boruto.

The people who want Sumire to die are either trolls or butthurt shippers.

>in what world

Our world. She was basically the same as a child with a suicide vest.

Those children don't get punished, you know.

>that was forcing herself to do something she really didn't want to do
The best part is the denial she showed in the middle of the TnJ and tried to blow herself up anyway. All I know is I wan more nue kitty moments.

Gaara got knocked the fuck out, not exactly TnJ.

He did get TnJ after getting knocked the fuck out though

I think they forgot what narrative means and just want edge all over the place. Remember there is now a generation of viewers who possibly grew up with nothing but the Sasuke edge/War arc

I don't know what you expected. I predicted this last week and was 100% right. Heck I should become a writer at SP