any black Sup Forumsacks here? What are you genuinely upset about concerning racism? Do you think some things people complain about are petty? What are real racial issues you want to see tackled? I made a meme page and am worried about offensive meme backlash. Do you find any memes offensive?
Any black Sup Forumsacks here? What are you genuinely upset about concerning racism...
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Honestly we don't really even think about shit like that too often.
Yeah, I agree. Not phobic about anything deemed "offensive" it's all just white noise in the background of actual discussions of merit.
(Pun intended)
I just come here to shitpost and have fun. Who cares what a bunch of losers have to say?
ur suppose to support government thought policing because its mean and racist and as a nigger you're suppose to support these type of policies, nigger
Feminists, queer activists, and trannies perpetuate the victimhood mentality.
>any black Sup Forumsacks here?
Yes, I come here mostly because I'm a woman into race play and degradation. I actually love the unfiltered real vicious racism you get here.
Ooo wowza!! How about we just agree PC is bigotry
I'm a darky looking for white women
Who cares what niggers think, their mental faculties aren't sophisticated enough to understand your question
Yo I'm black my niggas. Who got the grape drank and wata-melon?
I'm a black woman and I only want racist white men.
If you look like Cody Bryant, I could help you out.
>Be me
>Be black
>Dress like an actual adult
>Live in the south
>Mainly interact with white people
>Never experience racism (from whites)
>Every encounter with the police is civil and peaceful (Only had two traffic tickets, but most of the police officers are pretty chill)
>Trump voter
>Hate ghetto blacks, for obvious reasons
Honestly though I don't even care about the racist memes here. I laugh at most of them, because most don't even pertain to me. As for race issues, I just believe that black people should just present themselves in professional manners, and things will be alright.
I get it, there's a certain thrill. I wish ya luck.
I've only been with white girls but I'd love an outwardly racist black chick.
Good taste, she can ride a dick like crazy
Post proofs for muh dik
Translation into pidgin: WUZ U KANGZ?
Sick so I can post my memes?
Black women are fucking disgusting, and anyone who has the urge to race mix, isn't white. I'm sick of all you beta faggots.
*tips fedora*
Black anons join my discord for black people.
It's tough, I don't want a larping liberal fag pretending to be one, but real racists also don't want to miscegenate for obviously valid reasons. I guess I'd ideally be I want to be some kind of dirty secret sidechick.
You slavs are more nigger than I am.
Would you edit out your nigger genes and become white if it were technologically possible?
Easily yes.
you scare me
You guys are all truly pathetic. This kind of silly bonding over petty issues, you truly understand nothing at all. This board has never been so trash.
No, plus they're dominant unlike recessive white genes
I'm just here for the white women. I'm trying to rape over 9000
If you woke up to pic related sucking you off, would you bust first or stop?
Are we talking smarmy passive aggressive racists or full blown race war racists?
Why does everything have to digress to sex you fucking virgins
>How about we just agree PC is bigotry
do you unironically buy the DR3ing the republican party does for white boomers? because im a national socialist and i can tell you its a load of shit the Dems literally give your people a life line in the form of government entitlements most blacks wouldnt survive without it because of their low IQ. The Democrats are /yourparty/
I like feet, faggot
>white power won't lead to gassing the kikes
Niggers don't think anything beyond muh dick and muh money, and are all scrambling in different ways to complete those basic ends, with the majority of them choosing thievery, low cunning con artistry, and outright violence as their preferred strategies.
They're all raised by women you know. Think of that. An entire race of.. people, I suppose, raised in a massive matriarchical subculture. Nigger men are basically like women except with the muscles required to do what women have traditionally used manipulation of men to achieve. They're like woman on stereoids. Hyper-emotional, irrationalist, scapegoating, bitter, conniving, foolish creatures, who run off at the first sign of adversity to go pursue some half-baked, short time horizon long con to keep him above ground in Newports and jewelry long enough to either end up in prison, where an inordinate amount of them are frankly comfortable anyway, or dead. So the only ones around to take care of these baboon children are the most scarily idiotic group of people on the face of the earth: Single black mothers. They're not just being raised by women, but by the worst women in the world. It's all just such an embarrassing shitshow. If they had any honor they'd all commit some African version of an honorable suicide out of sheer humiliation. But they don't have an honor system, never did, and don't understand what it means. And you want to know what they think?
Bix nood. That's what they think.
Colonization is inherent in the nature of the huwhite man
Hahaha no blacks are the jews attack dogs always have been always will be
blacks can only be in the back of the thread
Let's make it happen Violetta
>says the shitskin living in a white country, who follows whites around wherever they go
OP here, I need female black friends (I’m a girl I just really am attracted to black women? Idk it’s weird). Hmu my instagram and tell me if it’s offensive
Can I join? I’m not black but I want non sjw black friends
Acting like whites are/still are jewish puppets
I'm not a virgin, it's just been a very very long time
Fuck you nigger
holy fuck lad take it easy
top kek
This is why come here, to confirm I know more.
Basically massaging my intellect.
But yeah so "my ppl" are granted privileges from the liberal left? Leaks forward for humankind how do we fix this?
How would you feel about roleplaying as a house nigger, massa and all?
Sex feels good as hell and makes the world go round
Well I wish you well in your efforts
>if black Sup Forums happens
liberals are fucking done
Not nearly as much as your people tyrone
bruh I just came here to shill my meme pag, no need to start a race war
Wouldn't racism be done?
Seeing if blacks espouse conservative ideology and values in society they actually identify as Republican. Leaving those with the seemingly mutual values to either accept or reject.
>This is why come here, to confirm I know more.
you really dont if you unironically buy into the DR3
>Leaks forward for humankind how do we fix this?
We're all too far gone at this point there is no "fixing it" best case scenario is the human race survives the descent into a new dark age and we try again in a 1000 years
I hate my race alot they disgust me its very surreal realising most of my people are sociopaths that would kill me for no reason at all. Really eye opening as I thought blacks were just jerks but shit man I cant even look at my people the same anymore because Im always on guard you know around niggas dont relax.
MCniggerator is that you? Are you finally back?
Pls make a /k/thread.
No it stops me from being a virtue seeking cuck like your race. The only problem with us blacks is our prehistoric intelligence.
Your best bet is finding a race realist who knows how averages and IQ work, chances are they'll still genuinely think you're inferior not because of your race, but because (quite apparent by your thought process) that you're a woman.
I actually know of a web developer who started a chan, but the shit died.
>that image
Now that's what I call a lot of salt
I just knew commie flag = nigger
It's fucking hilarious they think they're so bad for taking white women but God forbid their best blacks are gobbled up
Imagine how a nigger would react seeing the bottom story about Rihanna on pic related
I don’t even think it’s intelligence as much as it’s the only race that has mechanisms built into its own culture to stop it from succeeding. Get good grades? “Trying to be white.” Traditional values? “Trying to be white.” Working hard and trying to better yourself and your family? “Trying to be white.” Even successful blacks like athletes and artists fall victim to this shit and go broke trying to maintain some kind of black status that’s only there to reinforce being a piece of shit. There’s no legislation that can fix that.
I'm 1% abo
> What are you genuinely upset about concerning racism?
liberals assuming I agree with them because i'm a poor oppressed victimized black man
>What are real racial issues you want to see tackled?
remove all 1st and second generation mexicans and all muslims and africans
>Do you find any memes offensive?
nigga my family offend me harder than these memes ever could
Fuck dude I don’t even know what to say to that, I’m sorry you feel that way
Not him, I came to shill my meme page because I want more black and asian female friends but have similar opinions as me so I thought I’d shill here
thats just self hate, but you're right to never relax
not concerned realy about racism
yes most things are petty
nothing much but some memes about "muh ethnostate" or attacking alt right
meme away and have fun
If your family immigrated to the west after the cold War ended gtfo
I'm annoyed by Conservatives who are unable to understand how certain things are genuninly racist.
Blacks should utterly destroy israel and egypt for their crimes against God and self.
I just want Islam outlawed and a white-ish europe.. :'(
>democrats want to remove the opportunity to learn from history where democrats were solid south racists
I'm bkack. I don't care. I wish you useless white faggots had raped more black women during slavery so blacks wouldn't be so dumb today. You fucking idiot.
haha she's a black woman you idiot, come here sheboon I'll take good care of you I need a strong black woman in my life
M-must r-resist urge to colonize
>Learn from history
When will this meme end. People don't learn history from fucking statues.
so was lex luther black or not? was he the first 56% villain?
I like to disappoint fathers and then go 14/88 on em saying we can't go with this relationship. #MoveOnToTheNext
>liberals assuming I agree with them because i'm a poor oppressed victimized black man
I’m part Native, they do this too us too. “Speak for” us and such.
What memes do you like user?
I thought he was a Jew
Coming back a thousand tymes until you are gone.
>Natures way.
nigger here
I was thinking about this the other day about how it would be better if black americans and all the black brits who regurgitate dogshit black american culture would stop calling each other nigga and if people stopped using the word nigga/nigger in general
but then I figure it's like anything else, if you coddle yourself from it it just gives it more power, and if you expose yourself to it constantly it loses it's power, so I think since there'll always be someone who uses those words no matter what people should just say nigger as much as they want and eventually it'll lose all it's offensive power
>racism will finally end when white people are a minority!
Do non-whites actually think this? Like, if racism is bad now, why would it improve with a non-white majority? Not only that, but all the non-white growth is Hispanic, who are racist against blacks.
Who comes on the internet and posts ranting BS about black people?
Sorry but that prerequisite for this is that you are a loser with no life.
Many of the losers on here and places like stormfront and other forums in fact live on the internet mainly, such secluded behaviour culminates in increased social disorders.
In short, you are a loser and you deluded beliefs hold no value and only show how stupid you are. You waste your life on the internet, it's where you belong though as no one else will give your stupidity the time of day.
Religion isn't your identity friend, get rid of the gospel memes.
>Know YOUR God.
No asian girl would be caught dead hanging around with a nigger
>certain things are genuninly racist.
Like Abe Lincoln?