She won't leave without getting a piece of some saiyanlets first.
Dragon Ball Super
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so is this shit I'm hearing about Kale going down to Jiren a legit spoiler?
Is the manga out yet ?
SSB Gogeta with 20x kaioken along with mystic potential unlocked Gohan will do a father-son Kamehameha on Jiren to knock him out the ring.
This wins the tournament and Zeno/s are so impressed that they decide not to hakai any universe so they can watch a tournament in the future.
Screencap this post.
Here you go, this is the final match, you can sip all the ToP:
Goku and Frieza vs Jiren the Gray.
Reminder that Vegeta will job against Magetta and Botamo
Sure feels good to be a Caulichad
Reminder that Tenshitcuck is ugly and homosexual
i realize something that Freeza never meet Buu one
What if when the Tournament of Power ends, they do the End of Z storyline and then suddenly Dragon Ball Super starts telling the events of DB GT but with Toriyama/Toyotaro writing that makes it actually decent?
So, is it confirmed that Virginia is getting the short end of the stick this arc again?
Would the fusion dance be allowed in the tournament if they could pull it off uninterrupted?
It is technically a technique
>Toyotaro writing that makes it actually decent?
That would be great if this existed.
I want Caulifla to tingle my prostate.
Daily reminder Trunks failed and his entire world and reality was destroyed and it's all his fault.
>Cauli: woah SSB cool teach me to do it too!
>Goku: well... okay! this is how you do it
>awesome now I too am a SSB!
>yeah! good job!
>now fuck off I don't need you anymore
>I taught myself SSB you're a pathetic wimp
Reminder that these U6 women are cancer.
>proceeds to job hard by a weaker but tricky opponent due the sheer lack of battle experience.
As long as Goku doesn't become a child then ok. Also it would be nice if someone else (Goten maybe) replaced Pan
GT could be interesting if Goten took Goku's place for the entire arc.
you know since he's eternally a midget kid and all
Yep. After spending two episodes punching Blue arms he autistically charges Magetta and Botamo but falls for the latter a gimmick despite seeing first hand Goku fight him two arcs ago
>retarded jobber butterfly forgets she can fly
>Krillin jobs because he's too busy worrying about his waifu
>Ms.Tingles likely to pull SSB out of her ass
>dyke gets one shorted by Jiren one episode into her autistic rampage
>tumblrina destined to job against Vegeta
Bringing female fighters was a mistake.
I'm rewatching Dragon Ball Super cause I hate myself.
The Goku Black arc was setup to be the best arc in this series. It could have easily been one of the best arcs of the entire Dragon Ball franchise if it was handled properly.
In fact, most of the arc is well done. We have an actual frightening enemy with scary abilities and an actual canon immortal enemy that you can't damage. It's a scary combination and they seem so overwhelmingly strong that there is no way to win.
The entire arc has callbacks to old days with things like Mafuba being mentioned and just great classic references to one of the most beloved characters in the franchise - Future Trunks.
Overall, this could have been a shining example of why you should watch Dragon Ball Super. Why it is a good series worth holding the Dragon Ball name.
But they fucked it up.
In a mere two episodes they fucked up every last shred of credibility this series could have had.
Asspull after asspull used to meet an end that doesn't even matter.
Spirit Bomb fuck you sword out of no where. We win! Oh wait, your universe is literally destroyed.
All those people you helped don't matter. They are dead.
Literally nothing matters. The entire arc was such a waste of existence and our time as viewers.
And Trunks is just forced to go live in another timeline and pretend that he didn't just get his entire reality destroyed by being a fucking terrible human being.
It's by far the worst piece of garbage that has ever had the Dragon Ball name.
The Goku Black arc is the worst arc in the entire Dragon Ball franchise.
nice blogpost bro
I might drop the anime if Caulifla goes blue, they're goign too far into SJW territory and trying to cash in on the Star Wars "Female badass" thing. Toriyam has officially lost the plot with their blatant waifu and furry pandering.
I think the manga keeps that shit in check, Goku Hakai besides. Can't she please just get Spopoviched and we never see her again?
She's gonna play a part in the next arc.
They would never replace Goku though, or else nips wouldn't want to watch it
Your post is cancer on the eyes. Kill yourself, then fix your line break spacing problem, then just die.
Reminder that Goku won't be able to beat Jiren alone and it will end with a father son kamehameha to knock him off the ring.
>he actually like Tenshinhan
Reminder that Jiren is a red herring.
Tenshinhan is the best, fgt.
Reminder that Kale is best girl.
Probably finishing up DB tonight and starting Z in the morning. Both series completely blind.
Watching through Dragon Ball was awesome. I loved the lighthearted tone, but I also appreciated the way it slowly started to transition into what I would consider the tone of Z around the King Piccolo saga.
Krillen doesnt job, he goes to the penalty box.
Frieza saga is the last saga that is even worth watching
>EoZ is a vision Goku has moments before his universe getting erased
Keep telling yourself that.
You must be a Jobeta lover.
Why are they so cute?
you reminded me, that this exists
>Under glorious 7 feet tall
Why does turles look like a vampire?
Looks like Frieza is going to job to Jiren
I want the Pilaf gang to start training with Trunks and Goten, and for them to be the next big thing.
He has clammy hands
except that's wrong, because kaioshins weren't even a match for buu, who was already beaten by a spirit bomb
ZAMAS wasn't even a real kaioshin, so he was completely unthreatening, and this was confirmed by goku backhanding him into a building during the real fight, against a clone, the most boring gimmick fight ever
maybe not the absolute worst section in super, (that's probably the purple goo episodes) but really bad
>except that's wrong, because kaioshins weren't even a match for buu, who was already beaten by a spirit bomb
>ZAMAS wasn't even a real kaioshin, so he was completely unthreatening, and this was confirmed by goku backhanding him into a building during the real fight, against a clone, the most boring gimmick fight ever
the fuck are you talking about?
they clearly established that Zamasu was different and that he actually had fighting ability
it was also clearly established that U7 Kaioshins specifically were weak and non-fighters. This isn't the case in other universes.
Zamasu is abnormally strong for his type.
It is a disgrace. Absolute shit.
No excuse for that.
I agree but saying it's the worst arc is an exaggeration if you yourself admit 90% of it was set up to be one of the best.
90% of great and 10% of shite doesn't = worst ever. It was still overall solid, albeit a little clumsy with an ending that simply fell off a sheer cliff-face.
>Grand Priest pulls a Crystal Ball and shows Goku, shrouded in despair
>"See, Goku-san? This is what could've been if you won."
Why do I have this irresistible urge to cum on her face?
Holy shit! Is that a BEN DROWNED reference?
I agree. But seriously, fuck Toei for those last 2 episodes. They're the reason I won't pick up this shit anime ever again.
But they're too weak user
She has a very slutty personality.
Reminder Cooler is better than Freeza in every form.
Reminder that Z's art and animation overall was better than even Super's best
still stronger than the average human
Mai must be at least on Videl's fighting level
Why is this thread so dead? Are the CauliNEET's and Gohancuck's still asleep?
Some of them are still at school.
The YouTubers are on an uploading spree, maybe that's where you should go.
Summer school, user. Their IQ is not high enough.
>I'll learn Super Saiyan Blue in FIVE minutes!
>Salagir's shitty series now has better writing than the official anime
I don't think whether to laugh or be sad yet another piece of media I watch has gone to absolute shit.
How will she be stopped? Is there no limit to her powers? If she trained at all she'd be the most powerful mortal in all the universes. Must be that juice she drinks.
>Salagir's shitty series now has better writing than the official anime
That didn't happen
the power of pathetic cauliflafag waifushits fuels her, their virginity and sheer stench of their fat, obese bodies is her power
Why do people think she's going SSB? It literally says in the spoilers that she's going to ask Goku how to go SSB which in turn triggers Kale. Is it just shitposting or something?
Wait I missed the past 2 threads, where did the spoilers come from and what are they?
Because there's a high likelihood she will achieve SSB at some point
>Caulifla asks goku to show her SSB
>he shows her for some reason and she goes SSB after A LOT OF TINGLING
>overpowers Goku while Kale takes on Jiren
Hello Salagir
Nice fake spoilers
If this fucking slut gets ssb im done with this shit show
Oh boy Vegeta is gonna joooooooooooob
>Jobeta is gonna get BTFO by Kale
>Jiren will have to save him
>introduce a female character for the purpose of pandering and toy sales
>give her ssj like it's no big deal
>give her ssj2 the next episode like it's no big deal
>5 episodes later, hinting at her getting SSB like it's no big deal
Ah yes, nothing wrong with a female character skipping everything that the main cast had to do, simply because subhuman waifu losers need something to masturbate to on a constant basis, and subhuman feminists need a mary sue to be inspired by.
Those spoilers are old false ones.
At least post the real spoilers. God these threads are fucking garbage.
>typing "Kuririn"
Leakers need to lose their virginity
That's his name.