What the FUCK am I watching?
What the FUCK am I watching?
A good ass anime.
One of the best anime ever made.
By the looks of it, Angel Beats.
I love You!
So I've realized
I'm amazed at how highly rated this is
not-Haruhi and the SOS brigade smash 24 episodes into 12
A decent anime.
It's alright and overall enjoyable, but people act like it's some kind of life changing masterpiece. Fucking plebs. They're all fucking plebs.
Well Yuri is basically Haruhi if she was dead, and Tenshi is Nagato, except she couldn't be arsed casting homing mode on Yui's baseball bat. So poor Yui gets obliterated without getting a home run or beating the Kamigahara pirates.
purgatory in a funnily enough pseudo-Christian sense, where the elapse of time is not linear within the dimension souls reside waiting for heaven / reincarnation.
It had a good OP. That's about it.
>animation quality is phenomenal
>everything else is garbage
Hijinks and then feels.
>in a funnily enough pseudo-Christian sense
You mean in a completely Buddhist sense?
Needs more feels
I assume the reason Angel Beats became such a phenomenon is because it hit all the right notes at just the right time. It's definitely possible for a work of fiction to become more popular than it "deserves"
Don't get me wrong, Angel Beats has strong moments and it's not bad at all but the major flaws really bog it down. It wasn't given enough episodes for example so many characters were left unexplored. That one moment in ep 10 or 11 where more than half the characters move on to the next life from one moment to the other was ridiculous
This. Also, the ending was kind of an asspull and while it had both the slapstick fun and the feels, the feels felt forced as fuck. It was ok/10 at best.
Yeah, the show was written to maximize feels at the cost of characters and story.
But it got me right in the fucking feels.
because of this I only got the feels when Yui moved on. That moment was too much for me.
But for example when our main character dies just as help for the train accident was underway, I could only roll my eyes because of how convenient it was. It couldn't deliver the tragedy it was supposed to convey at all.
The love confession at the end couldn't capture me either, it didn't feel natural enough
Forced drama: the anime
Like seriously why did Otonashi wait for all his friend gone then told Kanade to live with him? That "love" came from nowhere and when she refused that fucker suddenly cried like a bitch while he just said that he wanted to go before Hinata a few minutes ago
Angel Beats?
read a bad review of it
never touched it
It's far worse than I could have ever imagined
Gets good in the last chapters. Kanade is love
Wasted potential: the anime
Rushed shit for some reason even when that shit sold like hotcakes, never bothered making a second season for some reason too.
this shit fucked me up at a few key moments. Other than that it wasn't special. It just wounded me deeply
Basically this
It had its moments (Yui) but ultimately was pretty forgettable. It's no Clannad.
Literally this
Each caracter's story could have been an anime of its own
Melodrama and wasted potential. Could have been decent if it were two cours, but as it is, it's just a fucking mess.
There's always the VN, if they'll ever finish the rest of it.
thanks user
I get the feeling it was mad popular because it was SOOOO DEEEEEP
But in reality it was just too over the top to be enjoyable or relatable
Good but overrated.
This, it had its moments. Like you can't possibly forget the rocket powered chair scenes.
Tenshi-chan maji tenshi
An anime that could have become a classic but instead was rushed trash.
One of the biggest wasted potentials in anime history.
But it's still a nice show.
Hinata and Yui should've gotten together
>no, it's the children who are wrong
The Code Geass of high school dramas
I wonder if Charlotte would have been as popular as Angel Beats it had come out around 7 years ago